4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1440: Stacking point

"Hurry up! The new devil tells us that our tracks have been exposed!"

Here is somewhere, the terrain is made up of a large number of huge stone pillars, they are like the jungle all over the earth, between these pillars, there are many ... demons wearing black and red armor.

They are flying between the stones, and each demon holds almost a box of things on his hands.

All of their belongings will eventually be sent to the center of this megalithic woodland, the only open area without any stone pillars, like a square, they all piled these things on the ground.

"Collect so much, it should be fine." A guarded demon stood next to the stacked boxes, to its companions... Another guard said: "How long will it take to collect?"

"The more the better!" Another big demon said: "This is the command of the new devil, we must..."

"You must die!" Suddenly, a voice descended from the sky. The voice of this great demon did not fall, and its body split from the middle into two, and fell into a pool of blood.

"Yes, it is... Devil!" After another big demon just shouted, it was pierced through the chest.

"There are so many here..." The brave man, who is three meters tall, took out the giant sword of the great demon and looked around.

All the demons flying around the pillars are now looking at its direction. The brave can clearly see the horror contained in their expressions, but they also react quickly and take out the weapons in their hands.

"Ah, kill!"

The sky suddenly sounded again, and the demons who had originally targeted the brave had raised their heads and looked at the sky. They were now wearing a large group of armor, and the creature with the big sword fell from the sky.

The killing sounds of the devil and the cultivating creatures rang, the screams and roars rang through the entire boulder woodland, and the brave turned around. Without looking at the demons, they focused on the large number of boxes stacked in front. on.

"Why do they put these things in the box?" The brave asked himself, and then he lifted the big sword on his body and slammed it against the pile of boxes.

"Because it is possible to mix together!" Suddenly, the brave felt a sound beside him, and an object that was about the same size slammed into it.

The brave immediately jumped on the ground, escaped the attack and jumped to the pile of boxes. It also saw clearly... This creature looks like a big demon, but it is a little different from other big devils... It does not wear black and red armor, but wears silver armor...

The devil likes the color of black and red, which is set, so the devil wearing other colors is rare.

"These things..." The big devil pointed to a large number of boxes at the feet of the brave. "If they are not separated, they will be put together, and they will have unpredictable and strange effects, which may lead to avalanche, and everything will be ashes." !"

"If you dare to destroy these boxes, you will definitely die! You will destroy all of this!" The great devil said: "If you know, hurry up!"

"Yes? Then you guys will be all dead?" The brave stretched out his hand and pulled out a few **** from his waist and threw them into the pile of boxes under his feet. The **** followed the gap between the boxes. Rolled in.

"Wait a minute, this"

'boom! ! ! The fierce explosion rang, and a large number of boxes suddenly burst into the smash, and the things inside were like flying dust.

"It seems that there is no power to break." The brave man jumped into the air before the explosion. It looked at the dust smash that flew with the explosion and did not see any special effects.

"No... this new devil will... the new devil will... I will kill you!" The devil yelled, and it leaped vigorously on the ground, raising a lance-like weapon in his hand to the brave Sting up.

The brave flew to the side to escape its attack, and then raised the big sword and cut it to the side of the big devil.

What the 铛 勇 brave did not expect was that the great demon jerked around and raised the spear to block the brave attack, but did not resist how long.

Its spear was broken, the sword of the brave was cut on it, and the silver armor was cut out of a crack. The great demon also fell from the sky, and the bang slammed on the ground.

"Sure enough, it's the devil..." The great demon stood up and swayed on the ground: "But your strength is not worth mentioning compared to the new devil! So we will choose to follow it instead of following you!" ”

"I don't want you to follow these incompetent traitors." The brave raised his sword and threw it at the big demon. After a moment, the blade pierced the body of the big demon with the armor, but the big devil could still... continue to speak. Look like that.

"The new devil has given us a powerful force... powerful... ah ah ah!" The big devil suddenly screamed, and at the same time, the ground beneath it was suddenly cracked, and countless cracks spread.

"What is that?" The brave immediately flew down, took the blade from the dead demons, and flew again.

As the cracks on the ground continue to grow, the brave has something like a black liquid that rushes out of the crack.

These black liquids are getting more and more, and they spread quickly on the ground, which turns this area into a black mud.

"They..." The brave, the other demons, and the cultivation creatures also noticed this situation. The cultivation creatures did not feel good, and they all climbed to the heights of the stone pillars.

The demons did the opposite, and they cheered and jumped onto the black liquid, letting them drown themselves.

"This is the one!"

When the brave doubts, it suddenly received a message, this is ... scholars.

"That? Which one is that?" asked the brave.

"This is what it is called..." The scholar said: "This is something called 'Civilization Destruction Fortress! It is said that this thing is responsible for producing civilization and destroying the army. There are many in the entire pipeline. All the troops in history have been It...made!"

“Constructing the fortress?” The brave questioned: “Do you mean that this beach is like something like black mud?”

"It hasn't formed yet!" the scholar said: "When it is fully composed, it should become a large object, possibly several kilometers in diameter, and have the ability to produce troops internally. It is said that every time the army is produced, it Will restore this... like the shape of black mud sinking somewhere! Now it is awakened again!"

"Destroy it before it is fully formed! At least destroy those pollutants, that is the boxes!"

"Box..." The brave looked at the place where the box was just stacked. Most of the boxes that were in the box, and those that were not in the explosion box, were almost completely engulfed by black mud. (To be continued.) 8

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