"They want to control everything. Take this opportunity. It's a good time. So they made a very despicable act. To make them all... bite..."

The pompons are... the two ashes are on the back of the brain.

The fluff touched two ashes to make a brain, got information from them, and knew a lot of things.

"We must go there soon!"

When Lin tested the content, the two gray-headed brains were also running at high speed. In fact, the pompons and they were on a vast plain.

Lin and they have left the previously ungravitated space. It is indeed a star-shaped body. Through the more complicated tunnels inside, Lin and the brain-building monsters climbed out from the stars...

The star cluster was motionless on the ground, not knowing what state it was, but the two gray-headed brains did not pay attention to it, but quickly took Lin's pompoms and ran to the other direction.

This direction...is said to be the place that could have been communicated with Midgart.

This is what they just learned. Now the meltdown zone is constantly being eroded, but in the process of being eroded... It seems that the vagrant's ‘thinking’ has also entered the thinking of the meltdown zone.

In this way, the meltdown zone will know what the tranfer is thinking, and the content will be passed through the ashes, and Lin can know.

"It's here, it's here! If you want to stop it, you have to do it!"

The brain-building monsters stopped, and there was a huge...pothole in front of them. The diameter of the pothole was hundreds of meters, and it seemed to be dark and bottomless. It was dark.

"So, what are you going to do?" Lin's pompom asked the two gray cockroaches.

"Trying to get in! Try to access it! Hurry up, jump in here! Go here from there!"

Accompanied by the shouts of making brains, they rushed forward together and jumped on the edge of the pothole and jumped into the dark pit.

Lynn is very skeptical, is there any use to jump into it... but at least I already know why they are so jumping...

...............though to start from a relatively early time............

The reason for sleeping... What is it?

Midgart has entered sleep and has been gone for a long time, just after returning to Midgarth... they found that it has not yet woken up.

Therefore, the transpirations refer to this as the 'deprecated place'.

The long-term sleep has not been awakened, but the creatures inside still maintain the normal state of life, develop normally, and be destroyed normally.

From that time on...they, the tranfers, came up with the idea that they could dominate the place and could use Midgarth to help them build the entire project.

Controlling the entire Midgart system, they started a series of plans.

Initially, the tranfer used the Midgart pipe as a transfer point to transport the mirror world to the position of the pompom.

In fact, the evaluators originally only wanted to do this, but after that, they investigated the situation of Midgart in detail, and they started... to occupy the idea here.

Midgarth's sleep... is a phenomenon known as ‘not returning’.

Midgarth is a creature that can travel back and forth between this void and solidified void.

Usually, when it goes to solidify the void, its entire body will disappear. However, Midgart does not go there every time... with the whole body, occasionally, it will only let the ‘will’ to freeze the void.

Inside Midgart, there are some parts that contain its 'will', which can also be said to be a part of the nervous system. Occasionally, Midgart will use only this small part to condense the void.

When the will leaves the body, Midgarth is such a state of sleep.

This phenomenon is hard to find because every time Midgart's will only leaves for a short time, then return immediately.

Therefore, this phenomenon is not mentioned in the ‘legends’ of research institutes and creators. In fact, only species such as evapoturizers, which are also solidified in the void, are known.

After Middlegart used the will to enter the condensed void, it never returned, so this kind of long-term sleep phenomenon will occur.

The usual creatures can't know if Midgart is sleeping, only a few creatures that can communicate with Midgart... I found that Midgart didn't respond, so I called this phenomenon asleep.

The species that freezes the void is knowing that it only uses the 'will' to condense the void.

The transpirations also know, but they only thought that Midgart would return soon, so they didn't care.

Until they returned to Midgarth again, they discovered that Midgart had not yet woken up until now.

The time when the transpirations returned to Midgarth was almost... during the pompon and during the start of the war.

It seems that Midgart's sleep is not related to the transpiration, but they want to take advantage of this situation.

Therefore, the tranfers began to try to dominate the entire Midgarth, if they can control Midgart, then their project will certainly progress better.

However, Midgart's own ... rejection transport system will exclude the transpiration itself, so the transpiration can not enter the pipeline.

They have to be active outside, so they have to use a variety of things to work inside Midgart.

Initially, the transpirations want to take advantage of... the beginning.

They sent the mirror world into the pipe of Midgart, and they set the coordinates of the mirror world in advance to make it transmit to the position of the pompom, but it was transmitted using Midgarth. Ability, this does not need to consume energy.

Moreover, some methods have been used to let some of the origins know that the transformers can be found in the pipe of Midgart, which makes some of the beginnings begin to explore within the pipeline.

At this time, the transpiration person knows the general situation in the pipeline through the origin, and the transpiration is directly and remotely learned from the information recorded in the aircraft of the origin.

They seem to have no way to directly detect the inside of the pipeline, only through the creatures from the outside like the beginning to understand the situation.

Moreover, the tranfers want to use things that are not related to themselves to investigate, so they don't let things like the ecclesiastical creatures go. It is true that they were initially hidden very well, and they started to find nothing about transpiration.

Knowing the general situation in the pipeline, the tranfer began to make more plans. (To be continued.)

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