4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1460: Comprehensive attack

'boom! ’

Here is the city of canning, the sound of the explosion echoed here, the residents have been hiding in horror, and many residents fought bravely.

That is mainly because... the sky has lowered the rain of tomb.

The pink soft clouds all over the sky split the countless tombs of the tombs. These troops fell like raindrops and attacked all mechanical residents like monsters.

Many residents who wear weapons are actively resisting. These tombs are falling from a fairly high place, but they are afraid... puncture attacks or high temperatures.

They are easily torn or burned...so they are not very difficult to deal with.

However, the number of them is too much, and they are constantly falling from the sky, and the clouds in the sky are constantly coming from far away.

However, it is not just the residents of the city who are fighting, the grounds of the city, and many of the pipes that stretch out... many cannons.

Under their attack, the continuously falling torstone has not been able to pile up enough quantities on the ground.

However, these cannons occasionally hit some places that should not be hit, such as civilians or shops, but also caused fire everywhere, continuous explosions occurred one after another.

This area of ​​the city is completely in chaos, and there is nothing special about the brain, it is still on the top of the building.

Lin decided to investigate first, and Lin wanted to see why... Tomb glue would attack Lin.

The main 'will' of the tortoise is concentrated in the desert to the east of the city. Lin wants to investigate carefully in the past...

But before that, Lin wanted to take a look at this brainstorming survey. I wanted to observe it, but it hasn't done anything, so just grab it.

Thinking, Lin let a... the pompom floated slowly.

This pom-pom is made by Lin Xin. It is more than one meter in diameter and has just flown out of the rotten land under the city... It has now quickly flew to the brain.

"It's here! Hurry up and kill it! Kill it! There is no war when you kill it!" And when the pompoms approached the brain, a voice suddenly rang.

Lin found that the sound came from the sky, and a piece of tomb fell from the sky and landed on the building. The moment it fell, it continued to move toward the pompon, seemingly trying to pounce.

But the pompoms fly relatively high...so there is no way to rush over and only look at the building.

Lin did not pay attention to it, but let the pompom fly from a height and continue to fly toward the brain. However, because of the tomb, the brain also noticed the situation here. After watching it for a few seconds, suddenly The pompon said: "You... you are here, why are you here?"

Lynn thinks it seems to recognize the pompom.

"What is the significance of your coming here? Why come to this place?" This often stunned brain said a lot of words: "Why... you will come here..."

"Yes! Hurry up and kill it!" The tomb said: "It is a very dangerous thing, you have to kill..."

The words of 'Hou' tombs have not been finished yet, and it has fallen into a fire. The brain spirits have dealt with a tomb, and it has sprinkled a raging flame.

When the tomb was burned, the brain continued to say to the pompom: "We have nothing to destroy."

"You... know me?" Although she already knew it, Lin decided to ask the brain about the problem.

"You destroyed us." The brain said: "This is something that cannot be forgotten."

"But the destruction is over." The brain said: "There is nothing that can be destroyed here... no more."

"Why are you here?" Listening to it, Lynn decided not to catch it, but to talk to it...

"Do you want to destroy me? Are you going to destroy us all?" The spirit of the brain seems to be a little nervous... It says to go back to the edge of the building, although it is already on the edge, but it still tries to squeeze the body Go out more.

“No.” Lin said: “I am just here...exploring.”


"Understanding the unknown." Lin said: "For example, you."

... Next, Lynn chatted with the brain about a lot of... content.

It is not the same as the brain that Lynn had encountered before. It is more adept at... chatting, it tells Lin many things.

Like its... life story.

This brain spirit was once used as a 'infiltrator', that is, parasitic on other biological brains, and penetrated into biological civilizations to obtain their information.

It used to be parasitic on the brain of a certain cell creature, and this cell creature came to a place at some point... This is the city of canning, the city of canning belongs to a powerful civilization.

It learned about the history of some canned cities, and the city of canned was originally a city in which...

This civilization was originally powerful, but it attacked a more powerful opponent. The entire civilization was almost destroyed. At the last moment, civilization transformed many...the cities into aircraft, letting them escape to different directions in the void, thus retaining The 'fire of civilization'.

However, it is said that these last ‘fires’ have been destroyed one by one, except for the city where the brain is in the spirit.

The city was caught by that powerful opponent and then placed here.

This powerful opponent is obviously Midgart, but the brain does not know Midgarth.

It can only describe Midgart as a ... powerful object, huge... pipe.

At the beginning, the cell creature that parasitized the brain was in the pipeline... exploring wandering, and finally did not know how to get into this place and arrived at the canned city.

According to Brain Spirit, the city of canned has a powerful technology that can detect that this cell creature is parasitized by the brain.

However, they did not help the creature to remove the brain, but instead shattered the brain of the creature.

The brain is taken out alone and placed in a jar that can hold it, and there is also a mechanical body that can be controlled.

Since then, the brain can no longer contact its peers, only occasionally received some signals, it can not signal itself, so there is no way to summon companions.

The brain spirit can only be used as an ordinary resident in the 'canned city' and has been living here.

However, the brain spirit has not been doing the idle time, it has climbed to a higher position in the city through some methods... and can command some things here.

At the same time, Brain Spirit also learned that there are quite a lot of secrets in the city of canning. (~^~)

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