4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1481: Initial stage

This creature was not originally called 'smart'.

It is called...the wise man.

Although it seems to be almost the same.

Under all circumstances... It was originally a liquefied lake of Perrin's brain structure that formed a jelly-like creature.

It seems to be completely out of contact with Per Rock, becoming a kind of creature that relies on the surrounding personality groups to give its thinking data to be active.

Because of the excessive number of attacks on the rock, the individual biological group had to escape from the rock, and no longer worship the rock.

However, they have no turmoil in the trust of the group... Jelly that can gather their thoughts.

Because it is still helping the group to come up with various ideas, to take them out of danger, and finally it has been given a new name by this group, that is, ‘sage.’

Quite simply, this group of creatures still believe in it, thinks it has a very high level of intelligence, and still believes that it can find the way to life with the group.

Even after not worshipping Per Rock, this creature consisting of part of the brain of Per Rock is still regarded as the core of the entire group.

This gathers the core of the thinking of all individuals, and in the future, in the name of the wise man, leads this group to leave the rock and start a new life outside the wilderness.

Then this group is dead.

This is actually a very normal thing, because this group of creatures have long lived and proliferated on Perrin, and they lived like a parasite.

The dependence on the host is too large, so that they can't live without leaving the rock. Even if there is a wise man with concentrated thinking, it doesn't make any sense.

The ‘sage’ suggested that they escape, mainly because most of the thinking of this group of creatures is like this. They all want to escape... just tell them to escape.

However, although this individual biological group has perished, the ‘wise man’ has survived, and it is not so easy to die.

The key lies in the rock.

Perlite is a special structure of organisms. Their body composition is different from that of many local creatures. This makes few creatures feed on the rock. The 'wise man' is a creature that changes into the excess part of the rock. It also Rarely threatened.

Moreover, it is very efficient in the use of nutrients. Although it is only the brain, it also has the ability to ingest and digest nutrients. In this area, nutrients can be found in many places even if they leave Perrin.

Therefore, the wise man will survive, and it will sway in the vast wilderness... Over time, it finds that it has encountered some problems.

Its ‘will’ is disappearing.

It seems that it is because there is no contact with any creatures for a long time and the mind materials are collected. If this is not done, the wise person's thinking...the aggregates cannot continue to hold the will.

It did not try to find a way, but continued to wander until ... will completely disappear.

The wise man whose will disappeared fell on the wilderness, and the original jelly-like body began to collapse... and returned to the liquid state.

Finally, the wise man changed back to the state of the brain pool, which was gathered in a small pit, without thinking, without thoughts, and everything that was once was forgotten.

But it still has life.

It is not dead, and there is no living thing to drink this beach, because it is not real water, just a liquid substance similar to water.

And the shelf life is quite long, the wise man is an inedible substance for most of the creatures, and only a few kinds of tiny creatures can break it down.

And before it was broken down, it encountered a new... opportunity.

Although it is inedible, its bright amber will attract some species, and many creatures will pay special attention to this strange lake when passing through this place.

There are still some creatures that pass by purely, and do not deliberately approach it, but for whatever reason, as long as they are exposed to this lake, it is possible to be detected by...

Liquid wise men still have the initial ability to detect biological thinking and then collect data on thinking.

As more and more creatures come into contact with it, it receives more and more thoughts. Finally... it is once again converted from liquid to... jelly, and then reawakened.

The wise man who awakened this time did not wander around like he used to, but continued to absorb nutrients in the same place and grew up.

Its nutrients come from the bottom of the earth. Through infinite absorption, the wise man grows bigger and bigger. Why does it do this? Perhaps it is because the mental data it collects this time mostly comes from a group of creatures whose intelligence is not very high.

These creatures are dominated by eating and multiplying, and wise men are becoming like this.

At the same time, it also encountered a lot of things.

In the process of continuous growth, it has been exposed to more creatures and has acquired more thinking data.

Although the creatures are of different kinds and groups, the wise men have integrated their thinking, and based on the data of these thoughts, it began to give feedback to these creatures.

Just like before, the wise will give the creatures who come into contact with it... opinions, the idea of ​​integrating a large amount of data can make these creatures better, even for creatures with low intelligence, the wise can send it to It can get better information.

But it will also lead to some... problems.

If there are two kinds of creatures that are mutually hostile, the wise will keep proposing to both sides and let them continue to fight.

In any case, there are more and more creatures gathered around the wise, and the accumulation of these creatures gives it more data, and it grows while collecting thinking data.

Slowly, it has grown to a rather large size, but because the nutrients come from the ground, most of the wise are on the ground, and only a small part is exposed.

Around the wise man's exposed part, there are always a lot of creatures, and some creatures with higher intelligence.

No matter which kind of creature, almost all of them are seeking advice from wise men, but creatures with higher intelligence will find that... this wise man will give advice to all creatures, so they will start to drive away or directly solve other creatures to monopolize. Wise man.

The war around the wise man was struck up, and many creatures fought each other to occupy it.

In the end, there are a group of creatures who have won this battle. After they have dominated the wise, they have developed rapidly. They have grown from small groups to large groups. Under the constant advice of wise men, they have become stronger and stronger.

But they are also increasingly dependent on the wise men to give them advice, and finally become completely wise to command their entire group.

It's like a group of creatures with a unified...will.

This is the initial stage of the ‘can brain civilization’.

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