Here is... the depths of the desert.

The small pioneers move rapidly in the high-temperature gravel, which can almost evaporate water, and continue to the bottom of the ground... the position where the tomographic concentration signal is located.

It’s coming soon.

Just as Lin thought so, the gravel in front suddenly slammed open, and the Blazers fell into a vast... cave.

The walls and ground of the cave are made up of sand and dust. I don't know why there is no collapse, but a hollow space is formed.

But there isn't just gravel here, there's a stick like a metal, stuck on the ground in front of the Blazers.

So, Lin now understands in a moment why the tomb rubber... wants to attack Lin.

Because this metal is a thing of the transpiration, the structure of the transpiration is like a rusty metal, which can be seen even if it is not in contact.

Lynn thinks that the general situation should be like this. The tranfers sometimes let this part of the metal into the desert and affect the tortoise.

Maybe it's through some method... it affects the thinking of the tortoise, and makes it attack against Lin.

This stick is what the transpiration used to affect the tortoise. But now it is useless. It doesn't signal anything. Lin thinks this should be a... consumable. It is useless after consumption.

Therefore, the tortoise did not protect this thing. In fact, Lin did not encounter any attacks during the process of drilling here.

Lynn guessed that the tortoise couldn't accurately know where Lin was, only to know roughly where Lin was concentrated, and that the scattered units had to be close to be discovered.

As long as the drilling process is not too close to the tomb, small pioneers will not be discovered.

So what should be done next? Go directly to the tomb and exchange them to see?

The current troops of the tortoise have been almost cleaned up by the canisters in the city. The body of the soft meat is unable to fight against the metal. The tomb rubber may give up this battle and talk to Lin well... If the transpiration has little effect on it, Lin may be able to 'convincing' the tomb.

"Are you here? Is it here?"

As Lin thought about it, Lin suddenly heard... familiar voice, only to see the sand next to it exploded, and climbed out two familiar figures from inside.

The two...the ash makes the brains.

"You are here!" A little pioneer who saw Lin's brains saw Lin immediately ran over: "We have reunited, come on, run toward the future, face it... what to face?"

"We are summoned." Another brain-killer said: "You have defeated it, but it has not defeated it, so you have to completely defeat it before it is defeated."

Lin didn't say anything to them, but let the Blazers touch a brain-building monster.

Soon, Lynn knew why they came here...the main reason is that they received intermittent signals from the meltdown zone.

They couldn't receive it since the meltdown was in the tomb of Midgarth, but I didn't know why, and they received it again, so they came in here.

And came to the place where they thought the signal was the the desert cave where Lin was.

At the same time, Lin also knows the idea of ​​some meltdown zones through the two of them.

The meltdown zone seems to be a little bit...woke up, it has been in a state of ‘coma’ before.

This is also what the vagrants got... It turned out that after being sent to the tomb of Midgarth, the transpires have already started this... plan.

It stops the erosion of the meltdown zone, but instead has a strong 'spiritual interference' effect on the meltdown zone.

This puts the meltdown into a coma.

The transpiration thinks that Lynn may chase it to this place, so if it is prepared in advance to let the meltdown zone enter a coma, even if it is not there, Lin will not be able to communicate with the meltdown zone for the time being.

Then, it started another plan... the impact on the local creatures, that is, the tomb, the transpiration seems to know the creature of the tortoise, and also knows the structure of the tortoise.

It flew a part of the body out and drilled under the sand, and the continuous release signal affected the thinking of manipulating the tortoise.

At the same time, it also gave the way to identify the lining gum, so that the tomb rubber thinks that Lin is a very threatening creature, and must be quickly eliminated...

It mainly tells the tomb, and almost all of the 'Lin' are gathered in the canned city, so the tortoise should be attacked by the main object.

It seems that the transpires predict that Lynn will go to the city because it is the only place in the region that has cell biology.

The transpiration itself...has stayed in the lava lake without leaving because it is waiting for Lynn to come because it knows...Lin will destroy it.

‘ booming’

Suddenly, Lynn heard a sound.

This sound is not in the desert, but... on the other side of the city of canning, the sound of the bang is moving throughout the city...

"What's wrong with this? Is this an earthquake? Ah!" The residents who are fighting the tomb in the city feel the tremor of the earth. All the pipes are constantly shaking. I thought the tomb was very good and full of victory. They are filled again with joyful emotions.

Lin's cells can clearly feel this vibration in the decaying ground, as if every corner of the city is shaking, this vibration extends to the depths of the decaying ground.

However, this situation is more clearly seen in the air. The pompons floating above the city can be found that the whole city is shaking... moving slowly to the west.

This is not a mere earthquake. It seems that there is something... It is pushing the city underground. It is only the brain that notices this except Lin.

"Here... they are going to ruin it!"

The brain is still on the highest building. It keeps talking to himself, and is still turning around. It seems to be...the common anxious appearance of individual creatures, but it has nothing to do.

Because according to the brain, it controls only a small part of the city's defense system, so it can't stop some large-scale situations.

But how is this situation caused? Is it... the size of the tomb is so large, is it really pushing the city under the ground?

'咔' Lin’s pom-poms in the western canyon can be seen. Because of the vibration, there are many cracks on the cliffs under the city. The roar of the cracks keeps ringing. If this continues, the city may really be pushed into the canyon. ......

Then, it will hit the ‘monster’ at the bottom of the canyon. (~^~)

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