4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1409: Famous egg

"It turns out that... then you seem to be a little late."

Here is a huge canyon, and scholars are listening to a dust crocodile that has just hatched from the egg.

The dust crocodile told it that it was going to the city of dust crocodile to tell other dust crocodiles, telling all the dust crocodiles that they were about to be destroyed, and that a large army would invade their country.

However, it was born too late, because now the country of the dust crocodile has been destroyed.

"I have...have no audience?" The dust crocodile showed amazed emotions and looked at the scholars: "So I have... no value, I need to continue to sleep."

“Wait a minute!” the scholar immediately called: “Who are you? Why would... appear here?”

Before the scholars heard this dust crocodile say something, in general, it is 'set' good before the whole civilization population of the dust crocodile suffers from the civilized destruction cycle attack in the Midgart pipeline, it will wake up and tell all The dust crocodile is ready.

It’s just that there’s some mistake in setting the time to wake up, causing the dust crocodile to be almost destroyed. It just...woke up.

But the scholar is very strange, why... It will come out in an egg, and after the three-legged column has injected something into the egg.

"I...who am I?" and the dust crocodile seems to be very confused: "I don't know, if my mission can't be achieved, then I have no meaning."

After that, it was on the ground and then motionless.

Therefore, the scholar did not ask, but tested it. The scholar found that the dust crocodile is not the same as the general dust crocodile. It is very strong in adaptability, so it can live in this canyon. The general dust crocodile is here. The lower armor is almost dead.

However, knowing that it is adaptable, there is no way to know why it waits for an egg to hatch, and then tell other dust crocodile about the destruction.

Therefore, scholars are hesitant... Is it going to continue the investigation here? Still have to follow this canyon to continue the road before it.

Before the group of dust crocodile did not know where to go, but if you find it, you can still catch up with them, but the things here make scholars care.

‘咔咔咔’ Just when the scholar thought so, it heard a sound and turned around and saw a three-legged column running quickly behind it.

After thinking about it for a second, the scholar followed the three-legged column.

The three-legged column does not seem to care about the scholars following it, it is still crawling at a slower speed.

Scholars think that these three-legged legs may know something, and this seems to climb to somewhere, and scholars follow it into a cave under a canyon wall.

After entering the cave, the scholar found that there are eggs everywhere, the size of the egg outside, the height of nearly two meters.

And most of them are cracked, and often there is a ... dead body next to these eggs.

This time, the scholars were not scared, because this is not the corpse of the imaginary people, it is the dust crocodile. They are similar to the ordinary dust crocodile, but they all seem to have just hatched from the egg. The scholar also saw a corpse half. Inside the egg, the other half is kneeling outside, and its hand is gripping the ground tightly, as if trying to climb out.

This scene looks really... quite surprised.

The three-legged column ran faster and faster among the dried corpses and the broken eggs, and the scholar could not help but speed up the pace, but after a few seconds, the scholar was attracted by the next thing.

It is a ... a lot of holes in the ball, dust crocodile is often used to record things.

The scholar decided to check it out first... Then the scholar walked over and picked up the ball, and then tried to open it.

It seems... successful.

After the scholar poked a few times on it, a picture popped up, showing a lot of complicated information, but scholars can understand it.

These materials are describing...the original, is that the case?

The scholars looked at the information roughly. It found that... the original dust crocodile that hatched from the egg and dried up was all... a group of famous dust crocodile.

To be precise, they are some... very identities, like a corpse at the feet of a scholar is a great...dust crocodile inventor, and another corpse is a famous explorer. .

The bodies around them are almost like this. They are all famous characters, especially in the field of ‘exploration’. They are all... masters.

The newly hatched dust crocodile is also a famous character. Scholars have seen its name in this material. It is a well-known ancient civilization researcher.

It is said that this researcher is very famous because it investigates the cycle of the phenomenon of the ancient civilization by investigating the ruins of ancient civilizations.

And now, these famous dust crocodiles... Why are they all in the egg?

Scholars continue to turn over the information. It found that this was written by the last dust crocodile who came here. It recorded the situation here and recognized the appearance of most of the bodies, so they knew they were famous characters. .

Although in the eyes of scholars, each dust crocodile looks almost the same.

The dust crocodile who came here was very surprised by the situation here, but it seemed to be in danger, but it was enough to write down enough information.

Scholars have discovered such a situation, the last situation of these famous characters seems to be all... missing.

In the introduction of these materials, all the dust crocodilees finally ended up ‘when they were exploring or doing research outside, they disappeared.

So that is the dust crocodile here who might have been caught and then stuffed into the egg?

Is this done with the three-legged column? They are really suspicious...

Just as scholars thought so, it received a new message, which stated that it might be related to them.


.................. At the same time, in another place far away...............

"...they, where?"

This is a... corridor.

The ground is sleek and white, and it seems to be made of certain metallic materials. The walls on both sides are golden, the same color as the species floating in the corridor.

At the beginning, the whole body shimmering with golden brilliance, they are full of doubtful emotions, floating in this corridor.

This corridor belongs to the ... transformer, and is precisely a part of the reformer's 'warship'.

Before leaving the country, I left the pipeline and chased the warships of the reformers in the void. Now they finally caught up, because the warships... stopped in the middle.

Therefore, the starter parked his own aircraft next to the battleship and found an entrance and flew in... but after entering here, they were not sure what to do.

Their main purpose was to find the innovators, but after they had been in the air for a while, they did not see anything.

And the beginning of the view that they have already flown more than ten kilometers, this distance far exceeds the length of the warship, but still does not see the end of the corridor.

Did not see any access to other places.

They are like moving in the illusion, there is no way to go out, and there is no way to find the target.

However, the surrounding scenery... is not static. (To be continued.)

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