4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1453: Ordinary city

“Welcome to the city, you are free to choose to act, explore and be familiar with the lifestyle here...”

A machine that is nearly two meters in length... is slowly moving.

It looks like a fighter, but it has some ... limbs under its body, so it can also crawl on the ground.

This fighter is controlled by Lin. It used to be more than ten meters long, but in order to enter the city, it must be transformed into this way.

Its control system was taken out, placed in a jar, and then assembled around the jar... and in the end it became like this.

A fighter plane that is much smaller than before.

As for other aircraft, they are still parked outside the city, because Lin said that there is only one main control system, so they only put the system in and put it in, other aircraft... and anything that was carried before, such as mechanical beetles. These things are all not brought in.

It is only the part of the brain that can enter this city.

Why is there such a strange rule in this city? Lin is still not very clear, but I know... there are many creatures who have chosen to follow the rules to come in this city.

Looking at it, the ground in the city is composed of silver and white colors, which look very dazzling, while on the ground there are many... machinery.

They are in various forms, some are moving by wheels, some are limbs, some are floating, they are almost three meters below, although they all look mechanical, but before they enter the city, they all It is a variety of creatures, including cell biology.

After entering the city, their brains were packed in jars. The body was broken down and discarded, and a mechanical body was assembled.

This will officially become a resident of the city.

What makes the residents here want to abandon everything except the brain and enter the city? What Lin knows now is that... it’s hard to live outside, but to live in this city.

The lifestyle in this city is very similar to the common personality bio city. When you look at the top of the city, you can see a lot of pipes, and the ground is covered with pillars that support those pipes.

Around the foot of the column, there are a lot of ... shops and other places, those mechanical residents in and out of these stores, and use money to buy things, it seems to live a very ordinary life.

In short, let's go shopping here and talk about it.

Lin controlled the fighter to move forward slowly, using the internal control system to perfectly control the new body, as if other creatures were the same.

Lin looked at the machines that passed by, not knowing whether they used the brain or something else to form the nervous system, but it seems to be able to adapt to the mechanical body.

It is not easy for the city to do this, which means that it fully understands the neural structures of various organisms and can also create mechanical bodies that can accept their nerve commands.

Lynn wants to see how they do it.

Another question is, where is the ruler of the city? All the residents here are like Lin, who joined from the outside.

Who is the rule of customizing the brain into canning? Lynn is also very interested in this.

However, it is still necessary to increase some of the troops first.

Thinking, Lin looked ahead, not far ahead, Lin found a goal that seemed to be used to increase the number of cell units.

It is a cylindrical machine, it is more than one meter long, there is a robotic arm on each side, and there are three wheels at the bottom for movement. The key is that the top of the cylinder is transparent, and Lin can see one...the brain floats. inside.

That is obviously the brain of cell biology.

In fact, there are many similar machines nearby. The parts of the brain or nervous system are transparent, so they can be clearly seen.

I don't know what it means to expose the weaknesses like this, but it may not be their own decision.

Then, Lin went to the front...the direction of the mechanical brain went over, it kept moving in place, as if waiting for something.

When Lin approached it to a distance of two meters, it suddenly turned a circle and then voiced to Lin: "Are you new?"

It is very pure...dusty crocodile language, but Lynn feels that this is not the language of its own, but it is said by the device with translation function on the body.

"How do you know?" Lin also replied to it.

"It can be detected, this is the function that can be obtained after the upgrade." The mechanical brain said: "You just don't know anything when you come here, because when you come in, the entrance will not tell you anything, just let you in the city. Explore on your own."

"The life here is like this. All newcomers must understand the way of life here, and many of them have died here before they understand it..." When the mechanical brain said, Lin thought... it was laugh.

"However, you don't have to worry, because you met me." The mechanical brain said: "I am here to specialize...receiving newcomers and giving them 'instructions', as long as you listen to me, you can Live well."

"What do you do?" Lin continued to ask.

"Work, of course, work!" The mechanical brain said: "Where did you come from? I think you are a smart machine. In short, living here, you need work to get the energy you need to live."

"Come with me, I have a lot of 'empty places' here, so I have to recruit newcomers." Then, the mechanical brain turned and walked toward the distance, and Lin hesitated for about half a second, and then followed.

According to it, it is exactly the same as the city of general personality, but it is said that most of the residents here are from the various civilizations in Midgart.

And these civilizations, individual creatures also occupy a majority.

Perhaps Midgart feels that other types of creatures...like divisional species are hard to destroy.

Then, Lin followed the mechanical brain to a support column. The support column was large and almost 30 meters in diameter.

Under the foot of the column, there is a ... shop, the name of the shop flashes with a strong light, when viewed from a distance is just a group of light, and when it is close to it, it instantly becomes a dust crocodile, meaning: ' Assembly and parts'.

The name seems to be very common.

"You are here!" At the moment of entering the store, Lin heard a very loud voice: "Is it retrofitted or broken down, or...the thing you brought is good!" (~^~)

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