4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1423: To understanding

"It's almost ready! It's going to move! It's shaking!

There is such a hot world, this world has smashed another world, and after that, it has been in a state of ... calm.

The creatures above have also established their own new home in a calm environment.

But this state has not lasted for a long time, and now it is going to be active again and doing what it has been preparing.

Both of them seem to know about this, so they have been yelling here.

"Do you know? It's going to happen! It's going to start!"

Here is a vast... cave, at least like a cave, where scholars and brave people are slowly moving along with a dust crocodile.

And they also heard the voices of the two brains here.

The dust crocodile has something in contact with the two gray cockroaches, and their voices are transmitted from the liaison. According to... they say that the meltdown zone is about to start again.

"It seems that the meltdown zone is going to look for Midgart again." The dust crocodile heard the voice of the brain-screaming: "It is a pity that it may still be the same as before, unable to contact Midgart."

"You know so much..." The scholar looked at the dust crocodile. It remembered the dust crocodile that had been encountered before. For the pipeline, almost everything in Midgart knew nothing, and this dust crocodile knew everything. The appearance of the scholar has produced a great ... contrast.

"I was very shocked when I first knew these things. It was great to collect this information and create the creatures here." The dust crocodile said: "So I chose to work here all the time until... the next creature takes over."

"There is information about the meltdown zone here." The dust crocodile said as he walked: "The meltdown zone, and the two... are called brain-making, gray creatures, they are called For 'coagulated derivative species'."

“The meaning is that they are species that are affected by substances from the 'solidified void'.” The dust crocodile said: “These species have many examples of records.”

"Coagulation of the void..." The scholar asked: "What kind of place is that?"

“Although there are a lot of speculations and hypotheses there, in fact, except for...Medelgart and the species it brings, there is no species in this void that knows the situation there.” The dust crocodile said: “Where even to us This group, which has been studied for so long, is still a mysterious place."

"There are a lot of ... strange things." The dust crocodile said: "The meltdown zone, and the creatures that live on it, as well as the ash-like creatures, etc., are all the 'normal species' here have been condensed. The material influence is formed."

"There is no creature here... Have you ever condensed the void?" The scholar asked: "I have heard that it was a complete...in a static state."

"This is the most commonly used speculation." The dust crocodile said: "If you have any creatures to go through, I think there are some creatures... I have been to condense the void."

"You should know." The dust crocodile continued: "Our race... In order to prevent the destruction of the army by Mead Galt... the civilization destroyed the army, so the weapon called "solid bloom" was used."

"Things that are affected by the solidification bloom may disappear for a while." The dust crocodile said: "We think that the time of disappearing should be to condense the void."

"Only when the disappearing creatures came back, there was no change in the body, and there was no memory." The dust crocodile said: "There is a lot of other phenomena... It is inferred that the solidified void should be a completely static place."

"This is true for ordinary creatures, but Midgart and some special creatures, such as the stars, have the ability to move in this state of solidification."

"Okay, we are here."

Said, the footsteps of the dust crocodile stopped.

In front of the scholars, there is a huge underground space, where the diameter is hundreds of meters, and there are all kinds of things.

The thing closest to the scholars looks like a missile. It stands on the ground and is more than 30 meters high. The outer shell is made of silver metal and looks like it is very powerful.

"The thing you want is this." The dust crocodile said: "There are many names for this thing, but there is only one use for it, that is, tracking the stars, so it can be called a star-tracking bomb."

“It’s always been the case that this kind of ‘satellite tracking bomb’ is used to study the cluster.” The dust crocodile said: “Although it looks like a missile, it does not explode, it is just something to track.”

"This is for... but how is it tracked?" the scholar asked.

"It is mainly based on the unique 'solidified matter' on the star's body." The dust crocodile said: "At the same time, it has a hidden effect. It will not be found by a star gathering outside a certain distance. You want to catch the escaped star. If you gather, this is the best choice."

"Very good!" said the brave: "Let's start this and let me catch it!"

Because in the previous journey, the brave also loaded the dust crocodile language system so it can understand now.

"But can this be sure to catch the one we are looking for... with the devil?" the scholar asked.

"It can tell if the target is injured. According to what you just said, you have injured the star... It is enough to find the injured." The dust crocodile said: "So, are you going to leave?"

"Of course, I must hurry to catch the traitors!" The brave said: "This... can the tracking bombs go in?"

"This is fully automatic and can't be driven." The dust crocodile said: "You can fly behind it, so you can find the target."

"If you do this, go on your own." The scholar said to the brave: "You can control the octopus yourself."

"What?" The brave asked: "Don't you go?"

"I still want to stay here for a while." The scholar said: "There are a lot of things here... I still want to figure out something."

"Yes? Then I will track them myself!" The brave said to the dust crocodile: "I will go outside to start the octopus, and then you will start the tracking bomb. I will fly with it, right?"

"Yes, there is no problem." The dust crocodile replied.

"You have to be careful not to use disintegration bombs!" The scholar said to the brave: "There should be attention to fuel..."

"I know!" The brave said as he ran, and soon disappeared into the scholar's field of vision.

"I don't know if there will be any problems..." Although the scholars are somewhat worried, they are more concerned about the things here...

Thinking, the scholar said to the dust crocodile: "Why do you want to... help us?"

“I’ve said it before.” The dust crocodile said: “It’s because...the relationship is qualified.”

“There are many creatures that can...get and visit all or most of the information here.” The dust crocodile continues: “For example, the transformers you mentioned earlier, they also have some qualifications.”

"However, your main qualifications are from...Lin."

"It came before us...and contacted us." The dust crocodile said: "I found this creature recorded long time ago."

The dust crocodile said: "I don't know much about this record. There is only a general record of qualified organisms, and no detailed information is recorded."

"As long as this creature or a creature associated with it comes here, you can qualify for it, but so far, almost no qualified creatures have come here." (To be continued.)

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