4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1461: controller

"This city... has been maintained for a long time..."

The sound of explosions and flares still echoed in the city, and the thick smoke rose and covered the sky, but it could not cover the rain that continued to fall.

Looking at this city in war, the brain spirit is above the tall buildings, and Lin talks about the history of the city.

In fact, the brain spirit itself is not clear, who is the ruler of the city.

However, it itself believes that the city has a 'smart' in control, but does not know where its location is, because the brain expresses that he has almost entered and exited every corner of the city, but has not found this. The main part of the intelligence.

This intelligence... will handle most of the things in the city, such as ... transforming every creature trying to enter the city into a can brain machine.

And the responsibility for collecting resources, as well as the elimination of waste, the production of energy nuclear, etc., also includes ... automatic defense.

It attacks anything that is considered an enemy, such as the tortoise from the eastern desert, some of the gorges in the west canyon, and the perpetrators in the city.

The city has been safely maintaining all living things in it, and all the residents in the city are working hard for more energy and quality life... but at some point it suddenly has problems.

According to the brain, this problem is called ‘smart recession’.

What is the cause of the brain does not know, but this intelligence starts at a certain time, it can not deal with so many problems.

For example, underground waste disposal, the original local waste is piled up to a certain extent, it will automatically discharge a part to the western canyon.

But it will not do this kind of work now, resulting in higher and higher waste accumulation, while energy nuclear production, resource collection and other things, intelligent processing is getting worse.

Not completely not working, but insufficient production.

Moreover, the automatic defense system will occasionally appear ineffective, and sometimes it does not respond to the enemy who came to the crime. Therefore, some residents in the city noticed this incident and criminal incidents began to breed.

However, the biggest problem comes from threats outside the city.

According to Brain Spirit, every time you discharge waste into the western canyon, you will suffer from a monster attack from the canyon.

The defense system can deal with these monsters every time, but after the 'smart recession', the defense system accidentally fails, and part of the west side of the city is destroyed by this monster.

This monster does not only come out when the waste is discharged, but occasionally they will come out without warning, but if it is discharged, it will definitely come out.

Although many residents have noticed the problems of the city, they did not want to solve it, except for... brain spirit.

Brain Spirit has been trying to climb to the 'high places' of the city, trying to control the things here and rule the residents.

This is mainly because it received the news of the destruction of the core of dreams not long ago.

Although it can't send a signal to the companion here, it can occasionally receive some messages from the companions. It knows that the ‘brain spirit’ creature is almost destroyed.

The brain spirit will want to develop here in the first time, and after it completely controls it, it will find a way to leave here.

Therefore, it is also the first to notice the problem of 'smart recession'.

The brain is very clear, if the problem of smart decline continues, the city will undoubtedly be destroyed, and the brain thinks that it is almost impossible to live outside, it must keep the city.

So, the brain began to act.

It originally operated a relatively large shop, which is also selling parts. Brainstorm quickly expanded the size of the store and recruited more employees.

It allows these employees to deal with things that do not continue to work after some smart recession, such as waste disposal, and also set up a force to collect resources outside the city to restore energy nuclear production.

The brain is getting bigger and bigger in this city. It should be regarded as a huge... ‘company’.

Brain Spirit also set up armed forces to deal with the perpetrators. However, when the brain was doing this, the city's intelligent system was rapidly declining.

Like a weapon system, there were a lot of powerful weapons at first, but now there are some... guns.

Brain Spirit believes that this will not work. Even if it can command the residents of the entire city, it will not be able to develop because it cannot build buildings outside the city.

If you go to the city to build a building, you will be attacked by the tomb glue. It is even more impossible as far as the canyon is concerned. The only way to develop is to control the city's construction system and push the city wall out.

The city's construction system is also controlled by intelligence. Everything in the city is made by it. Although the shape is very strange... all are pipe-shaped, but the space can accommodate every resident of the city.

Of course, in fact, not every resident has a place to live, some residents have many houses, some residents do not, can only go to the underground rotten land to pick things up.

Any building built without a construction system will be destroyed by the defense system.

Brain Spirit intends to control the construction system... No, not only that, but it also intends to control all the systems in the city to develop.

So, next, it has been trying to make it happen to replace the intelligence to operate something in the city.

But this seems very difficult.

Brain Spirit found it... there is no way to control these things, it doesn't even understand why something moves.

If it's hard to disassemble them and reload them... they will be attacked by the defense system.

Although the defense system has many problems due to the smart decline, some of them can still be started.

Then, the brain spirit decided to solve these automatic defense systems first.

Under its efforts, it succeeded. It controlled some defenses...the guns, but only a small part, most of them still run automatically.

However, Brain Spirit believes that this will continue, it will certainly be able to control all systems.

However, at this time it encountered other problems... it received a contact.

This contact...from the desert outside the city, it says that it represents all the tombs in the desert, and requires the brains... to kill some of the ... creatures in the city.

The initial ‘voice’ was very calm, but it became more and more impetuous later, very... I was eager to kill it. (To be continued.)

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