This thing is not... concentrated.

It's just a bunch of ordinary cracks, just like the small pieces of cracks that float in the sky, it won't explode.

However, the container that holds it is a bit special, this is a substance that can trap the broken layer.


For a moment, Lin paused the current thinking and focused on the creature in front.

In the sky above the canned city, the pioneer of a hundred meters long faces the star of the seven hundred meters.

Although the size is much larger, the star cluster seems to dare not attack directly, but floats in the same place, with a strange sound.

Lin did not attack directly, but let the Blazers speak.

The Blazers are like a drill-like head that can be opened. Lynn makes it sound like a devil: "Are you still alive?"

"Oh..." The Blazers responded like a sound similar to the previous one, but this is not a language. Stars are not creatures that use sound communication, so there is no vocal organ in the body.

It can only emit some...monotonous sounds.

However, Lynn already knows who its controller is... it was the big devil before.

The big devil was broken under the rain of the canned brain machinery, but part of it was not broken, and that was the brain.

Its brain has not been in the body since the beginning.

At the beginning, Lin discovered it when it injected the 'illusory substance'. The inside of the skull was hollow, but in its head, it continued to produce... nerve signals to the nerves in the body, making its body still Can move.

These nerve signals are still from the brain, but the brain of the big devil is not in his own head, but in the body of the ... star.

In some way, the brain's nerve signals are transmitted to the distant body, allowing the body to move.

Now, the corpse of the star cluster can move, also because of the relationship of the big devil.

Although it is not clear what the nervous system of the original star cluster is, the moment when Lin drills it into two segments, it should be able to drill into its key nerves, causing it to stop moving.

The brain of the great demon in the astrology is now the task of directing the stars to gather the body. Now the stars are moving, because of the big devil.

The series of changes in the devil are indeed very interesting. Lynn feels that they may have been making a lot of changes in the body by eating ‘drugs’ made of substances that condense the void.

Not only is physical strength getting stronger... As it is now, the big devil can use the brain to direct the stars to gather their bodies. Lin feels that they have... become creatures closer to the solidified void species.

It has now been confirmed that solidified void material can transform some organisms, but the detailed process of transformation is not well understood.

Anyway, take the stars together and study them.

Thinking, the Blazers jerked, like a high-speed rotating drill bit, rushing forward to the star.

The constellation controlled by the Great Demon did not intend to fight the Blazers. It twisted the body and flew away in the distance.

The Trail Blazers quickly caught up, and the two huge creatures swept over the city at a high speed, and soon approached the edge of the city.

It seems... want to escape.

The Blazers haven't fully built them yet, and they don't have any long-range weapons on their bodies, but... there are a lot of pompons.

When 星 的 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 一半 一半

The bursting brilliance caused the star to shake, but even so, it flew out of the city and flew toward the desert below.

Although it is already far from the canyon, the desert sky is still floating with a large number of fragments, most of which have a diameter of one or two meters, which may cause some obstacles to the Blazers' flight.

However, the Blazers did not slow down, it quickly chased up, and is ready to launch more... Nails missiles.

Lynn fired these pompons not to blow it up, but to slow it down and let the Blazers approach it.

Just as Lin was planning to do so, the star-flying flying out of the city suddenly slammed down... It seemed that it suddenly couldn’t fly.

Lin also noticed that there was a large black cracked layer under the star.

It is more than 20 meters in diameter. Although it is very small compared with the star cluster, it is much larger than other floating fragments.

The falling star gathered directly on the broken layer, but it did not suffer any damage. In the eyes of Lin, the broken layer directly fell into the abdomen skin of the star, and then from the back of the star I took it out.

Sure enough... the solidified void species can really pass through the fragmentation layer intact.

Lin let the Blazers avoid the broken layer and continue to chase, while a large number of pompons are also fired again, like a raindrop flying toward the stars.

‘咕...’ Lynn heard a voice.

After the sound of this sound, Lin noticed the cracked layers floating around... all gathered at high speed.

Stars... Can you control the fragmentation?

The gathered cracked layer and Lin's pompoms collided together, and the pompons disappeared into the air before they exploded.

However, there were still a few pompoms successfully hit the tail of the star cluster. After the sound of the bang, Lin found that the star cluster still remained in a state of falling motion and went straight to the desert.

However, the surrounding layers are still moving.

More broken layers have gathered, they are not aimed at who, but flew to... The distance between the Blazers and the Stars seems to want to separate the Blazers from the stars.

Lin didn't stop, but let the stars gather away from all the broken layers, go through them to continue to catch up with the stars, and prepare a lot of pompons again.

This time it should be almost able to... hit it down.

A large number of pompons flew out, and at this time, those broken layers moved again, as the ... intercepting the pompoms blocked in front of the stars.

Most of the pompons were stopped, but at this moment... Lin let the Blazers suddenly open their mouths, a square flew out from the inside, the cube was not intercepted by anything, it flew directly into the star cluster Body.

The square shattered at the moment of hitting the star, but the black inside was immersed in the skin of the star and entered the body of the star.

Suddenly, the body of the star twisted a bit, and then continued to fall down, and the surrounding cracked layers that were originally gathered suddenly disappeared like a splash of water.

It seems that...there is no way to continue to control the fragmentation, then the plan will be successful. (To be continued.)

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