4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1454: Novice disassembler

Air temperature close to freezing point, smooth ground, about 90% gravity, and ... a lot of mechanical parts.

Lin is now in such a place, following a mechanical brain claiming to lead the newcomers, Lin came to a shop.

The floor of the shop is as crystal-clear as it is, but on the shiny ground it is filled with all sorts of mechanical parts.

It looks like a shop selling parts, and the owner of this store is a spherical machine floating in midair. It has a diameter of more than one meter and has many robotic arms around the spherical body.

"Very good, the things you brought this time are very good!" The spherical machine floated to the only visitors in the store... The mechanical brain, and Lin’s body, swayed and swayed the robotic arm. It looks like it is very exciting.

"It's the owner of the parts store." The mechanical brain said to Lin: "It is responsible for selling mechanical parts here."

"Yes!" said the sphere: "I have been in this industry for a long time. Are you planning to join?"

Lin has heard on the way. The mechanical body of the residents is not static. They can be modified and upgraded. Except for the jars that can be replaced, everything else can be changed.

Therefore, there are many such shops selling parts. As for the currency they use to buy and sell, it is a kind of thing called energy nuclear. Residents here need this kind of activity. If there is no energy nuclear, they will enter... status.

It is dead.

Therefore, the residents here must work hard to obtain the energy nuclear, which is similar to the use of food as a currency.

“Newcomers have the benefits of newcomers.” The mechanical brain said: “You can get a thousand energy cores. You can now use them to buy something to ensure future life. Many things can be bought here, like Yes... jobs, now there is a shortage in this store... you can choose to work here."

Lin asked: "Where is the energy core?"

"I can take you to pick it up." The mechanical brain said: "However, you have to make sure that you will work here."

"...may." Lynn promised.

"Well, then let's sign the ... work agreement first." After the mechanical brain finished, it quickly went to the store to stretch out, and then Lin followed.

Soon, Lin and it came to a pile of parts, the mechanical brain reached out and grabbed a part inside the pile and pulled it hard. Lin heard a rumbling sound and saw the parts piled up. The two halves, and a downward passage... are revealed.

"This is the place to sign." The mechanical brain said to Lin: "Go on."

"..." Lin looked at it, and then went down, the mechanical brain followed up...

After walking for a while in the dark tunnel, Lin found that the front was bright, and Lynn saw a very wide place.

What appeared in front of Lynn was a large gray-black substance like mud. They were as large as the ocean, and they spread all the way to the farthest point of view. In the mud, you can see some small, like buildings. Things, as well as a variety of ... mechanical parts.

The huge pillars stand in the mud, and now Lin is in the foot of a pillar. There is also a small platform that allows Lin to stand on the platform without touching the mud to observe this strange place.

"This is the underground of the city, called... 'rotted land'." The sound of the mechanical brain came from the back of Lin: "This place is where the people who lost their lives are buried, their remains are rotted and dissolved, and they have been accumulating. It has become such an area."

“Is it?” Lin asked. “Why are you here to sign a work agreement?”

"Because your work is over."

At the moment when the mechanical brain said this, Lin also felt that something was approaching quickly, and then...

‘Hey! After a burst of noise, Lin felt that the fighter plane was instantly shot and flew out, and landed on the silt floor outside the platform...

"Come on, go and disassemble it!"

Because he turned around in the flight, Lin can now clearly see the situation behind him. He only sees the mechanical brain standing on the platform, and there are two big...machines beside it.

The two machines are also mechanical brains, the shape is similar to it, but the heads are much bigger, each one is more than three meters high... and they have big fists on their robotic arms.

Maybe one of them was just hitting Feilin, but when I first came down, Lin didn't notice where they were hiding.

Obviously, this is a ... scam. At first, the mechanical brain tricked Lynn into this place, and then let it hide from here very early... The beater will fly out.

Next, their purpose was expressed. The two beaters quickly jumped onto the mud. Instead of using the wheels, they used the legs to move, so the speed on the mud did not decrease. They ran to the side of Lin’s fighter. Before the fighters got up, they grabbed the body of the fighter and pulled it hard...

The strength of this fighter is completely without them. After all, the body of the fighter is not assembled by Lin.

After a while, the thug completely dismantled the body of the fighter into a pile of parts... and carried them back.

"What should I do?" Finally, a hitter grasped the jar containing the main system of the fighter.

"I lost it, because there is an identity registration, there is no way to use it." The mechanical brain said: "With its parts, you can switch to a lot of cores, let's go."

Finally, the main system of the fighter plane was thrown onto the mud, and then the mechanical brain took two ... hitters and a pile of fighter parts, leaving from here.

It seems that this mechanical brain says it will lead the way for newcomers. It is actually tricking newcomers into here, then disassembling it and getting its parts.

There may not be any guards and the like here. Maybe the city itself is not guarded. The machinery here does not know what to use to maintain order.

This kind of deception actually actually guessed before Lin, but didn't care about it, but went on along with it, because it seems quite interesting.

Moreover, in the end, it brought Lin to this place. Lin actually wanted to find this place. This place is very suitable for ... to form an army.

There are not only a large number of mechanical parts, but also a lot of fungi, even... some large multi-cellular organisms. (.)

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