"Come, shoot it down!"

"No, you have to be careful here!"

Among the huge pipelines, the pursuit of war continues, with a star-studded star on one side and an octopus driven by the brave on the other.

The pursuit has been going on for a long time. In the course of numerous evasive and bombardment, the star cluster has been scarred, and it seems to have no intention of concealing it. The huge cracks are directly exposed on the surface of the body, and the octopus driven by the brave has also been hit. ... a lot of tentacles are not half as much.

But this does not seem to affect the speed of both sides, they are still chasing, but now they have no one who shoots.

Because, they are passing through a ... many ‘spectators’ places.

The ‘pipe umbrella’ is a large, umbrella-shaped creature with a diameter of more than 100 meters. It is said that this creature likes to wander in the 'high altitude', which is a dark space 100 kilometers away from the pipe wall.

In the process of chasing, the flying height of the star cluster is getting higher and higher, and the octopus of the brave is also going along, so it flies into the territory of the large group of 'pipe umbrellas'.

It should have been dark here, but because the pipe umbrella will shine, it is full of light. Around the octopus and the stars, these glowing giant umbrellas are floating everywhere, which makes the star and octopus have to be in them. Between the shuttle.

According to the dust crocodile, these umbrellas are quite dangerous. They float at this height. The only food source is... aircraft made by various civilizations. It is said that there are many civilized dreams of flying in the air, which are destroyed by them.

Thousands of pompon years, they can eat once, when there is a flying object, they will release the 'illusion of light' that can affect the brains of most creatures, causing them to fly into the aircraft.

If they attack them aggressively, they will also actively fight back, and their strength can overcome those who have just learned to fly to this height.

But the strange thing is that they don't prey on creatures, they only capture the aircraft. Although they will shine when anything comes in, they will not attack the creatures, so if they are ordinary creatures, they will be fine. Fly over.

The only thing is that you must never attack them.

The stars and the brave who got the news all followed this and walked through these giant umbrellas and quickly flew away into the distance.

Taking advantage of this inability to attack, the stars gather at a distance from the octopus, and the stars sometimes hit the umbrellas directly, and the umbrellas are completely unresponsive to it.

The brave must perfectly avoid every pipe umbrella, which makes the star get farther and farther away from it.

Seeing this situation, scholars couldn't help but worry, because... it can still hear the voices of the mini-scholars, where the demons say that the new devil is about to show up.

Although the tracking bomb did not continue to catch up, but scholars can still receive the situation of the brave.

I don't know why, scholars think that this new demon may be a very dangerous character. It has a kind of...premonition, so always feel that the demon in the star cluster should be solved before the new demon appears.

But now it seems that it is not easy.

"There is a situation!" Suddenly, the dust crocodile standing next to the scholar yelled, and said: "There is something coming in here!"

“What?” the scholar questioned: “Is there something else that can be sneaked in?”

"General creatures can't get in, but special creatures can..." The dust crocodile said: "I have to check it out, then you should continue to focus on the pursuit here!"

As said, the dust crocodile quickly ran to the other side, and the scholar hesitated a little: "I will go too!"

"Okay, but be aware that the creatures that come in can be quite dangerous!" The dust crocodile said: "Must be treated with caution!"

As said, the dust crocodile walked in front of the scholars. They first entered a passage under the rock wall and came to a room along the passage.

This room...The scholar feels like a room I have seen before. There are screens everywhere. After the dust crocodile comes in, these pictures are constantly changing.

Almost every half second changes an image, it seems to be in the display of the various areas of the base, and finally, all the images displayed on the screen become exactly the same.

They all show a position... This position is where the tracking bomb was placed. In addition to the tracking bomb, there are a lot of huge machines and some strange things for unknown purposes.

Among a large number of things, scholars have seen a ... creature.

This creature is quite big, about six meters wide, but the body is very flat, only one meter high, and looks like a creature called ‘scallop’.

Although it looks like no legs, it crawls slowly on the ground.

"This is..." The dust crocodile saw a surprised expression: "This is one of the species that condenses the void, called swallowing."

"Swallow?" The scholar questioned: "Is this the whole name?"

"The name is not for me." The dust crocodile said: "It may have come when we launched the tracking bomb."

“So come in so early?” the scholar asked: “Is it discovered until now?”

"No, I mean it noticed... We fired the tracking bomb, then it found the location of the base along this and sneaked in." The dust crocodile said: "This creature is not dangerous... just some problems."


"It's like this..."

When the dust crocodile finished, the avatar was... The scallop's ‘swallow’ moved to a large machine.

It puts the edge of the body on the machine, and the scholar sees it... The part of the mechanical contact 'swallow' suddenly turns into a large number of small pieces and is sucked into the body.

"This is why it is called swallowing." The dust crocodile said: "It can break things into contact... quickly break into small pieces and swallow it, it can ruin a lot of things."

"What should I do?" The scholar asked: "Do you want to stop it?"

"But if it stops, it will..."

'Snapped! The voice of the dust crocodile did not fall, and there was a flash of light on the top of the ‘swallowing’. One thing appeared in the flash and squatted directly on the body.

The swallow is smashed at this moment, because this thing is bigger than it... three times as many, and seems to be very heavy, because it is a huge metal spider.

"This spider..." The scholar stunned, and suddenly he found the spider as familiar.

"This..." and the dust crocodile also slammed directly.

And when they were worried, a voice came out of the spider: "Don't be dazed, stupid, just call the thing called ... the star gathers! It is approaching the meltdown!" (To be continued.) )

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