It seems that... failed.

When the attacking stone dive into the lava lake, Lin found that the view of the attacking stone had changed.

The surrounding scenery turned into a beautiful starry sky. This is obviously the case... the attacking stone was sent away.

In fact, the 'transport shield' always surrounds the entire meltdown zone, and the transport organ cannot sense the position inside the meltdown zone, so Lin can't transfer the troops into the meltdown zone and can only be transmitted to the surrounding area.

Therefore, it is necessary to let the attack stone fly in and approach the target.

Including attacking stones, most of Lin's missiles also have transmission shielding capabilities. Lin can now add the effect of 'transmitting interference' to some objects, mainly to interfere with the object, so that it has no way to be perceived by the transmission. .

The effect is similar to the transmission shield... In fact, the transpiration is also unable to transmit Lin's troops.

It seems that the transpiration has a way to solve this interference, or is it able to ignore the interference?

When Lin thought about it, the attacking stone had already started a second round of attack. As before, they shot a lot of missiles and other objects. Many missiles were relatively...fragile and easily intercepted.

But Lynn will always be mixed with some 'unbreakable' things, such as missiles and attacking stones like before.

They were once again approaching the lava lake under the cover of countless explosions, and the lava lakes were already full of those chariots, and they were constantly attacking.

In the next second, they were smashed into powders, and the lava waves re-emerged with the explosion. Lin’s attacking stones also sneaked into the lava lake...

This time, the same is true. When the attacking stone enters the lava lake, the scenery around it changes instantaneously, and the temperature changes from extremely high to extremely cold. The scenes of the stars are reappearing... It seems that the previous efforts have changed in an instant. It makes no sense.

But in fact, there are some meanings. Lin wants to figure out how the tranfers ignore transmission shields. Is it...has the transmission capacity to be 'higher' than that of the stellar bus? Or... it takes advantage of something else to help it.

Lin felt that it should be the latter. At the moment when the attacking stone was sent away, Lin detected some special ‘energy’, which came from...Miedgart.

So, within the pipeline, Lynn let the pompoms move.

This pom-pom has always been dive in a huge pit with a lot of 'contaminants', but it has now floated up and found the two brains that have gone mad.

"It wants to eat me! It wants to catch me! I have no choice! I only bite it! Do you know? I want to bite it!" The two of them are now on the water, and they are trying to climb up the rock wall. After seeing Lin's pompoms, they immediately sent out... very frightened brain waves.

Lin didn't answer them, but let the pompom fly to a brain-making monster and then touch it.

it is as expected……

From the brain-making blame, Lynn got new news from the meltdown zone, and its 'will' is still constantly confronting the vagrants.

Therefore, the meltdown zone also knows more about the idea of ​​transpiration. In fact, before the meltdown zone, it was all about 'shallow' news. Now it knows more, but it is also because of evapotranism. The deeper sake.

The tranfer can do nothing to ignore the transmission of the shield, in fact it is not its own transmission capacity, but it now utilizes the transfer capacity of...Miedgart.

The tranfer allowed a unit with pollutants to go to a location inside Midgart, which allowed the troops to use ... pollutants to interfere with the organs at this location.

This organ can be said to be the delivery organ of Midgart, which is precisely a part of the transmitting organ. Midgart has a large number of transport organs throughout the body.

These organs are located throughout the body, and the transpiration pollutes one of them.

The transmitting organ itself does not 'think', so it receives instructions from a distance, and after the tranfer interferes with it, the organ will receive its instructions.

It seems that Midgart's transmission capacity is much stronger. It can very clearly detect its body and all the objects in a large area around it. It can't be shielded by the usual shielding method.

Through this transfer organ, the transpire can transmit the troops that Lin is close to, but because the control is not perfect, it will give most of the attacks to the army, and only transmit the key.

............ At this time, on the other side............

"So, go and get rid of them."

"They? What are they?"

A red pompom is in a position with the brave in the pipeline, and the red pompom pokes the fluffy man: "This is the location, there are some...rebels."

“And?” The brave suddenly found that there were some... messages in his brain that showed a map inside the pipeline with a red dot at a location on the map.

The red dot can also be magnified and observed. By zooming in, you can see that there are a lot of demons gathered there.

That is... the vagrants are polluting the organs that transport the organs. In fact, the demons attacked by the brave were not all, and there was a force in other places, and some civilization-destroyed troops were mixed in.

"There are other things... well, I will solve them." The brave turned and yelled behind him: "Have you heard? Depart!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh! Depart!" Standing behind the scholars, there is a large group of... cultivating creatures, and under the violent cheers, they quickly rush toward the target.

So now, just wait for them to destroy the troops in that position, at this time let the attack stone continue to maintain pressure on the tranfer.

As long as it is given pressure, it will be... distracted, and the speed of erosion will be slower. As for this... continue to explore.

Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly back into the big pit before, and flew down to the pit... I found that the two brains were still in the water.

However, they seem to have calmed down.

"I know, I know." A brain-creek said after seeing the pompom: "Do you know? I saw... that... let me see..."

"What have you seen?" asked the pompom.

"I saw... I saw the entrance! It is calling us! It doesn't know us! It's here! Know? Go in! Go to the entrance and go to the totally still world! You have to make it out I can kill it with all my strength!" (To be continued.)

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