4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1474: Post investigation


The body of the seven hundred meters fell heavily on the sand. When the dust was stirred up, the pioneers slowly landed on it.

Star cluster... has been completely gone, it should be really dead this time.

However, it is still necessary to confirm it.

Thinking, Lin let the Blazers release a lot of pompons, flew to the body of the stars, and drilled into the explosion wounds on the stars to test the situation inside.

it is as expected.

After some tests, Lin has confirmed the general situation, the previous action is correct.

Before, the stars gathered in the direction of the desert, and gathered a lot of broken layers to stop the pioneers of Lin, and then Lin came up with a solution.

If you continue to use the Blazers to chase and bombard with the pompoms, I don't know when it will be solved. Lin needs a quick solution, so Lin let the Blazers throw the box with the broken layer.

The square hit the star cluster and burst open. In fact, it was a very solid thing, not so easy to explode, but Lin attached a lot of tiny ... bombs on the square.

These bombs explode together, letting the cubes break open, and then let the cracked layer inside continue to move forward, passing through a key part of the star's body.

That is... the location of the big devil's brain.

The star cluster itself is a complete condensed void species, so it can let the broken layer pass through itself without harm, but... the brain of the big devil should not.

Although it is likely to undergo many variations due to the 'edible' coagulation of void drugs, it can direct the stars, but this 'variation' must have become incomplete.

Lin believes that the broken layer can damage the brain of the big demon, so you can use the broken layer to kill it...

It has now been confirmed that this is correct. Lin's pompom has found the brain of the great demon in the body of the star. It is like... It has not lost a big chunk of the sharp blade.

But there is still a small piece left to study, and Lin can figure out that the cracked layer that Lin lost at the time passed through the outer skin of the star cluster and entered the astral body to cut off the scene of the brain...

After being cut off, it has no control, and the gathered cracks are also scattered, and the stars finally land on the ground.

Then next... there seems to be no threat, and it should be studied more carefully.

............ In this way, a little time passed.........

The city of cans still floats in the sky, and the residents there are still not recovering from fear, while Lin has carefully studied the two bodies of the stars and the demons that have been caught.

The body of the star... is really a very strange thing.

The material composition of it, Lin did not see it in this void, it is quite special.

Stars can store a ... liquid in the surface of the skin, which can quickly ignite into explosive high-temperature substances, which is why it can release large star-shaped barrage.

Its structure is also resistant to very high temperatures and... very low temperatures.

In addition, Lynn also found an organ that can control the ... cracked layer in the astral.

It can't be precisely controlled, but when the organ shrinks, it will release a special thing... to gather the surrounding cracks.

There are many complicated systems in the body of the star cluster. Lin feels that after fully understanding, he will know a lot about the solidification void.

There are also a lot of research on the cracked layer. Lin is not completely made of solidified void material, but... the material that can be found in this void, mixed with the solidified void material. Made together.

The manufacturing method is not difficult for Lin... Soon, Lin can make the same, so there is a way to trap the broken layer.

There are those... demons.

The remaining thirty demons are now locked in prison... After Lin tested them, they found that there were many variations in their bodies.

These mutations did not change their original cells. They didn't change their whole body to ‘ash as the brains, and all the cells of the demon were original, but there was no small change.

The ability of all these aspects of the cells has been strengthened, so that the ability of these demons has become the original ... almost three times, including strength, speed and other aspects, but also has a negative effect is that energy consumption is very fast, simple Said that the intensified demon will be more likely to be hungry than the ordinary demon.

The source of reinforcement is mainly the substance that solidifies the void.

These substances are scattered throughout the body like powder, and as long as their cells are in contact, the nucleus inside the cell will mutate.

In the end, it led to the overall strengthening, but the intensity of the reinforcement was not as big as the dust crocodile. The dust crocodile can be said to be the heroes in the movie, and the reinforcement of the devil is only a little stronger.

However, this is enough to make them easily defeat the can brain machinery in one-on-one.

The biggest problem is that...Lin found that these substances that can make the dust crocodile mutate are useless to their own cells.

Lynn used her own cells to test the contact, but did not react.

Of course, Lin not only used her own, but also used some cell biology found in the city to test, no effect.

This is quite strange...

It seems that this kind of clotting of the void material must be related to the species associated with Midgart.

But although the demons are somewhat related, they are indeed assembled by the cells of the pompom creature. How do these substances distinguish the devil from other creatures?

Lin feels that there is a special connection in it.

As for the brain of the great demon, although only a little and a half left, Lin can still study it. It does connect with many nervous systems in the astrology.

In the end, the big devil is commanding the star-studded action, but its command is not complete, it can't start the star-studded body... those barrage as a defense.

It can only use the method of gathering the broken layer to block Lin, so that he can escape, and its final goal is to fly to the sand and drill deep into the sand, returning from the ground to the position of the canyon.

Because the memory of the big devil is in the rest, Lin detected its thinking.

Its final plan was to fly to the canyon and find ways to cause some... large objects to fall, once again triggering the breakout in the canyon... and then welcoming the new devil.

A very simple plan, in fact, when the secret bombing engine was discovered, the big devil thought about these plans.

But it was stopped by Lin.

However, even if it is blocked, the new devil will not stop, and Lin feels that it is almost time to greet it. (To be continued.)

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