4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1422: Legendary caretaker

That is a legendary creature.

At least, among many...pipeline civilizations, it is a legend.

It has many names. Among the several civilizations nearby, it is called 'Star Poly' because it will fly beyond the ... pipe, gather the stars, and then fly back to star the sky to illuminate the dark sky. .

Much like the legend in fantasy.

In fact, this creature does not converge on the stars, although they do leave the pipeline, but they don't fly too far, because they themselves depend on the pipeline...Miedgart for a living.

It is not this emptiness creature, at least not the creatures in our zone. They are only because of Midgart... accidentally appear in this world.

The real world of their lives is only able to be reached by Midgart... solidifying the void.

They are made up of matter there, and they feed on the material there. They may come here because of curiosity, perhaps because of the order of Midgarth, and in any case they do not belong to this void.

Therefore, they are free to return to their world.


"Is what you said true?"

Scholars and brave people are now in a... corridor.

The corridor has a length, width and height of more than six meters. The ground is covered with blue-green plants like grass, and the left side is covered with various portraits. The right side is transparent, like a glass wall. .

Through the transparent wall, you can see a huge cave space, the light inside is dim, and it is not clear what is there.

But the scholars did not look over there, their attention was on the front, a creature walking in front of them.

This creature...is a dust crocodile, at least it looks like a dust crocodile, and it is also the language of the dust crocodile.

But it does not claim to be a dust crocodile. It calls itself a 'watchman'. It also says...it is the author of the ‘legend’, to be precise, a member of the group of legendary writers.

There are two versions of the legend about Midgart, one is written by a group of creatures, and this version is owned by the transformers.

The second is the version of the creator, which Lynn heard from... the creator of the dream.

Now, it is said that this dust crocodile is one of the writers of the first version of the Meade Garth legend.

But instead of calling himself a legendary writer, it calls itself a 'caretaker', but the name is not important, it is said.

"I don't know what the specific situation of our group is like." The dust crocodile said: "I only know that I am responsible for recording...Miedgart's things, including the biological ecology inside."

"What is it talking about?" The brave asked the scholar because it still couldn't understand the dust crocodile.

"... wait a minute to talk to you again." The scholar said, he continued to ask the dust crocodile: "That is... you are a very large...watching the organization of the recorded organisms?"

"Maybe it is, but I don't know the specifics." The dust crocodile said: "I was selected as a member of this group a long time ago. I am responsible for this place."

"Okay." The scholar said: "I sorted out a little..."

The general situation is that ... scholars, after they let the stars get together, received the signal of making brains, and according to the brain-generating signal, they flew to a place.

This place is a rocky wasteland, but after the exact location of the signal, scholars and brave found an entrance on the ground.

After entering this entrance, they came to a large underground space.

This place is like an underground base. After coming in, the dust crocodile will come to meet them.

It indicates that it has received the news, so wait for them.

Then, the dust crocodile told the scholars... There are things about the legendary writers. In short, they should be a very large group, they call themselves ‘watchers.’

This group has recorded the things of Midgart, and the legend of the reformer's Midgarth is written by them.

Moreover, the record of the legend has not yet ended, and the group of self-proclaimed watchmen has established a base in Midgart.

And continue to observe the situation inside, from a long time ago, until now.

According to the dust crocodile, the original founder of the base was long gone, and the creatures behind the management base were selected from the local civilization in the pipeline.

It was also selected by itself, and was very happy to accept this mission. Although it was not known where the original base was established and the creatures that carried out the mission went there, they continued to maintain the place from generation to generation.

This is simply the way it is... It is said that the creatures selected have a strong sense of mission. They no longer care about their previous civilization, but work hard to work here to the end.

In this base, there are many records of creatures, including the record of 'Stars', as the scholars have heard before... It is said that the stars are a kind of creature from the solidification of the void.

They may also be ordered by Midgarth to join the forces destroyed by civilization, so it will attack the city of dust crocodile.

But why is it related to the devil? It is not clear.

"Actually, according to recent records, Midgartley has a lot of ... abnormal conditions." The dust crocodile said: "Especially recently."

"Recently... are there many anomalies?" the scholar questioned.

"You know the legend, you should be clear." The dust crocodile said: "In short, do you want to track the 'Stars'? There are ways to track them."

“Do you have a way to track?” the scholar questioned.

“We have a way to explore many creatures here.” The dust crocodile said: “There are a lot of...very powerful technology.”

“Is it?” the scholar asked. “It’s true... there are a lot of things I want to know.”

"You can visit here casually." The dust crocodile said: "Because you are qualified."

“Why?” the scholar questioned: “Actually, I have been asking you this question since the beginning. Why can we come in here? Is it because of the relationship between the two... What is their relationship with you?”

"Yes, it is indeed the reason for them." The dust crocodile said: "We also... know the meltdown zone."

"However, the main reason is because of it."

“It?” the scholar asked: “Who is it?”

"It is also a qualified creature, and this qualification has been recorded here since very early." (To be continued.)

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