4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1396: communicate with

“The place you perceive is where it cares.”

"All along, we have inferred its thoughts through this, what it does..."

“But it never communicates with us and has not found any way to communicate with it.”

“Do you have a way? If it really controls the movement of the world, can you ask why it is doing this?”


The scholar and the commander are in a room where the screens are everywhere. There are no other demons. The demons who carried the statues before said that they must retreat.

Now, scholars are touching the statue and feeling the place where the ‘will’ is concerned.

There are many places that the will pays attention to, such as the vast plains outside, and many hot biological ecology.

Just a short time ago, scholars discovered that the will shifted part of the attention to the void, and moved to... just above the demonic world ahead.

Through the atmosphere, the will directly pays attention to the surface and pays attention to the demons who are flustered in the city.

There is a city, a city that former scholars and commanders have visited... When they went, there was no problem in the city, but now it is swaying.

The building swayed constantly, as if in an earthquake, all the people fled in horror, trying to catch the means of transport that would take them out of here.

The proximity is still going on, and the impact seems to have slowly emerged.

Therefore, scholars are trying hard. When it comes into contact with the statue, it also inputs the dream energy stored in it into the statue.

Perhaps there is only one way to connect with the statue, using dream energy to solve the problem of communication barriers.

But... there seems to be no response.

Even if scholars want to connect this will through dream energy, it does not respond to scholars.

"How is it?" The commander anxiously asked, "Can you contact it? It is already coming..."

The violent shaking of ‘Booming’ interrupted the commander’s words. The shaking seemed to come from the earth, but...the actual situation is very clear.

The hands of scholars and commanders are placed on the statues, and they are 'looking' from the will, and the two worlds... have already collided.

Although it is only the atmosphere.

The air around the world collided, causing a violent sway. Everything that was hot in the world was shaking, and the huge lava creatures hid in their nests, but they did not suffer any harm.

As for the other world, it is completely different.

Residents in the world of demons, from their perspective, the sky has turned into a sea of ​​fire, I do not know what is the cause of the burning effect, a huge fire wall ignited in the air, the temperature of the atmosphere began to rise, the ground The earthquake seems to have stopped, but more residents have fallen.


Countless flashing bullets emerged from every city, like a fireworks, rushing into the sky, and soon the scholars felt it.

A dazzling array of brilliance rises on the earth, and tens of thousands of meters of dust transpires with the explosion, and the waves formed by the air flow roar and destroy everything along the way.

The power of these missiles is very powerful, but it does not affect the bases where the scholars are located, perhaps because their position is on the side.

"They have blown up..."

Through the will, the commander and the scholar can clearly know the situation outside. When the wave of destruction spreads on the surface of the hot earth, the world is different from what was done in the past.

It... did not retreat, but was still slowly approaching.

"This is why..." The commander was completely in a state of horror, and his mouth muttered an unbelievable saying: "What the **** is it... thinking?"

"It...has not responded all the time!" The scholar is still trying to communicate. It sends the signal along with the dream energy, but the will does not have a slight echo on it, but it is still moving on.

"We are finished..." The commander said: "Don't try it, but at the last minute, I am still very good to you... Thank you, you are willing to stay in this world to help us and prevent our destruction... ”

"Our civilization may disappear, but there will be friends like you before it disappears... it feels good."

"wait for me……"

What the scholar is trying to say, but its words stopped because it saw a white ... fluffy ball in a surveillance picture.

"You should leave here first." The pompom is also looking at the surveillance screen. It says: "I will communicate with it."

"...I know!" The scholar immediately said: "Then we will leave first... let's fly away from here!"

"No..." The commander said: "I don't want to go anywhere. I want to be with the world and watch the moment when they collide and destroy."

The scholar pulled the commander and said, "You still have to save!"

"Is there a rescue?" The commander said, "How come? You are not saying that you can't contact?"

"If it is it, it is possible to contact!" The scholar said: "It... everything is possible!"

"It...?" the commander questioned: "Who is that?"


"Who are you?"

A fluffy ball is slowly flying in the base, the demons here are all gone, and the rest are all...the way they look.

The pompoms quickly flew over these places and came to the exhibition hall inside the base.

The creatures are being held everywhere in the exhibition room...the original should be the case, but now many closed doors have been opened, and the reason for opening is...

"you guys."

In front of a room closed with a group of creatures, two dust-like figures are constantly fiddling with the entrance.

"You! Who are you?" When they heard the sound of the pompoms, they immediately turned their heads and said: "You... I know who it is, that is... that is... that looks good to bite!" Yes! Very good bite!"

"No." Pompon said: "I am not good at biting."

"No, you must be very good at biting!" The two of them said together: "Come and kill us! Come on!"

"You two can't kill it now."

"What? This is impossible, we can definitely bite, we..."

"You are made of dust."

"We still have sharp teeth!"

"And you connect it, with it... you act with its will."

"You... don't say so much come over and kill us!" (To be continued.)

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