4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1470: Continue upward

The bright red light of ‘嗡’ is quite dazzling.

They burst out from the cannon and aimed at the starry starry sky and collided with it.

'boom! The bursting light obscured the sky, and the canned brain residents were hiding in the building, watching the sky with fear and surprise through things like video equipment.

When the glow of the explosion dissipated, their emotions have turned into full panic, because the giant behemoth seems to be...no damage, and its whole body once again shines brightly, seemingly to bloom.

"Is this weapon useless?" Brain spirit stared at the screen: "Since this..."

‘Boom! The city suddenly swayed, and the brain suddenly felt that he had left the ground and ran into the roof.

"This is... and fly back!"

Because of the city's continued rise, it broke away from the gravitational pull of the meltdown zone and was once again affected by the gravity of the desert. Under this force, the city slammed and flew away, and all the residents hit it again before hitting them again. The place.

And the glittering star cluster collided with something at this moment.

The height of its flight is very close to the city, so when the city is suddenly accelerating, it first hits some pipes.

These pipes shattered at the moment of collision with the stars, and when the residents or vehicles in the pipes poured out, there was a violent bang.

The body of the star cluster directly hit the ground of the city, and the huge body instantly caused countless cracks on the ground. However, this was only a short ten seconds.

When the city began to cooperate with gravity to make corrections, the star cluster began to sway and flew. It left the huge cracks that it had crashed and flew into the sky of the city, turning the starlight of the whole body into a barrage of destruction. Sprinkle around.

‘Boom! The continuous explosions rose throughout the city, and a large number of buildings collapsed and shattered, and more residents flew out at the moment.

"What exactly does it want to do? Where did it come from?" The brain spirit looked at the devastating scene while quickly manipulating more weapon attacks, while asking questions like talking to himself.

"It wants the city to crash." A voice... answered the question of the brain.

That is the pom-pom in this room.

“The crashed city will cause a fragmentation.” At this time, the whole city has slowly turned back to normal, and the pompom floated to the side of the brain and said: “Although the city has already flown a distance, it has certain The way to control the city, crashed back to that...the valley."

"This is what you said before. They want to trigger... the black... cracked layers in the canyon?" The brain said: "This huge monster is also a group with the tomb?"

"Not too bad, but their goals are the same." Pompon said.

"Then what do we do?" The brain was a little scared: "The weapon is not useful to it, it is bombing again!"

"You have to do very simple, let your army control engine speed up." Pompon said: "Is this done?"

"Acceleration is OK..." Brain Spirit said: "But it can only go up..."

"The action, add to the maximum speed." Pompon said: "This will be able to ... defeat the creature."

"I... I know!"

'boom! The buzzing sounded again, and the city was once again splattered.

The city is now facing the desert, above the normal position of the meltdown zone, and the star cluster is still flying over the city, because it has been moving to maintain its orientation when the city is flipped, it is shining all over the body. Starlight seems to be preparing to smooth the entire city by bombing.

And when its starlight gathered, the city suddenly trembled.

The residents of the city have long been accustomed to the vibrations, but the stars are still not used to it, the city is rushing upwards, and the stars are once again ... colliding with the city's surface.

The bang sounded a huge mark on the ground of the city, and the city continued to rise with the stars. In another tremor, the city once again entered the gravitational range of the meltdown zone.

The rapid rise and the gravitational pull of the meltdown zone made the city's surface close to the stars, and it wanted to shake the body to fly, but this time it was not as easy as it was before.


At the same time, there are more cracks under the stars, they spread rapidly around the astral body, and it seems that the stars are crowded out, in fact...


'boom! ’

The ground under the stars burst open, and a behemoth flashing silver light swiftly swung under the stars.

It lifted the star from the ground, topped the sky of the city, and reached the land of the meltdown.

The body of the star gathers and trembles under its maneuver, and the part where the star is settled is quickly cracked. With the sound of '啪', the huge body of the star is divided into two, it seems Lost the ability to fly, follow the gravitational pull of gravity, and fall to the ground.

However, it did not successfully land on the ground, because the city is rapidly flipping, it seems that because of the increased speed of movement, it flips faster.

Therefore, the two bodies of the star cluster hit the city that was being turned over, and once again collided with the star on the city landmark... and the city rose to the gravitational circle of the desert.

Seems to have been successfully solved?

The silver creature that drilled the star into two segments was flying over the city as the city flipped.

This creature, of course, is the army of Lin... the pioneer.

In fact, it is not completely manufactured, only 100 meters in length, but most of it has been constructed as part of the weapon.

Although the needle-like structure at the bottom of the city has been collected, there is still some space under the city, so Lin can still let the Blazers continue to construct underground.

If it weren't for the stars, Lin wouldn't use it so quickly.

However, it seems that this star cluster is very fragile, and it is quickly disconnected under the rotation of the pioneers. It becomes two sides that are three hundred meters long and one hundred meters long, and ... still motionless. Lying on the ground.

Is it dead?


The city has shook again. The reason for this shaking... Of course, unlike before, Lin found that the city has stopped.

It stopped in the gravitational pull of the meltdown zone, and it was about 100 meters away from the gravity range of the desert, but at this time... it stopped the figure and stopped in the air.

Is this the brain that they get? No, they don't know what's going on... and, this is not the decision of the city's intelligent system.

It seems that there are other things to do. (~^~)

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