4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1441: Solidification encounter

Dark, complex, criss-cross.

In front of Lynn's eyes, there is such a space, which is composed of numerous complicated caves.

This is the scene that Lynn saw the last time... and the two brain-creating people used ‘lantern’ to transmit.

This complex cave scene is actually very familiar to Lin, because here is the body of the pompom.

At the time of the final transmission, Lin suddenly felt that the pompom was 'missing', but to be precise, it was... I couldn’t feel the pompon.

Usually, this moment of loss of feeling is due to the sudden death of this unit, but this pom is still not dead.

It is in front of Lynn's eyes... It should still be alive, but it can't feel it, can't control it. Lynn thinks this phenomenon should be...coiled.

The entire pompom is in an inactive state, and there is no way to accept the new...memory, so there is no way to be felt.

However, not all parts of the pompon have been solidified, and there are some... very small units that have not been solidified.

For example, now, the unit that gives Lin a vision in the pompon, its shape is very similar to... aphids.

Its size is about one millimeter. These small arms have a lot in the pompon, which is usually used to 'maintain' some areas of the pompon. Therefore, Lin calls it ‘Victor’.

Now, Lin found that some of the mites were not affected by the coagulation, so Lin concentrated them.

In the process of concentration, Lin also used this dimension to detect the cells in the solidified pompon... This feeling is quite... strange.

The cells in the pompon are in a state of being completely inactive, as if they were frozen, and no action is taken. All the substances inside are fixed.

This phenomenon is exactly the same as the 'coagulation' that Lin had previously understood. Is it here that the solidification is empty?

At the time of Lin's research, dozens of Wei Wei climbed from the cave in front.

These scorpions are all mobilizable units. Lin makes them crowd together and dissolves the skin, blending together, and finally they become a bigger...

This dimension is more than a centimeter long. The structure of the body is not changed much from the previous one. It is mainly because it is no longer used for maintenance, but for exploration.

Following these familiar cave passages, Lin soon arrived... the passage leading to the outside of the pompon, following the passage to the end, the first dimension of the **** from the tip of a pile of fluffy hair... Head.

At the same time, Lynn also saw a big environment.

Here is a cave. The walls of the cave are filled with many things like ... plants. They are made up of many small balls, like 'grapes', but there are no leaves, only fruits... and mostly blue. And it emits fluorescence.

And between these ... plants, Lynn can see something like creatures, they are like birds, but they are all in a state of motion, as if they have been solidified.

In addition, Lin also saw two gray cockroaches making the brains ten meters in front of the pompoms, they are still motionless, it seems that ... have been solidified.

Is this a solid void?

Holding this doubt, Lin let Wei Wei fly from the tip of the pompon fluff. There are four wings like a beetle behind it, shaking the wings, and it flies in the direction of making the brain.

While flying, Lynn observed everything around him. Those plants like grapes didn't seem to be solidified. They sometimes... move.

The creatures that are among them are completely motionless, like a statue.

The ground is also covered with such plants as grapes, and Lin's pompoms are placed on top of a piece of grapes.

Soon, Wei Wei flew to a brain-creating body and landed on it, feeling like landing on a gray... desert.

At the same time, Lynn also received some ... information.

"Hurry up and let me go! You stupid things! Why don't you let me go? Are you afraid that I will bite you? Then let me go! I will bite you!"

This is the brainwave of the brain-creating, and it is felt when Wei Wei comes into contact with the brain-making skin composed of numerous gray particles.

Lin thinks it should be like this. It seems that the brain and most of the body of the brain are solidified, but some key parts of the body, such as the part that can be thought, are not solidified, so it can still be issued. Brain waves.

But now that it can't receive the information outside, it can't move, and thinks that it has been shut down by...

Thinking, Lin sent a message to the inquiry, and it immediately replied: "What? I was fixed? This is very likely! I must leave here immediately! This is not the place to come! Must escape! Must..."

As I said, the brainwaves that made the brains stopped... and Lin tried to ask questions, but it didn’t respond.

However, Lynn already knows that this is not a solid void, but somewhere in Midgart...just this place... a little strange.

That is when Lin just came here, did not feel the specific location here.

Lin can know where they are by the distance between the arms and the arms. When I first came here, Wei Wei could not feel the distance between himself and Lin.

This usually happens in a void that is quite far away... So, Lin thought it might be a solid void.

But now I feel it. It is indeed in the body of Midgart, but I haven’t felt it for a while. What is the reason? And this brain-making monster no longer makes a sound... It seems that its body has also been solidified.

What kind of place is this place?

Lin feels that she needs more... reinforcements to investigate, this Weiwei is too small to do a lot of things... So Lynn decided to let it grow first.

"Go to that place..."

Just when Lin thought about it, the brain-creating monster suddenly sent out a brainwave.

It has sent a lot of information to Lin... This information is... and has a relationship with Midgart.

This place seems to have a part of the Middlegart nervous system, and this part may still... stay here.

The brain-hunting is to think of Lin to find it, it is not far from here, probably go... one kilometer is here.

That being the case, then you must definitely check it out, but before that, Lynn still has to do something else.

It seems that the brave people have encountered a little... trouble. (To be continued.)

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