4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1439: Move multiple times

"Yes... this position is where you call you, get close to it, understand its call..."

Here is a big hole in the hole.

The pompons are working with two brain-creating monsters, slowly diving down into the water. There are many... solidified voids, and the two brain-building monsters seem to be less affected.

They are not crazy now, and Lynn has detected it here... 'The solid air energy' seems to be a lot smaller, so the brains are still normal, they are like taking the road, moving with the pompoms all the way to the depths .

"Come on, it is here! Here is the place! That place!" The two brain-creating monsters suddenly stopped because they had reached the bottom of the water.

There are a lot of water bottoms... very strange things, they look like a kind of lantern, with a shape of one-meter ellipsoid, and a faint white light inside.

Before a brain-striking man moved to a ‘lantern’, it stretched out his forelimbs and then turned and said to Lin: “Come, touch it, touch!”

"Can you go there when you touch it?" Lin asked the brain-creating.

"I don't know." The brain-killer said: "But at least it won't bite you, is it very cost-effective? If you feel it, just touch it!"

"..." Lin didn't say anything, but as they said, let the pompon stick out of the fluff and touch a ‘lantern.’

In the moment I touched this lantern... Lin felt it... nothing.

It seems that there is nothing unusual, so Lin touched it again, and checked the material of the lantern a little. This does not seem to be...the substance that solidifies the void, but...

‘嘭’ suddenly, the lantern blew open in front of Lin, and it swelled and burst, turning into a large amount of powder that emitted fluorescence in the water.

"It's now!" The two brain-creating monsters suddenly swam over. They kept on the water... rolling their bodies, and the fluorescent powder produced by the explosion all stuck to them.

When they are all covered with fluorescent powder, they become... fluorescent brains.

“What's the point?” Lin asked as she looked at the two brain-haired blazers.

"It seems that something is missing. There is a lack of momentum. Right! It is lack of momentum! Be full of momentum!"

The two brains made a strong brain wave containing ‘roaring’, they swam to other lanterns next to them, and then bite it down...

‘Hey! The two lanterns that they bite were blown up. At this time... the strange scene appeared. As the whole burst of the lantern broke out, it was not a fluorescent powder, but a strong white light.

This white light instantly swallowed two brain-creating geeks, as well as Lin's pompoms, which turned everything around it into white.

But this only lasted for a few seconds, the white light quickly disappeared, and after the white light disappeared... Lynn also found that the surrounding scenery had become different.

It seems to be transmitted to somewhere.

In front of Lynn is a vast... desert, where the temperature is a little higher than the temperature at which water evaporates. Gravity is 70% of the pompoms, full of complex air, and the ground is almost entirely golden sand. And the sky is flying with countless dust.

“Is this a solid void?” Lin asked the two brain-building monsters around him.

"Here... of course not." The brain-stricken scream said: "This is the place, where is that place... What are you doing? Answer quickly!"

"This is the tomb of Midgarth." Another

The brain-minding replied immediately: "Where, it is not the place, the one who killed it, and then left the rest here, and tumbling on the ground."

"..." Lin let the pompon float, and touched the brain-making monster a little, directly from its body... obtained the information.

So, this is indeed... the tomb of Midgarth, but this tomb is not Meadgart's own, but its enemy.

There have been some species that attacked Midgart, and Midgart has wiped them out, but... they are almost extinct.

Sometimes, Midgart will throw a small portion of these species that attacked it into this place, so it is called the tomb of Midgart, to be precise, it is prepared by Midgarth to other creatures. Graveyard.

It is said that the creatures who come here can no longer go out, they can only wander in the wilderness until death.

The meltdown zone seems to know the existence of this place, and the brain-making monsters therefore have the knowledge here...but they have not actually come in, until now.

Unable to leave is limited to creatures that have been specially thrown in by Midgart. If you are mistaken into the species, you can leave it in a relatively simple way.

"We don't want to come here, hurry back!" The two brain-creating geniuses began to act in a simple way, rolling them up on the ground, once again... they showed something glowing.

When they rolled for almost ten seconds, the strong light bloomed again, and Lin found the surrounding environment...turned back to the bottom of the pothole, and Lin saw the ‘lanterns’ again.

These lanterns actually have the function of a transmitter, but they are all ... one-time use. According to the brain-stricken, they can be transmitted to several places, but these places do not seem to include solidified voids. Touch them to know the specific information of these lanterns.

"Come on, try that again!" And they didn't seem to care, and began to bite other lanterns.

After the explosion of the lantern, the white light once again allowed Lin and the brain to go to another place.

This place is... a rocky wasteland, here is a location on the back of Midgarth, it looks like nothing special.

"Not here! Come back soon!"

Once again, by constantly rolling, the brains and Lin returned to the pit again.

Each round trip consumes two lanterns, and the energy of the lantern seems to support only one round trip.

Although the pom-pom can be transmitted by 'swinging' without going to bite the lantern, but the lantern is used up several times.

‘Hey! ‘The brains are not in charge of these, they bite a lantern again, this time, went to a place that seems... still nothing special.

After returning, the brainstorming began to continue testing until the test was... the seventh time.

Lynn found something special... the pompoms are missing. (To be continued.)

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