‘Hey! ’

This is the sound of the impact.

The scholar slammed into the ground.

"This is really... very high."

The scholar stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and detected if he had any damage, and looked up.

It has now arrived... the bottom of the canyon.

It was eaten by the huge dust crocodile just now, but the dust crocodile did not like to eat mechanically, so the scholars spit out, and the scholars fell into the bottom.

This canyon is similar to the common canyon, dark, silent, and the ground is covered with gravel. It seems that there is nothing special.

The special place is that there is a group of dust crocodile here, just gathered in a small group of scholars.

"You are actually alive?" When the scholars walked over, the leader of the dust crocodile... The adventurer looked at the scholar quite surprised: "This is not easy."

"I still want to know how you got down." The scholar looked at the other dust crocodile. There were originally one hundred. Now there are only ten.

"I will just say it." The adventurer said: "Because of the sacrifice of most crocodiles, we can travel safely."

"Sacrifice?" The scholar said: "... Are you deliberate?"

“Yes...” The adventurer said: “When you want to go to a safe place, you have to go through many dangerous places, and so many crocodiles are impossible to reach, so I brought them here and let them feed. Head...the original crocodile, so you can take the opportunity to enter the canyon, then take the ... shortcut, you can reach the safe zone faster."

"Original crocodile?" The scholar asked: "The big one on the top... the dust crocodile?"

"You don't know?" The adventurer said: "That is our ancestors. We used to be such a huge monster before we were wise."

"But then the longer we grew, the smaller we became, the more ancestors are still alive, and they live around our city." The adventurer said: "It's a nest, there is a shortcut to this canyon." I can go, but I have to find a way to deal with it. What I choose is to feed it... to escape most of the team."

Scholars have found that this adventure home can be without a little emotional... It seems that this kind of thing, it seems to be a very... cold character.

"Since you have survived, you can join us, but don't do anything...do not do things, do you know?" After the talk, the adventurer turned and said to another dust crocodile: "Okay, another A few may not have survived, and they have not waited."

Then they walked together in one direction towards the canyon.

Scholars have followed them, although scholars don't like this role very much, but it doesn't feel that it can harm themselves.

"These are... eggs?"

After a while, the scholars found that there were many egg-shaped objects around it, most of them had cracks on them, and some had only half of them, which seemed to hatch.

"I saw it, this is the original crocodile." The adventurer did not take the lead, but walked in the penultimate position, so he could chat with the scholars who walked in the end.

"There are quite a lot, but are they really your ancestors? How did it become so small?" The scholar kept looking around, and suddenly the scholar noticed something moving behind a complete egg.

"How do I know that if we are still so big, will this end?" The adventurer said as he walked, the scholar did not speak, the adventurer turned his head and saw that the scholar was heading for an egg. .

"What are you doing!" the adventurer shouted: "Don't touch that thing! It will alarm the original crocodile!"

"I didn't touch it." The scholar said: "But it has already been touched."

"What was touched..." The adventurer's words have not been finished yet. It sees a familiar familiar three-legged column above the egg in front of the scholar.

"Ah!" The adventurer suddenly screamed: "They are here! Escape!"

After the voice of it fell, all the other dust crocodiles looked at this side, and then they all rushed in horror, and they disappeared in an instant.

The scholar did not run, but here looked at the three-legged column standing on the egg. The three-legged column did not seem to see the scholar, nor did he notice that the dust crocodile just was still busy with his own affairs.

It... is giving the egg an injection.

The three-legged column protrudes from the cylindrical body with a sharp needle and pierces the top of the egg as if it were injecting something into the egg.

The injection lasted for ten seconds, then the three-legged column retracted the acupuncture and climbed to another egg next to it.

The scholar looked at the three-legged column and then examined the egg that it stabbed. According to the scholar's test, it found that the egg did have a... the original crocodile cub, live well, and grow long. Very good... sound, it should come out soon.

Therefore, scholars have come up with the idea that the dust crocodile grows so small that it is made out of the three-legged column. They specially modify the nuclear information of the original crocodile egg and then cultivate the creature of the dust crocodile.

However, what is it injecting now? You may not see the effect for a while, unless you lick the egg and slowly study the ingredients inside.


The scholar suddenly heard a voice, and there was a crack in the eggshell.

Can you say... want to hatch?

The scholar stepped back a little further, only to see more and more cracks in the eggshell in front. With the sound of ‘啪’, the whole egg exploded.

And inside it is out of a ... dust crocodile.

It should be the original crocodile cub, but it looks exactly the same as the dust crocodile, and the height is the same.

"Are you an audience?"

Moreover, even the words will be said.

... Why do you speak?

Scholars have discovered that this newly born creature is actually communicating with it in a dusty crocodile language, and it is very standard, not like a newborn.

"What is the audience?" So the scholars immediately answered.

"The audience is...the audience." Although it is very standard, it seems that it will not be described. I saw the dust crocodile wrap around the ground, then looked up at the top of the canyon and then told the scholar: "Take me to find more listeners, okay? I have to tell them they are dangerous."

“Who are you telling?” the scholar asked.

"Of course... it's like a creature like me. It looks like me. Have you seen it? I have to tell them that I have to say a lot."

"You tell me here first... I." The scholar said: "What do you know?" (~^~)

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