4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1480: initial

A long time ago, somewhere, there was such an old legend.

A legend about a group of special creatures.

This is a group of... huge creatures, at least for pompoms... so.

They are usually hundreds of meters high and look like a huge stone. They are also like a peak. They wander on the plains of the earth and never stop.

They are called 'Per Rock', this is the name of Lin.

On top of their large bodies, they often live with a large number of creatures, some of which are transported by 'Pestone' and some of which live on it for a long time.

It seems to be the same everywhere. The body of a creature is always accompanied by countless creatures smaller than it.

Perth is different from some large creatures... It doesn't care about the creatures in it. It uses methods that continuously 'monitor' the creatures.

The method it uses is... 'thinking detection', Perrin's 'brain' is special, it can receive ... biological emotions that live on their own body, in order to understand whether they have harmed their own ideas .

In general, no creatures will harm the rock, but a few will harm it.

Therefore, Per Rock has an automatic 'neural reaction', and any creature on it has a threatening idea, which will cause the nerve reaction to trigger the defense function, and the defense function can kill these harmful creatures.

Like most creatures, Per Rock has some special effects on small creatures that have long lived on it.

The rock structure of Per Rock is very large and special, and it has a lot of ... ability, its brain will continue to proliferate, these hyperplastic brain structures will make its brain grow rapidly, and finally, its brain will Exposed to the outside, as if it were a branch of a tree, it will grow slowly on its back.

The exposed part of the body breaks when it grows to a certain extent and does not continue to grow... but the broken brain remains continuously on the back and accumulates into a hill.

If these parts are piled up, they will be thrown to the ground by Perrin, and finally slowly decay and disappear, and nothing special happens.

However, occasionally there are special circumstances in which, at some point, these brain remnants become liquid substances that accumulate on the back of the rock and form a 'lake'.

Most of the liquid in this lake is made up of liquefied Perrin's brain, and next to the lake, there are usually some creatures living.

There are some kinds of individual creatures among these creatures. Most of these creatures worship Pop Rock, which is simply like... worshipping God.

They will carry out some ‘the worship activities,’ which include worship in the lakes where the brain fluids that have entered Per Rock are gathered.

Under the long-term worship of these creatures, their strong worship reverberated in the lake, and finally, these...the emotions gathered.

Because the proliferating brain of Perrin has turned into a lake, but it has not died. In fact, its whole is almost unchanged from the original. It can still be regarded as a brain...just without the function of thinking.

However, the worship of the individual creatures will be received by the lake. When the creatures worship in the lake, these cults will be perceived by the brain fluid in the lake.

This group of brain fluids originally only had the ability to automatically react and detect thinking, but it did not activate the defense function.

The main reason is that the creatures to worship do not have harmful ideas, and the brain lake does not have any defensive functions, so the emotions it detects are recorded.

And slowly came up with a new response method, which is to directly give some responses to the creatures that worship.

That is to communicate directly with these worship creatures.

Whenever they admire, the brain fluid lake will also give them a reaction, for example, to answer some questions or something.

At first, the creatures thought that this was the reaction of Per Rock to their worship. They were very excited and began to worship more...

These creatures think that it is really against them, so they are more eager to worship. They don't know... The answers to these questions are actually the answers they expect in their own imagination.

The brain fluid detects their thoughts, analyzes them, and responds based on this idea.

The number of times they enter the lake becomes frequent, and their thoughts, their emotions and thoughts are received by the brain... in the lake at the moment they enter the lake.

After collecting a lot of information, the brain fluid lake has become more and more complicated.

Because each time before the reaction, Brain Lake will check the information you received to get the best answer.

At first, it was only possible to make a very simple answer, and slowly, the way it responded became more and more complicated, and it became more and more...wisdom.

Because a large amount of data is collected, this is equivalent to the result of a large number of creatures thinking together and answering.

The more data collection, the more intelligent it becomes... this seems to be the original 'intelligence'.

Based on the creature of Perrin, it was born...Intelligence.

Of course, this is only the beginning.

Under the continued worship of the creatures, the brain fluid lake continues to undergo more...variation, and it slowly no longer stays in the lake in liquid form.

Its body shape has changed somewhat, and it has become a jelly-like shape, which allows it to move on land.

Why did this change happen? That is an unknown thing. Maybe the rock of Perrin has this function, or it may be influenced by something else in the local area.

Those who worship Perrin see the brain fluid lake become this state, and they worship it even more.

After the mutated brain fluid lake, they live with this group of creatures, receive the nutrients they provide, and act as a pool of thoughts to help them solve any problems.

With this kind of thinking aggregate, these creatures quickly gained advantage in the rock and multiplied on a large scale.

And this move finally angered... Perrin.

Perth felt that they were getting more and more, which would have an impact on itself, so it activated its own defense... and began to clear these creatures.

This phenomenon occurs, and the beliefs of these worship creatures will suddenly become extremely depressed. They no longer worship Perrin, and because they continue to be attacked, the number is becoming less and less, and at this time...

The jelly-watered brain lake helped them figure out a way, that is... escaped from the rock. (~^~)

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