4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1450: Blow it up

The whistling wind continued to reverberate, and Lin’s vision changed from a golden sand to a hot black world.

Going back here again... this time, I have to solve it almost.

Lin once again came to the meltdown zone. This time, Lin brought a total of 30 aircraft... Their size is mostly more than ten meters, some are more than 30 meters, but most importantly, they are already loaded. Full of weapons.

These weapons were reconstructed after being dismantled by Lin. Lin felt that their power was enough to destroy the current vagrants.

Now that the aircraft has flown over the lava lake, this vast lake is very calm, but it will soon... it will once again set off the waves.

‘嗖’ Along with a burst of sound, an aircraft fired several missiles at the lake. These missiles plunged into the lava and advanced toward the depths.

Lin installed the ‘eyes’ on the missile. Soon, she saw the missile entering the clear zone under the lake. She also saw the smoldering body...the body of the rusted metal plate.

Its body is covered with cracks, and its body size is much smaller than before, probably only 30% of the time, the bombing before Lin, the damage caused to it is quite large.

This time the bombing, although the number of missiles used is not so much, but Lin feels that the power will certainly be enough...

When Lin thought about it, the missile also flew toward the evaluator at the same time. This one was only used for testing... If there is no problem, it will let other aircraft launch together.

The transpiration, who made an unexpected movement, suddenly began to move.

Its rusted body moved toward the bottom of the lake, and the missile immediately chased it up. The bottom of the lake seemed to be very close to it. Soon, the missile and the transpiration arrived at the bottom of the lake.

The bottom of the lake... looks nothing special. In the clear environment, you can see that the bottom of the lake is covered with black stones, and the tranpers quickly sink to these stones.

It swims to the bottom of the lake... What is the point? When Lin thought so... Lin suddenly received some signals, which were sent by the tranfers. The content of the signal is very simple. It means that if Lin directly bombed here, it will affect the stratum environment.

But... Lin felt that it wouldn't. Even if the explosion had a ripple on the bottom of the lake, it would not affect the meltdown zone itself, because its own will is in a position that is difficult to reach.

This is also the reason why the meltdown zone itself can resist the long-term bombing of the demon against it, although it is also related to its ability... However, the meltdown zone itself is quite strong, and its nervous system is even more difficult. A place that is affected by external influences.

Otherwise, the transpiration can destroy the nervous system directly, without the need for such erosion, because the time required to dig there is longer than the erosion, so the evapotraner uses this 'neuro-erosion' approach.

Therefore, Lin did not believe... the threat of transpiration.

'boom! The missile hit it directly. When it released the waves that trembled the lava lake, all the aircraft in the sky also fired at the lava lake at the same time.

A large number of missiles flew out, one by one into the lake, and went to the depths of the lava lake.

If the transpiration is still in that position, it must be unavoidable...so it doesn't seem to want to stay in that position.

When the missile entered the clear area, Lin found that the evaluator was swimming fast, so it directly collided with several missiles in the forefront.

'boom! ‘With the fierce explosion, there are countless flying metal pieces. In the shaking lake, the remaining missiles of the Lin can see the countless pieces scattered by the rusted body of the tranfer.

But at the same time, I saw the body of the transpiration in the explosion... Moving up and down at high speed, it instantly swam into the turbid area of ​​the upper layer of the lake.

The explosion just made its body smaller, but it has not completely broken, and it seems that it has not lost its ability to move. Therefore, all the missiles have followed.

In the process of following the transpiration, Lin found that it was moving up at high speed, in this case...

‘咕噜噜...’ Lin noticed that the lava on the lake began to shake. Suddenly, with the bang of the bang, the huge body of the evaluator flew out of it.

Although it is said that it has been blown up a bit now, but this is quite large for Lin, it is about 300 meters in length and looks like a huge piece of rust metal.

Although the body size is very different, the evapotrans did not attack Lin's aircraft, but flew high in the sky with countless lava waves.

It seems to be trying to escape from here, without sending it, without any special method, but by pure flight escape?

And the speed of flight is not very fast...

‘Hey! In the next second, all of Lin’s missiles were chased out of the lake. They and all the aircraft went along with the escaped vagrants.

In the sky of the meltdown zone, the battle of chasing began.

Lin expects this to be the last fight because it has been fighting with it for a long time.

Although there may be other tranpers, but solve it, the threat of Midgart and the meltdown zone should disappear. Then, Lin has a lot of time to slowly study Midgar. special.

'boom! When thinking about it, the evaluator speeded up again. Although it didn't look like any power device, it was quite fast.

It flies in the direction of the other side of the meltdown zone. It does not fly in the direction of the void. It seems to be planning to circle the world. It flies rapidly toward the side of the meltdown zone.

Lin is also behind it, pulling it closer, and although it is fast, Lin's missiles and aircraft are still a little faster.

One problem is that missiles and aircraft are consuming energy. Lin feels that tranpers may not... need not.

It must be blown up before then.

At the same time, Lin also thought of a problem.

Before, a group of demons rode the stars to the tranfers to transport pollutants, but the star was not there when Lin bombing, maybe it was hidden somewhere, maybe... the transpiration would use it to deal with Lin.

Although I haven't seen it until now.

Then destroy it before you see it...

'boom! The brilliance of the explosion suddenly turned on.

The reason is that the transpiration suddenly decelerates, and the rear missile hits it directly...

The brilliance of the explosion completely swallowed the 300-meter rust creature. (To be continued.)

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