4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1425: recording

Qualification record... Where did it come from?

Lin is paying attention to... The underground base where the scholar is now, can also be called the place of the Institute of Midgart... There seems to be a lot of secrets in this place.

Lin is more concerned about... the observation qualification record.

In fact, Lin knew the institute through the reformers. They told Lin how to contact the institute. When they contacted, the dusty crocodile watcher said that Lin was qualified to observe the institute. Biology, this qualification record has been around for a long time.


How did it know?

Moreover, what is the record of this qualification? Lin does not remember having registered such a thing in a similar place.

As a watchman's dust crocodile, it does not know the details of the creatures in these qualification records. It indicates that this record has been placed in the research institute.

It is not clear why the creatures in the record are recorded, but only know that most of the creatures recorded in it are giant creatures that will be transported away in the case of Midgart.

It uses this and other methods to detect whether Lin is eligible, and Lin wants to know how it is detected.

There is...

What kind of creature is this research institute made of? It must be a very old creature, but are those creatures still somewhere?

Lynn decided to conduct a detailed investigation of the institute... using some of the more straightforward methods, and at the same time, Lynn is also concerned about...there are things about the demons.


"Where is it going to escape?"

Here is the dark pipe, the octopus driven by the brave, is following the rapid flight of the tracking missile, not far from the front of the tracking bomb, is the huge star cluster.

It is flying forward at an extremely fast speed, and constantly throws out numerous...light **** back in the middle of the flight.

According to the description of the dust crocodile, these light **** are also composed of substances that are solidified from the void. They are a kind of paste-like, low-temperature substance in the astral body, and will rapidly warm up after leaving the body of the star to form a shining, Explosive ball.

Therefore, both the tracking bomb and the octopus have to evade these things and find opportunities to attack it.

"It's now!" After the large ball of light flew over, the color of the star's body became dim. The brave immediately speeded up the speed of the octopus. It directly surpassed the tracking bomb in front and unfolded the tentacle from the mouth. The location is very bright and dazzling.

The tail of the ‘Beng’ star was hit and exploded, and a small section of the tail broke open and fell toward the ground.

However, the speed of the star cluster itself has not decreased, but it has flown faster, and at the same time, it has once again thrown a lot of light **** on the octopus.

The octopus is again dodged and ready to attack.

The chasing battle in the air continued, and the missile in charge of tracking did not continue to follow the battle. It stopped and flew to the ground.

"What's wrong?" At the institute, the scholars questioned the dust crocodile: "Why don't you follow them?"

"Now there is no need to track the bombs. It has been followed by flying and should not be lost again." The dust crocodile said: "The tail of the star was blown up by a small piece and was collected for research samples."

“I didn’t say that there are many anomalies happening?” The dust crocodile said: “Direct research on these solidified void species is the best way to investigate, but they are very difficult to find and capture, and now is a good opportunity. ,do not miss it."

When the dust crocodile was talking, the tracking bomb also flew to the ground.

A small piece of the tail of the star cluster, about ten meters in size, looks like a black piece of meat, which is completely out of the color of the previous starry sky. It is now falling on a piece of sand.

The tracking bomb slowly flew over the star... above the meat, it used the head to align the piece of meat, and the head of the tracked bullet '咔' opened, and a large number of small machines with propellers flew from the inside. Come out.

These small machines are very similar to small beetles, they quickly flew down to the mass of meat and squeaked.

The scholar also saw on the screen of the institute. With the movement of the small machine, a lot of ... words appeared on the screen. These words scholars could not understand, but the dust crocodile seemed to understand.

"What?" The dust crocodile looked very shocked and said: "Sure enough?"

“What happened?” the scholar questioned: “Can you know what a small piece of meat... can you know?”

"To..." the dust crocodile said: "This star is gathering, it cuts off the tube bundle."

“Sever off... bundle?” the scholar asked: “What does that mean?”

"These solidified void species are mostly associated with Midgarth itself." The dust crocodile said: "This was discovered in a previous study, and Midgart controlled some other way. To solidify the void species, we call this control 'tube bundle'."

"In detail, this bundle of tubes uses an energy to affect their thinking, thereby restricting the behavior of solidified void species." The dust crocodile said: "Under the bundle, they will not leave the pipe of Midgart too. far."

"So, in this emptiness, there is no such creature from the condensed void." Midgart uses this method to limit their activities. "

"Every solidified void species has a bundle of tubes, which can be detected, but..." The dust crocodile said: "Now this star cluster does not have a bundle."

"So it will behave like a foreign species that has never been done before, and it can even fly away from the pipeline." The dust crocodile said: "But... what will cause this anomaly?"

"Do you think that something has untied the 'tube bundle'?" the scholar asked.

"That's it." The dust crocodile said: "It shouldn't be what the ‘devil’ you said, because they don't look like they have this ability.”

"The only possibility I think of now is the builder of the institute, the original watchman." The dust crocodile said: "The development of the study of Midgart was originally carried out by this mysterious creature. It is also the "tube bundle" that is found in the solidified void species here."

“They once tried to remove the 'tube bundle' from a solidified void species, and they found that the species would immediately do a lot of things that would not have been done before, including flying far away from the pipeline.” The dust crocodile said: “But... I don't know about them at all... I don't know what kind of creatures they are. There is no information about them here, only some of their research techniques, for us to continue research here."

"There is the system that they left behind...the system, which will always pick new guards to come here, so that there are always successors here." The dust crocodile said: "But the techniques of removing the bundles do not leave them." Down, only the technology of detecting the tube bundle was left."

"But the bunch of tubes on the head of the star has been removed. Does this mean that... are they coming back?"

“I think...” the scholar said: “There is still a possibility, that is...”

The voice of the scholar did not fall, and the other voice rang... "The great new devil! We finally waited for your arrival! Come, give your anger to those stupid and sad things!"

"This is..." The scholar found that the sound came from the mini-study carried around his waist.

Originally, this mini-student has never received a signal. I don’t know why it is now. When the scholar took it out and opened the screen, it saw...

The familiar scene of a group of demons in the astral, they are surrounded, as if they are preparing something... (to be continued.)

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