4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1469: Continuous rise

‘ booming...’

The city is always shaking.

There is a reason for each shake, and these reasons always come out constantly... The reason why it shakes now is mainly because... to avoid the fragmentation of the sky.

"I succeeded! It flew up!"

Brain Spirit is now at the highest building in the city, and it is carefully staring at the picture in front of it, and speaks in a very excited tone.

Shown in the picture is a large group of ... mechanical brains, and some helicopter-type canned people composed of ... troops, these forces gathered in a certain space.

There is a large mechanical device in this space that appears to be made up of complex mechanical parts that are constantly being played alongside the mechanical devices, as if they are operating.

"You let it rise?"

There was a sound coming from the entrance to the brain room, and a ball of fluff appeared there.

"Yes!" The brain was very excited and said: "We found this device originally. I didn't know what it was... I used it, but after the city flew up, I finally knew that this was part of the engine! We can pass Control it to control the movement of the city, but now it can only control upwards... but it doesn't matter, it will be fully controlled soon!"

Lin feels that the brain itself does not want to express its own emotions, but its mechanical structure will detect its emotions and play an exciting sound suitable for this emotion, so the brain can't hide.

However, it may be that the brain spirit has been living here, and may have been used to it.

"That's part of the engine?" The pompon floated around the brain and looked at the huge mechanical device inside the picture. "Now... there is no way to fully control it, that is, ... can't stop to rise?"

“Yes, but my research team is investigating quickly, and soon...”

‘Boom! The brain of the brain has not fallen, and the city has...has swayed.

Although it has been shaken many times, the difference in the feeling of shaking each time is very obvious... the tilting when it collapses, the sharp vibration of the sky, the slight tremor in the sky... and now it is...

A strange sway that enters another gravitational circle.

"This is... how?" The brain sent out this kind of question, and all the residents outside were the same. They all had... quite surprised emotions, and Lin looked at the sky with some pompoms outside.

There is no cloud in the sky, but a blackened earth covered with orange cracks, and getting closer and closer to the city, the hot air instantly spreads throughout the city.

"Ah!" Many residents found themselves rising at this moment, and they rushed to the sky...that is, the direction of the blackened earth fell.

"This is another..." The brain spirit in the building also flew to the top after saying this, and the group was working...the research engine was also the same, and Lynn saw them all flying around. Colliding, I am afraid that research can't continue.

But the rise of the city...now it should be called a decline, not yet finished, along the gravitational pull of the meltdown, the entire city is flying towards the hot ground.

Lin didn't act, just let the various pompons stick to anything nearby to avoid being blown away.

Because the city is going to return to normal, there is actually no need to do anything, it will itself...

Under the sway of ‘Boom’, Lin found that the whole city was turning over. As the melting ground of ‘sky’ was rapidly turning downward, the scenery of the sky was replaced by countless sand grains.

After more than ten seconds, the city turned back to the position of gravity. Now it is flying over the meltdown zone, and the desert of the original Miedgart’s tomb has become a view of the sky. The various residents and brains on the roof... also fell back to the ground at this moment, but there are also many residents... there is no way to come back.

Fortunately, the city has the ability to adjust automatically. However, Lynn also found that many residents believe that the city can return to normal. They have already regarded the city as a huge aircraft, so I believe it must have a flip shape. Ability.

However, the current problem has not been resolved.

Because, after the city turned back, it began to rise again.

In this case, it will rise to the gravitational zone of the desert, and after a tremor, it will turn back and rise back into the gravitational pull of the meltdown zone...

If this rising problem is not resolved, it may enter an infinite loop until the brain-minded forces kill the engine, or they all go up and down.

Or... Lin went to get the engine.

This seems to have three possibilities, but actually there is a fourth.

It is flying over here.

'boom! ! ! Then, the shock came along.

A pipe in the heights of the city burst into brilliant brilliance when it was hit by a ray of light. During the explosion, many residents who had been hiding in the pipeline screamed and flew out, and some fell. On the ground, some flew directly to the outside of the city.

Hit the city, the giants flying from the sky to the east of the city... star.

From the previous attack, the evaluator didn't see it. Lin knew that it was hiding, and knew that it would definitely appear, but I didn't know the exact time, and I didn't look for it specially... It seems that it chose this time. pop up.

This huge creature, which is one kilometer long, has a myriad of stars shining all over the body. It is flying faster than the city, and it is even more so.

After a second, the pompoms at the east wall saw the sky... the stars fell down.

Quite a beautiful attack, large areas in the east of the city are covered by flashing brilliance, and the booming sounds, many building pipes including pompons, and large blocks of walls are dying out at this moment.

The huge body of the star flies over the area that it blows up and reaches the sky above the city...

When the starlight on its epidermis flickered again, the residents of the city who could see this scene screamed in horror.

Except... brain spirit.

"What is that? Hurry up!"

Just as the city flipped back and caused the collision of the parts in the body to recover, the brain saw the scene of the star-studded attack, almost no hesitation, and it immediately issued an order for the attack.

The walls of the city were quickly opened, and a door gun exploded, aiming at the stars in the sky. (To be continued.)

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