'boom! ’

An explosion of roaring, accompanied by huge sand waves suddenly rising, countless monsters like twisted meat appeared in the dust, they made strange screams, rushing toward the towering wall.

"Attack... is it coming again?"

This is the highest point of the city, with many criss-crossing pipes covering the entire city, and one pipe is taller than any other.

To say why... Because it is always extending upward in a spiral shape, extending to the highest point of the spiral pipe, it becomes a disc-shaped building.

On the top of the building, the mechanical brain is standing there, looking down at the edge of the distant city from the highest perspective.

Outside the city wall, the tomb was attacked again. The attack seemed to be more fierce than before. Not only did a large number of troops appear, but sand waves like the waves continued to slap the wall.

And the city walls, like before, did not immediately counter these attackers, perhaps waiting for them to gather enough to attack.

Brain Spirit has been watching this attack at this highest point. It seems to be thinking about what it is, and has not made any action, just watching it here.

From the beginning, Lynn has been skeptical about whether this brain is the ruler of the city. It seems to be able to command many things and stay at the top of the city.

However, Lynn thinks... it is not a ruler.

Mainly because Lynn turned to some information about the city at the Institute in Midgart.

What can be found here is something that was once destroyed by Midgart. The city is no exception. It used to be a very special civilization.

This civilization, like the city, is made up of many creatures that have been transformed into 'canned brain machinery.'

Most of these creatures come from different races. They are used in ordinary civilizations, soldiers, and other positions throughout the civilization, and they have a unified feature, that is, they all have a mechanical body, and the brain is packed in a jar.

Although these canned machines are various in various positions, none of them is the true ruler of this civilization, and it is said that none of them knows what the real ruler of this civilization is.

Later, this civilization did not know why it attacked Midgart for any reason, resulting in complete destruction, only a small part, that is, the city was thrown into the cemetery.

They still maintain the usual form of life, but the canned inhabitants are replaced by the races in Midgart, and they can't develop. They have always maintained the size of a city.

What Linde knows about this city is so much, so Lynn thinks... This city should not be ruled by residents.

Even so, the brain seems to have many rights, because Lin sees that it is now commanding the cannon attack on the wall. It uses the mechanical arm to touch the ground next to it, and there are a lot of stereoscopic images around it. .

Then it begins to poke the pictures, which show only some squares with different colors, but whenever it pokes the squares, the weapons on the far wall will start shooting.

The cannons on the walls were attacked in the same way as before, and they shot high-temperature materials against a large group of tombs to deal with the tombs.

Tombs have no defense against such weapons. They can only be destroyed in high temperatures, but they continue to attack.

I don't know why, the tortoise seems to want to deal with Lin's look. Lin thinks it might be...

Suddenly, the brain stopped working, and suddenly it ran fast on the ground.

To be precise, the wheel underneath it rolled up quickly, reaching the edge of the building and stopping the body at the moment it almost fell.

‘Hey! In the next second, the position of the original brain spirit made a loud noise, and a huge object descended from the sky and landed on the building.

This group of objects... is the tomb.

It looks like a big piece of meat. It has a length of more than three meters and a height of more than one meter. The piece of meat crawls slowly on the ground, and it also sounds: "I call you... Kill it... why not move... kill it!"

It sounded like a low-pitched voice, squirming and crawling in the direction of the brain.

"I don't want to do this." Brain Spirit responded calmly.

"Why don't you kill it... Why..." This piece of meat climbed faster and faster, and when it was about to touch the brain, the brain moved.

"Because... it’s easier to kill you." The moment the brain spirit finished speaking, it stretched out from one side... the third robotic arm.

The end of this arm is a cylindrical shape, and the brain uses it to aim at the meat in front...

A glimmer of fire flashed out of the cylinder, instantly drowning the meat. The piece of meat continued to wriggle in the flames, but its movements became slower and slower, and finally stopped completely.

This brain spirit seems to... decide to use these tombs as enemies, and not to clear the cells of Lin?

Does it recognize Lin? This brain is really a very weird character, and Lin feels that it should be carefully studied.

But I still don't do it now, because Lynn still wants to observe it for a while, to see how this brain spirit deals with tomb.

It is not too simple to use the tomb rubber as an enemy. The tomb that was like a piece of meat just fell from the sky. The source of its fall is the sky...the clouds.

If you look at the sky, you can see that many pale pink clouds are floating in the sky.

This is a rather weird scene, because the tomb of Midgart originally had no clouds, so this scenery attracted many residents.

When they look into the sky and make an exclamation, these clouds begin to squirm.

Then, a piece of soft objects, like raindrops, descend from the sky, they fall on the pipe, fall on the street, and then deformed into... the arms of the tomb.

I didn't expect the tomb to have this kind of attack, and the city didn't seem to have a defense system for this kind of attack.

After a while, a lot of... screams rang.

The tombs that fell on the ground began to attack all the mechanical inhabitants around them. These residents did not seem to understand the battle at all, and they all screamed and fled.

The brain spirit looked at the situation below in this high place, and it did not make anything, as if thinking about what seemed to be motionless.

However, the city seems to have started... counterattacking. (To be continued.)

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