4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1464: Fall down


This is... the river.

The black river flows under Lin's pompoms.

This location is the bottom of the canyon in the west of the canned city. There is nothing at the bottom of the canyon except this...the river.

The huge river occupies the entire canyon, it is always flowing, there is no sound... The humming sound is simulated by Lin.

The promoted city will eventually fall into this big river, and here is also the final plan of the vagrant.

The transpires thought a lot of plans after coming in here... The initial plan was to stun the meltdown and control the tortoise, while it stayed in the lava lake waiting for Lin to attack it.

After Lin defeated the vagrants, he would be in a stunned meltdown zone, and then he would go to the canned city to build troops to log in to the meltdown zone and dig deeper to check the nervous system of the meltdown zone.

The transpiration... thinks that Lin will go to the canned city, so it has customized the plan to let the tortoise attack the canned city.

The canned city is a very difficult thing to deal with the tortoise. In the ordinary way, the tortoise can't cause too much damage to the canned city and the residents inside.

But the city of canned has a weakness, that is, the city... is actually a nail-shaped structure.

It is not built on the ground, but like a huge nail tied to the ground, the tip is deep into the ground, and the tail is the city, so that the rock around the city's underground is loose. The city will shake and fall to one side.

When this huge city is poured into the canyon, it will lead to a very spectacular phenomenon, which should be called ‘fragmentation.’

The black river under the canyon is the ‘gorge monster’ that the brain is saying. After Lin’s inspection, this is now... something that can be called ‘fragmentation’.

The 'fragmentation layer' is also recorded in the research institute in Midgart, which is a unique phenomenon in the body of Midgart.

They call this phenomenon a superposition of fragmentation space. In short, any object that comes into contact with it will become a powder in an instant, and these powders will appear at different distances and in different places.

Simply put, the object that touches it is like every part of the body is transferred to a different place.

The black stream gathered under the canyon, Lin felt that the ‘fragmented river’ was better because it looked like a river, and of course it not only looked like it, but also touched it.

The ‘fragmented river’ is like a real river. When something falls on it, it will have a splash of water. The bigger the thing, the higher it will be sputtered.

But sometimes it's not necessarily a big thing, and some special substances will make it splash.

What the residents in the city call the canyon monster is the sputtering phenomenon of the 'fragmented river', mainly because the shape of its sputtering is not necessarily the same as that of water. It sometimes sputters very strangely. Shapes, like... huge claws, or huge creatures, are called monsters.

The traces left in the west of the city are traces of the cracking of the cracked river, and the damage it causes is quite large, but it is said that there are weapons in the city to stop this spatter.

However, it is only a small amount of sputtering. If most of the city falls into the bottom of the valley, then it is not a splash, but a tsunami.

According to the tranfer's prediction, the bursting of the 'fragmented tsunami' will sweep most of the material here in the tomb of Midgarth.

Turn this cemetery space into a weird place full of broken layers. Although the fragmentation layer will lead to many anomalies and destroy most of the creatures here.

However, the transpirations themselves will not have problems.

Because ... the fracture layer has no effect on the solidified void species, the solidified void species can pass directly through the fracture layer without any influence.

Because the actions inside Midgart failed one after another, let the evaluators understand a little... It is difficult for Linde to control Midgart if it continues to interfere with it.

In this case, this plan is a must. As long as the tomb of Midgart is turned into a space full of broken layers, it is difficult for Lin to act here.

And it can be slowly planned here, after all, this tomb is connected with Midgart, it can be here to find a way and ... to build a force or something, and then to dye Mead Garth.

In short, it intends to control this cemetery space first, and then act on Midgart.

However, it can't do it by itself.

Because it was bombarded by Lin, it has destroyed most of it and it takes a long time to repair it.

And it also believes that Lin will definitely catch up here, so it thinks of this... first destroyed by Lin.

As long as Lin believes that the transpiration is completely destroyed, he will put down his guard, so that his plans can continue to progress smoothly. This is true because Lin did not attack the tomb at first.

The last step of the transpiration is to let a... companion come here.

The former transpiration was indeed completely destroyed by Lin, and it did not leave anything... The ‘will’, the metal stick that affected the tomb was also a consumable.

It has been completely destroyed, but before it was destroyed, it actually had plans to call for reinforcements before it came in, but it had never been called for reinforcements before, because there was no way to ensure security.

If more reinforcements are called at the time, it may lead to more vagrants being destroyed.

The amount of transpiration should be small...so each is very...important.

Now it believes that it has been possible to turn the tomb of Midgarth into a safe environment, so that another companion can come to this position and slowly display the Midgart in a safe area full of broken layers. Control Plan.

However, the transpiration does not seem to be fully calculated.

It was not that it thought that the meltdown would wake up so fast... that led Lynn to know the vagrant's whole idea through two brains from the meltdown.

There is also the reinforcement that it summoned.

The tranfer is not summoned in the cemetery, but is summoned outside. It is left outside of the communicator before it is sent in.

When the tranfer may use Midgart's weapon, he knows that he may be sent in... It has already thought about these plans at that time.

It also left a communicator outside at that time, and let the communicator contact the companion after a while, so that the companion came here.

This time should be almost the time for the canned city to lead the canyon.

It was able to plan this, and it really made Lin a little surprised... Apparently the simmerers know very well about Midgart, and this... all the circumstances of the cemetery can immediately come up with the whole plan. (To be continued.) 8

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