4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1472: Powder force

"Look at this powerful force! They will make your city fall into the boundless darkness!"

"This is! This is that thing!"

This is a room with engine parts. Thirty demons are gathering in this room. They are being besieged by more than 600 tank brain machines and a ball of fluff.

Although it seems that the number is far better than the opponent, the can brain machinery did not immediately launch an attack, mainly because the big devil holds something in his hand.

This thing looks like a transparent square, thirty centimeters in size, with a black, squirming object inside it.

That is the broken layer.

It seems to use a special substance that can pack a broken layer in a transparent square.

"This thing has the power to destroy the earth!" The big devil said: "Don't think that it is the small black pieces that you see outside, floating around, as long as it is condensed, as long as it is subject to Any harm, there will be a violent explosion, and everything will be swallowed up!"

"Now, let's take a look at its power! It will devour everything, hahahahahaha." The great demon said to raise his hand high and forcefully slammed the square.

Hey! At this moment, its fist hit a ball of fluff.

"What is this?" The big demon screamed, and it found that the square in his hand had changed into a pom-pom, and the pompom was using the fluff to tightly wrap its hand, and it couldn't be smashed.

"It seems that your brain organs have not changed much." Pompon, while grasping the hands of the big devil, said: "This is just a simple illusion."

The big devil asked in amazement: "The illusion? What happened!"

"It’s just that when you were squatting, let a burr into your body and give you some illusion." Pompon said: "So you didn't notice that the square had been replaced."

"How can this be!" The big devil slammed, and after the ball fell, it immediately jumped up and shouted: "There is no such thing, I can destroy it, take a look at my strength! Ah!"

After the rumbling of the big demon, there was a burst of roar around, as if there was really any power influencing it.

"This doesn't have to be caught." Lin's pompom floated to the brain.

"Yes? Kill it!" The brain immediately issued an order, and all the machinery at the gate immediately aimed at the big devil that flew up. In an instant, countless fires bloomed on it.

The raindrops of the barrage drowned the body of the great demon. Although its body was still huge, it quickly disappeared into the powerful firepower of the canned brain machinery.

Finally, when the fire stopped, only a few pieces of debris fell from the air.

It should have no way to use anything to resurrect.

As for the other demons around, they are always in a daze, just looking at it all, without attacking or doing any action.

"Catch them up!" After a brainstorm, a large number of canned brain machines went in and tied the demons all together.

"This should be solved." Brain spirit looked at the demons being caught, and said to the two pompoms around him: "Is there something that will come out? Is there something that is not dangerous? Should you hurry? Get rid of."

"There should be nothing." The two pompoms held a transparent box with a cracked layer, and one fluttered to the front of the brain and said: "But the original thing has not been completely solved."

“Not completely?”

When the brain spirit just said the question, the surrounding area jerked again.

"Report!" At this moment, a can of brain with two wings flew in from the outside and said to the brain: "The body that attacked our city monsters outside, and moved again!"

"What? Take me to see!"

Brain Spirit and a large group of canned brain machinery here, as well as two pompoms quickly flew out.

At the moment I just went out, Lin saw a distant body in the city. The section of the star that was growing for a long time, the section of 700 meters was flying and swaying.

In fact, Lynn saw this phenomenon long ago, almost when the big devil shouted, as if the big devil did something, let it move again.

Moreover, after the body flew up, it flew over to the side.

"It's coming!" The surrounding canned brain machinery made a scream. The star-shaped body in the blink of an eye brought the distance of several kilometers to a few tens of meters. It was about to hit the brain and Large group of canned brain machinery, and Lin's two pompons.


A body that flashed silver and smashed the stars out.

The star-shaped body rotated a few laps in the air, and then flew toward the sky, and slammed into the original direction at the moment of almost touching the gravitational pull of the meltdown zone.

Its goal is to hold a pompom, the box with the cracked layer, which is simply too obvious.

So, Lin let the pompom with the box fly out quickly, and the star clustered it and turned it in the direction, but at a moment, the star cluster was once again hit.

Hey! The Blazers slammed it out. Under the impact, the body of the star re-spinned again. It twisted and shaped and continued to chase Lin's pompom.

This time it seems that it is not so good to deal with, mainly when the Blazers want to drill it, it will wiggle the body to avoid the Blazers, since

The pompoms quickly flew low, and the star clusters followed. It writhed the huge body all the way, shattering and smashing all the buildings and pipes around it, and chasing the pompoms.

The speed of flying pompoms is much slower than that of stars, because the body is too


Suddenly, a large number of pompons emerged from the surrounding buildings, and they slammed into the stars to cause a burst of roar. These explosions burst into countless smoke, covering everything around them, including the body of the stars. At the same time, the pompom with the box immediately stopped at the same place.

The star gathers with the body of the smoke and slams into the pompom, but it passes by the pom-pom at a distance of several meters. Just when it finds that the target has turned and turned, the trailblazer in the rear has already Catch up and swallow the pompoms and boxes into the body. To be continued ^


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