4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1427: Sleeping thing

"Where are we...what?"

This is a world full of hot air.

Usually, the turbid air will obscure the scenery of the sky, but the sky will also have a clear situation.

For example, now.

The turbid air does not know when it has disappeared, and the stars in the sky can be clearly and unambiguously displayed in the field of view of the surface organisms.

And they only saw the stars, but also saw a strange scenery.

Between the stars, there is a huge, black object that looks like a black hole and is quite close to it, seemingly consuming the whole world anytime, anywhere.

For some long-lived high-temperature creatures here, this scenery is not the first time I have seen it. The meltdown zone has been close to this place many times, and now it is back here.

Going back... the pipe, next to Midgarth.

The two giant creatures in the void have met again, and they are only 10,000 kilometers away from each other, but neither side has been 'attracted' by the other party.

This is the ability of almost every Nether Giant creature to maintain its balance and stability without being bound by gravity.

There was no special situation in the long-lost meeting, but soon, one party sent a strong signal.

This signal... is emitted from the hot surface and spreads in the void. Midgart can clearly receive this ‘Good’ from the meltdown.

However, Midgart did not react at all, and when the signal spread to the end of the pipeline, it did not give any answer to the other party.

The meltdown zone did not give up, and the dark red world sent a signal again, and the signal was again accurately transmitted to Midgart.

Still... no response.

Therefore, the meltdown zone does not intend to wait any longer. Although it grows so large, it does not have any patience... Now it begins to move forward slowly and toward the dark pipe.

But as it moved a little further, it suddenly noticed the anomaly ahead.

There is something... flying out of the dark pipes.


"The great new devil! It is so dazzling, it is so huge, it is so...unbeatable! It has come to greet us!"

The cheers are echoing, and the demons shouted in the name of the new demon and celebrated in the astrology.

Through the mini-scholars, scholars have heard the devil's voice. It turns out that...the new devil that they have always welcomed... is the world that scholars are familiar with.

Melt down the strip.

"Come on! Go! Go to the new devil, its body is our new home, our world!"

With the cheers of the devil, the star squirmed the body and flew out of the dark pipe space, moving toward the world melted in front.

There is no air in this place, but the stars are like swimming in the water. Every move makes it faster and closer to the target.

"It's going to fly there!"

Behind the stars, the octopus driven by the brave is still following, but the distance between them is a little far.

Because the distance has been opened before, it is difficult for the brave to catch up with the target again.

Xingju also knows this, so it constantly accelerates to get rid of the brave and is getting closer to the meltdown zone.

But why is this?

Why do they call the meltdown zone the new devil? It should have nothing to do with this group of demons.

This question appeared in the scholar's thoughts, and the dust crocodile with many knowledge around it did not know what was going on.

However, the other two creatures made some speculations...

Midgart, once left this position, it went to a place... far away from here.

In fact, its behavior, the creatures in the pipeline are almost unaware, they do not know where the pipeline has moved, and still live the usual life.

Only this...the institute discovered this and studied it. At that time, the dust crocodile had not been selected as a watchman, but this matter was recorded in the institute.

The reason why Midgart left was unknown, but after leaving, it went into a state of sleep, and studied all the attempts to investigate the matter and wondered why it went to sleep.

The study did not produce results at the end. The Institute did not investigate the reasons for sleep, but they investigated some...something related.

That is, before Midgart was asleep, there were some creatures to find it, and to communicate with it, those creatures... was a big creature.

They are secretive and not easy to find, but with the help of the Institute's technology, this creature is still being found.

These creatures have a very special nature and they are recorded in detail in the institute.

These creatures are a group of creatures from the clotting of the void, and all the creatures that condense the void will not leave the pipe of Midgarth, but there are some exceptions.

It is said that such creatures left here a long time ago and slowly developed in this void.

Then they returned here again and tried to communicate with Midgart.

The content of their exchanges, the aspects of the survey are not ideal, because they cannot fully resolve their communication methods.

It’s just a rough idea...these creatures built something in the distance and need Midgarth to do some help.

It seems that after Midgart did not agree, these creatures disappeared, they left, or something happened?

It is said that there is absolutely no way to investigate clearly. Shortly after this, Midgart entered a deep sleep.

So, what is the relationship between this series of events and what is happening now? In general, it does not seem to matter.

However, it is actually somewhat related.

Nowadays, there are actually two kinds of clusters that have got rid of the 'tube bundle' and can leave the pipeline and fly out of the void, which can get the stars out of the bundle.

One is to set up a research institute to record the creatures of the legend of Midgarth, and the other is those creatures, which also have the ability to get rid of the bundle.

If it were not for the original builder of the institute, then only these creatures are possible...

Moreover, if on the other hand, these creatures may also be associated with ... pompoms, because they are likely to be ... transpiration.

The origins of the transpirations should have been from the solidification of the void, they originally had some connection with Midgart.

Moreover, in the institute, the creatures that seem to be transcripts...the ancestors are also caught. (~^~)

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