4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1442: Manufactured fortress

Civilization destroys the army and constitutes a fortress...

For most civilizations, this thing is just a legend, and few creatures have seen its true appearance, but within the Midgart, the guardian's institute has done a lot of research on this ‘fortress’.

It is a complex thing in its own right... It is usually hidden in the underground environment in the form of a black liquid substance, and when there is any need, it will appear from the ground and quickly form a large, complete form, and Quickly judge the current form of civilization and begin to produce the right army.

This army is generally composed of local materials and creatures, and usually has many types, mainly capable of restraining the current civilized army.

It will be created until it is thought that it will destroy all the destroyed civilizations, and will return to the liquid state and return to the ground until the next civilization is destroyed.

There is still a lot of mystery about this 'Army constitutes a fortress' study, because it has not yet been tried to enter the interior of the fort to investigate. It is now confirmed that it is composed of substances from the solidified void, but it is not sure whether it is a creature. , or part of the organ of Midgarth.


"Now it has been polluted and may do something unpredictable, destroy it before those things happen!"

"I know……"

The brave man is now flying over a stone pillared woodland, its ‘hands’, and the cultivating creatures are standing on the pillars and looking at one direction.

In front of them, there is a huge black object, which is made up of those 'mud' that rush from the cracks on the ground.

The boxes that were previously carried by the devils have all been swallowed up by black objects... and may now be somewhere inside.

Although the brave bombed a part of the box before it was completely swallowed, it was not completely solved. Now it seems that it is not easy to solve those boxes again.

Now that the black mass has expanded to a diameter of more than 60 meters, it continues to grow, but according to the information I have heard from scholars, it is still worse than the size of a few kilometers. less.

The brave believes that it should be able to solve it before this.


Suddenly, the brave heard a sound. The seemingly smooth surface of the black object suddenly surged like the rainy water. A lot of black, mud-like things spattered on its surface and landed on the surrounding stone pillars. In the woodland.

“What is this?” When the brave doubts were just born, it found that the splashes of mud all moved, some of them grew a few limbs, and some turned into tentacles, on the ground. Creeping crawling

"Those should be temporary products." The sound of the scholars sounded: "These may be the army that was supposed to be made, but now they are polluted and they are manufactured without judgment, so they have created these... deformed things."

"Yes? Then you don't have to worry about it." The brave said loudly: "Now all the members start to attack!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The cultivators immediately shouted, they leaped constantly on the stone pillars, and finally rushed to the surface of the black object, and slashed it with a sword.

The object originally composed of black mud is now very hard, and the sword is slashed on it and the sound of collision with hard objects is constantly transmitted, which does not cause any harm to it.

"I didn't say it!" the brave yelled: "Don't cut with a sword, use that ... internal force to blow it up!"

"Yes! We will use it immediately!" The group of cultivating creatures reacted immediately. They pressed their hands on the surface of the black object and shouted: "Wow, ah!"

After they finished, they immediately jumped backwards, but the armor they wore was also attached to the surface of the black object. When all the cultivating creatures jumped out, a burst of banging sounded around the black object, a sharp The air waves instantly blow all the cultivation creatures that jumped into the distance.

"Oh oh! Our internal strength is really powerful!" Even if they were blown to the ground, the cultivation creatures did not care to climb up and cheered.

"..." The brave did not speak. It carefully stared at the smoke generated by the explosion. The internal forces of these cultivation creatures, in terms of explanation, said that the will of the body and mind will be concentrated on the hands, and the power of the whole body will be gathered and finally taken off. When the armor jumps, this force will stay on the armor and it will have an unparalleled power.

In fact, the armor worn by the cultivating creature itself is a bomb.

After the explosion of smoke and dust, a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the huge black object. It seems that the explosion caused no small damage to it. From these cracks, black mud poured out like spring water.

"Good... then use this." The brave raised the giant sword in his hand and slammed it into a larger crack.

The flying sword instantly hit the target, and the whole sword instantly fell into the crack of the black object, and then...

No sound.

"..." The brave stared at the crack and did not speak, and the surrounding cultivation creatures kept exclaiming: "Does it gather the internal forces on the sword? This is really amazing. When will we be able to cultivate to this stage? But it seems that there is no response..."

'boom! ! ! Suddenly, a violent tremor of the earth shook, and the huge black object was like a volcano. Its top exploded suddenly, and countless black matter poured out like lava. It falls like a raindrop.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It seems that the moment has reached the top, because of the excitement, they are crying wildly.

However, some cheers suddenly became a bit... weird.

"Ah!" The brave heard the screaming sound. He turned his head and saw that several cultivation creatures screamed and fell to the stone pillar, and the culprit in doing this was on the stone pillar.

It was a black body. It had a lot of limbs on it, much like a deformed monster, and the ends of several limbs were sharp. It pierced the cultivation creature through this...

Moreover, there is more than one such thing, they still have a considerable amount on the ground, and they all begin to climb down the stone pillar.

However, the brave think that they are not the main problem, the main problem is... the huge black object.

It seems to be starting... some kind of change has taken place. (~^~)

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