4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1471: Familiarity of variation

This is a city floating in the air.

The city is a very important... strategic item, so that after the vagrants die, there are still many creatures that inherit its ‘hermitments’ to destroy the city.

The whole city was originally in a rising position, and it was constantly flipping around in the gravitational pull of the two worlds, and now the city has stopped.

It almost touches the gravitational circle of the meltdown zone, only a hundred meters away.

Why did you stop? It seems to be because of this.

Lin's pompom, and a brain spirit and a group of ... helicopters are under a gate that is 20 meters wide.

The room inside this door is a... very important place. According to the brain, it is probably part of the engine. The brain spirit team found in the research process that to control the whole engine, we must find all the parts with the engine. .

The city's engine is divided into many parts, which are located in some buildings throughout the city.

Here is the building of an engine part, and there seems to be a little bit... problem.

"Turn this on! This is it? Turn it off! That? Open it! This? Blow it up!"

Outside this door, you can hear a lot of sound coming from inside.

"Open the door!" At the moment when the voice of the brain fell, the whole door made a loud sound and slowly rose.

"We were discovered! So bright! Get ready to attack!"

With the rising door, the light shines into the original dark space inside, and Lin and the brain can see, standing next to a large mechanical device, standing a large group of ... Lin is very familiar with the creature.


No, they are not exactly the same group of demons that Lynn is familiar with, because most of them wear white or blue armor, and they have a similar color to their armor on their skin.

They have always been black or red, and it seems that something has happened...variation.

"Who are you?" Brain Spirit called the group of demons: "What do you want to do with the engine?"

"Of course it is to destroy it and let the city crash!" A blue-skinned, up to three-meter-old demon said in the language of the dust crocodile: "This will wake up the great new devil! Kill them!"

"Oh oh! For the new devil!" Others are smaller, and the demon, about two meters high, suddenly screams to the side.

"Shooting! Solve them!" The brain spirit also issued an order at the same time, a large number behind it... The helicopters were immediately arranged, they stretched out several machine guns from underneath, and shot countless demons against the flutter Barrage.

‘Hey! ’

The fire was sputtered in the air, and the sparks were also beating on the demon. Most of the flying bombs hit the target accurately, but they were bombed out at the next moment, hitting the ground and making a continuous squeak.

The speed of the devil did not slow down a bit. They flew into the helicopter's ranks. The first demon reached out and grabbed a helicopter that was constantly shooting, and instantly smashed it from the air to the ground.

After a burst of mechanical sound, Lin saw that many parts of the helicopter had been torn by the devil, and everything else was similar.

The demons swept into them, and the two-meter-sized helicopters appeared to have no resistance.

"How powerful they are!" The brain seems to have no fighting ability. It watched the battle quickly and retreated. At the same time, it shouted: "Fast, we need more reinforcements, hurry up..."

'boom! The roar of an explosion interrupted the voice of the brain, and the brain clearly saw that... the pompoms quickly flew into the large group of demons in front, and then the bang made a dazzling brilliance.

The power of the explosion blew all the demons that were tearing the helicopter, and they slammed into the nearest obstacle.

It seems to have been solved... except for that one.

Soon another pompom floated here, and Lin looked carefully at the explosion. All the demons were blown up. Only the three-meter-high was still at the engine, and it didn't attack at first.

Most of the other demons ran into the wall or crashed into the engine, but they seemed to be mostly dead, and there were a lot of them there... wriggling.

However, this is exactly what Lin has to study and research. Lin feels that these demons are so powerful that they should have eaten some drugs.

To be precise, it is the substance that solidifies the void, and they strengthen the body through these substances, so the color also changes.

These demons are the demons who take the stars and help the vagrants to transport the material. Since the stars are there, they are definitely there. It seems that these demons have chosen to let the stars gather in front, and they sneak into the blast and blow up the engine. .

This tactic is quite successful, because when I was fighting with the stars, Lin and the brain did not notice that they entered this place, but it just let a group of demons rush together to melee tactics... quite stupid.

"Dare to use this despicable trick!" The big devil saw the demons that were blown up everywhere for a few seconds before they shouted: "But it's useless! Look at the power that the new devil has given us." !"

The great demon said that he raised his hands and sprinkled a large number of powdery objects to the devils.

"Oh... I want to...power..."

Seeing the powder, the demons suddenly writhed the wounded body and struggled. They opened the helmet and let the powder spill on his face.

"Oh oh! This is power!" Then... they all stood up, but the number was half less than before, because many demons were lying on the ground, and it didn't have the strength to turn around and let the powder spill on the face.

This is quite interesting... Although they give Lin a feeling that the dust crocodile is not as strong as it is, it has also strengthened a lot.

I can also get up when I am seriously injured... Lin wants to see how those substances affect their bodies.

"We are here!" And when the demons got up, there was a voice outside, and it was only a large group of canned brain machinery that gathered outside the door.

"Great!" The brain immediately said: "Hurry up and solve them all!"

"No." Lin said: "Catch them all alive."

"What?" The brain stunned and said, "Okay... then catch it."

"Do you think you can catch us alive?" Perhaps because the number of cans and brains is too much... There are about six hundred gathered outside, and there are only thirty of these demons, and they don’t immediately rush. It is slowly retreating. Among them, the great devil said: "We are ready to work, the new demon is about to resurrect, and the city will be destroyed!" (~^~)

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