4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1434: Progressing well

"These things don't seem to be so easy to blow up."

At the edge of the atmosphere in the meltdown zone, metal spiders are slowly floating.

It can see a large piece of ... creatures underneath, and it recently fired a powerful missile on these creatures, but... it didn't work.

It’s not that the bombs are not dead, but the missiles are gone.

Obviously, it should have been sent away, but there should be a blocking function on the missile that prevents transmission. It seems that the other party knows how to unlock the shield.

So Maya and the Master must think about what to do next.

And when they think about it... they have received some new news about the vagrants.


After the evaluator explored the use of the beginning, it began a pollutant collection program.

The transpirations have long known that there are pollutants. These substances from the clotting of the void can be combined like drugs, and they can exert various special effects.

When Midgart was awake, the contaminants couldn't make any problems because they didn't affect Midgart itself.

However, if Midgart is asleep, he can use pollutants to do various things, such as ... polluting some special creatures.

The transpirations first order the origins to collect pollutants. It uses some methods to make the origins think that those things are necessary items for the reformer.

At this time, the evaluator has been hidden somewhere in the void near Midgarth, but it has always been 'looking' at the beginning, it can get the vision of each origin, and through the transmission The way to tell them the information... and the way the tranfers pass the information is special, it will make one starter think it is another start to tell it.

And the beginnings usually don't ask each other, so they... don't know that this is what tranfers do.

Lynn feels that the tranfer is like being installed in every beginning... the surveillance system, and it was installed before the mirror world flew here.

But it can only see these beginnings, can't make the horizon more open, and the transpiration seems to be very limited in the pipeline. Generally, wide-area observation can be done by means of 'transmission detection'.

But by taking advantage of these beginnings, it knows a lot and lets them collect certain pollutants.

Through the beginning, the evaluators knew about the dust crocodile, and the dust crocodile city was still in a state of solidification at that time, and there were some three-legged troops there.

The three-legged column is not a solidified void creature, they just accept...the command is in action, and these commands are usually written in their nucleus.

But they can also be controlled by the main system.

The transpirations first let the origins combine the pollutants and use them to interfere with the three-legged columns in a group of dust crocodile cities.

The main interference is the signal from the main system to these three-legged posts. After the disturbance, the tranfer itself immediately sends a signal simulating the main system to the three-legged column.

The three-legged column identifies the tranfer's signal as the signal of the main system, and they immediately follow the instructions of the tranfer.

At this time, the transpirations abandoned the beginning.

It no longer gives the starter any information, and cuts off all connections to the beginning, but the origin itself does not know, they just think that the things collected before have no effect, and then continue to look for the transformation of the transformation.

The transpirations have already established a connection with the three-legged column at this time, and commanded a group of three-legged columns to do things. It seems to be thinking... avoiding Lynn’s investigation.

The last thing that the tranfers did in the beginning was to drop the 'monitoring equipment' on them, and then the equipment climbed onto the three-legged column.

These 'monitoring devices' are things like... creatures that move and deform, and Lin finds here... the tranfers used them to gain visibility.

The transpires then transferred the perspective to the three-legged column and kept commanding the three-legged column to do things, actually collecting...contaminants.

Because the number of three-legged columns is small, its actions are very concealed, especially to avoid the beginnings, and ... scholars.

During this period, the vagrants' secret operations were indeed very successful. They collected a lot of pollutants without being discovered. Then, they began to use these pollutants to continue to affect the main system of civilization destruction.

And these pollutants are not only affecting the main system, it also affects something else that is related to the solidification void.

Like a star cluster, the star cluster suddenly bombarded the city of dust crocodile. In fact, it was affected by pollutants, causing nerve abnormalities.

Then, it also caused a greater impact, like... the end of solidification.

The dust crocodile started the 'solidified bloom', and they would have been waiting for a long time in the solidification, and the solidification was suddenly over, also because of the relationship between the evapotranes using pollutants.

The 'radiation' caused by these pollutants causes an abnormality in the connection of the solidification void inside Midgart, and the dust crocodile thus ends the solidification ahead of time.

The army destroyed by civilization did not end the solidification in advance, so there are only a lot of three-legged columns in the city.

At this time, the evaluator continued its covert action. The idea was simple. It interfered with the original system of civilization destruction, and then replaced it with the entire civilization to destroy the army. Finally, the army was used to destroy Midgart. Some key parts, instead of Midgarth's 'will' to control the entire pipeline.

However, the evaluators found some problems, that is, the three-legged column that it controls now is very limited.

They can't go to many places, because the three-legged column itself is only suitable for fighting in the air-friendly place in the dust crocodile city. The armor they wear can only adapt to a few areas nearby.

Because there is no way to collect more pollutants, there is no way to continue to interfere with the system, then there is no way... continue to control more civilizations to destroy the army.

At this time, the transpiration found something.

That is the scholars... They are sitting on the truck and flying out, so they know... the meltdown zone.

The tranurizer did not know the meltdown zone before this, but after discovering the truck that flew out, it launched an investigation, and soon it knew... about the meltdown zone.

So, it started a new round of planning. (To be continued.)

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