"I heard that... The new devil is coming here?"

"Reassured! No matter what kind of monster, we will deal with it all the time! Yes, after we practice here, we have already multiplied!"

Here is somewhere in the middle of the pipe of Midgarth.

The brave is looking at a large group of cultivation creatures in front of them, they are training each other with swords.

The brave are not interested in their training, but have been thinking about... the news of the new devil, this new demon is said to be here soon, must be prepared.

Although this is said, the brave does not know what to prepare, and what the new devil is, is not clear.


Lin does not know the details.

...............this time, on the other side...............

‘Boom’ over a vast desert, a huge city, is slowly falling.

Because of the more research on the engine, Brains finally knows how to make the city fall, and it dares to let the city down because there are not many broken layers floating in the air.

They are all caught by...

A lot of pompons are floating in the air, and almost every pompom has a piece of color that is transparent, like a thin cloth.

As soon as the pom-poms approach the fracture layer, the thin cloth is unwound, and the shredded layers are wrapped and taken away. These thin cloths are made of material used by Lin to trap the broken layer.

The material is mainly made from something found in the body of the star and in the city. Although the star can pass through the fracture layer, mixing it with some materials can create a trapping layer. The thing, that is, the thin cloth that the pompoms are now holding.

The thin cloth does not directly touch the fracture layer, but produces a 'repulsive force' when approaching the fracture layer, which allows the fracture layer to 'automatically' hold the thin cloth about a centimeter away.

This is really an interesting phenomenon, but Lynn has not found an object that can directly contact the fracture layer. More research is needed here.

Now, Lin uses these thin cloths to trap the broken layers and throw them back... the location of the canyon.

In this way, the phenomenon of the fragmentation of the sky is gone, and the city of the can brain... can also land safely back on the ground.

There is only one problem, Lin has not understood, that is, Lin's method of making thin cloth is obtained by analyzing the square that initially trapped the cracked layer.

Why did the big devil initially bring that box? This gives Lin the feeling that it is specifically for Lin to analyze.

In its memory, this problem has not been found.

Lin feels that there may be some strange place, but don't worry about it first... I will solve the problem here first.

Then, be prepared to deal with that... the new devil, the new vagrant.

In the original plan of the transpires, the tomb of Midgarth should now be filled with shattered layers everywhere, and the new vagrants can enter here to make it a safe place to develop.

The plan to make the cracked layer here is a failure, but the new transpire will still come here... I don’t know what the exact time is.

Also, what kind of way... will it come to this?

When ‘Hang’ was thought by Lin, Lin heard the sound of the distance, and the city of Canned Brain has now slowly landed at a height of several tens of meters from the sand.

But it did not fall, but flew away.

There is no suitable landing position here, and the brain spirit says that it will find a good place to land, which means that it will always fly to the depths of the tomb of Midgarth.

I don't know what's going on in the depths, and it's not clear how big this place is.

Lynn just knows... There are countless species destroyed by Midgart, most of which may be wreckage, but perhaps some are alive.

Brain Spirit said that it has never been to the depths of the tomb of Midgarth, but it does not want to stay near the canyon of the Fragmented River.

A group of arms will follow the city, but most of the troops and pioneers will leave it, and Lin will let them gather in the desert near the canyon.

Lin plans to build a base here to greet the new vagrants, but the main ‘welcome’ location is still in the Midgart pipeline.

Lin feels that the tranfer will first approach the vicinity of Midgart for investigation and will not directly enter the cemetery.

It may know the situation here and adopt other tactics. Lynn feels it is necessary to know its arrival in advance, instead of waiting for it here.

So in the void outside of Midgart... Lin also has to be prepared to discover the arrival of the vagrants in advance.

At the same time, Lin has to do one thing she has been doing before, that is... melted down the zone.

The Blazers have arrived in this hot world, flying a short distance and reaching the location of the lava lake where the edurgent was.

The meltdown zone is currently in an 'intermittently awakened' state. It can occasionally wake up, but can't wake up all the time. This is what Lynn knows from the two brain-making monsters.

Lin felt that she should be completely awakened, so Lin let the pioneers swim into the lava lake.

Swim to the lower level of the lava lake, Lin found that it is no longer as it was before... thorough, the material inside seems to be mixed together and becomes muddy.

It used to be as thorough as water, and it was the reason for the transpiration, but I don't know why it was done.

The Blazers have swam to the bottom of the lake and found... the right place to drill in.

In the process of drilling down, the Blazers continuously release signals, detect the surrounding environment, and confirm the location of the nerve organs in the meltdown zone.

The nerves are deep, so it's very safe, and I'm not sure if I can get to the exact position, because the bottom layer may be quite solid...

what is this?

Lynn suddenly detected some very special signals.

Lin let the Blazers turn to move in the direction of these special signals. After drilling some rocks, the Blazers saw this special signal.

There is a hole about 10 meters in diameter, and this thing is in the hole, about one meter in size.

It looks like a piece of amber... the color is very bright, and Lin let the Blazers open their mouths slightly, releasing a pompom close to the amber.

When Lynn touched it... nothing happened.

Only, Lynn detected that this is a substance that freezes the void... and... it should be part of a creature. (To be continued.)

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