4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1449: What is growing in the cemetery

In the legend of Midgarth...

There used to be one thing.

Midgart spreads the civilization of his body in the void, trying to summon other species... There is a creature that once responded to Midgarth's ‘call.’

It is a special kind of creature that consists of a soft substance that can be continuously extended and grown.

Known as the 'Tomb Glue', this creature was originally discovered in a void cemetery, a void cemetery...it was said to have been the ruins of civilization left by some drifting void species.

I don't know when it started, the 'Tombs' grew on this ruin... initially they were just some soft, seemingly harmless substances.

However, after the growth lasted for a long time, ‘Tomb’ was almost all over the ruins of civilization that floated throughout the void.

And it is no longer a simple soft substance, and ‘tomb glue’ occasionally produces some special... form individuals.

These individuals have the ability to initiate something like the weapons left in the ruins of civilization, and even repair them.

Later, at some point... the tortoise seemed to receive the signal from Midgart, and then it launched some powerful weapons left in the ruins and launched a bombing of Midgart.

In the end, this behavior led to Midgart attacking it, and the tortoise was destroyed in a situation where there was almost no way to resist.

The ruins of civilization that it occupies thousands of kilometers in diameter are also burned into powder by Midgart, but... the tomb is not completely extinct.

It was left with a small piece, which was retained by Midgart and thrown into the tomb of 'Miedgart'.

In this desert that can never leave, the tortoise has been mechanically repeating a thing to fix anything found here, such as the aircraft, start them, drive to a certain place, and then put It comes back and maintains these things to keep them working.

No one knows, this is why... Tomb glue has been going on for a long time, until...


‘Hey! The sound of the explosion sounded on the sand.

In a vast desert, there is a flat land of rocks, and a number of aircraft are parked on the ground, and these aircraft are now constantly shooting with weapons on their sides or overhead.

The target of the shooting is surrounded by the sand... a large group of deformed creatures with asymmetric limbs.

Lin now knows that these deformed individuals split from the meat domes, together with the meat domes, can be called 'Tombs' because Lin has learned the news from scholars.

They found a building in Miedgart that stores information. The information stored in that building is about the tomb.

The tomb of this creature seems to be a strange creature in the creatures that Midgart has attacked.

Their bodies are like plants... growing creatures, and when they want to manipulate something, they split into a number of movable individuals with limbs and use them to manipulate things.

The guardian's research institute also studied tombs, and they have never been able to infer what the purpose of the creature's actions is, nor how they learn and split the individual's operations.

Lynn also thinks this creature is very strange. They seem to have the hobby of operating machinery, but there seems to be no reason for this hobby.

They now know that the aircraft placed on the flat on the ground, split a large number of active individuals to come here.

Therefore, Lin also used the weapons on the aircraft to attack them casually. These moving deformed individuals are very fragile. As long as they make simple cannons, they can shoot them one by one on the ground.

However, they are very numerous and almost emerge from the sand, and it seems that they must seize control of these aircraft.

So... Lin does not intend to stay here for a long time.

‘Boom’ was accompanied by the roar of the aircraft, and the aircraft on the ground rose one after another, and the individual tombs on the ground stopped to move.

They seem to know that they can't catch up with these aircraft.

Then, Lin let all the aircraft fly to the other side. Lynn felt that there was something missing from these troops to attack the vagrants. So now I will not fly to the meltdown zone, but I will first look for the lack of things... As for That kind of thing...

Just not far ahead.

Lin has seen that the high-speed flight of the aircraft allowed Lin to quickly approach it, this is a building.

The building has been badly damaged. It should have been square. It has hundreds of meters in length and width, but its top has been...the whole is gone, and the rest is only the wall that is less than two meters in height.

However, everything in the building is intact, it is a lot of ... weapons.

Most of them are more common weapons, such as missiles, which are piled up inside the building and look almost intact.

Lin had previously dispatched a lot of mechanical beetles to explore and accidentally discovered this place. As long as all these weapons were taken away, Lin could attack the tranfer.

Of course, Lin can also make it herself, but it will be slower... The recovery rate of the transpiration should be very fast.

Before it is fully recovered, it is necessary to fully attack it.

Thinking, Lin let the planes land on the sand around the building. All the aircraft opened the hatch at the moment of landing, and many... mechanical arms were crawled out of the hatch.

These units climbed into the ruined building and began to detect these weapons, some of which were dismantled directly on the spot and some were shipped to the aircraft.

When Lin did this, there was another change in the surrounding sand... Those creatures called tombs appeared again.

A large number of individuals swayed or climbed over to the side of the aircraft. They were getting faster and faster, and Lynn didn't attack them this time, just let the aircraft slowly ascend into the air.

The tombs were all gathered under the launching aircraft and stopped moving, so they were in a daze.

If the aircraft is parked on the ground, they will have some weapons that bypass the aircraft to get inside the building, but when they fly, all their attention will only be on the aircraft. Lin does not know why this is the case...

Their habits are really strange, but in this case, Lin can continue to work on the weapons in the building without disturbing them. (To be continued.)

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