4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1482: Interrupt

In the legend, there is such a city.

The city is very close to the ‘the heavens’ that some creatures imagine.

It is built on a plain that was originally a wilderness. Its general structure is made of metal, and its huge capacity accommodates many creatures.

These creatures... all live a carefree life.

What they do every day is to sleep in their own home, then lazily climb up and wait for the food in their mouths, then go out to do some entertainment, and then go back to sleep after playing tired.

This is true for every resident in the city, and most of them do not know what hard work is.

That's because the city...has everything.

The buildings in the city are...automatically built, without the residents spending any effort, the source of the city's food and other resources, all of which are 'automatically' collected by the city, they will be cooked into the most delicious food. Send it to your lips.

Residents here don't need to worry about anything, any threats close to the city, and the city's defense system will automatically resolve.

They only need to enjoy a leisurely day.

Of course, these leisurely things are not in the beginning. To say who is the credit, it is still necessary to mention the greatest inventor...the inventor.

In the history of the city, there is a detailed history of their writing. A long time ago, their ancestors were a group of creatures living in this wilderness, constantly competing with other wildlife.

By chance, this group of ancestors discovered a magical thing - the wise man.

This wise man has a very high level of wisdom. Under its guidance, the ancestors quickly gained strength and developed rapidly, and in the process of development, they were also inseparable from the help of the wise.

The wise man is like... God, it is said that the wise can feel the thinking of each of them.

From the initial use of simple stones to the crystallization of metal creations, they are growing stronger and stronger under the leadership of the wise men.

When they reached a certain level, because of curiosity, they also began to do some research on the wise.

At some point, an inventor invented something called a 'direct conductor' that allows the wise to connect directly to all the machinery in the city and let the wise direct direct the machinery.

From that time on, they became... leisurely.

Whether it is manufacturing, collecting, fighting, building, etc., it is handed over to the wise. As long as the wise man controls the machinery, the residents here do not need to work.

In this way, this group of creatures ushered in a leisurely era, they have been living a leisurely life, and the wise men act according to their ideas, it will serve the residents here in all ways... let them Don't worry about anything, everything is solved by it.

Until the end, there was such a problem... that is, the wise men killed them.

In a short period of time, all the residents have no life.

These creatures that have not worked at all are considered to be useless wastes and must be disposed of. This is the idea of ​​the wise, which is also the idea of ​​some residents.

Although most residents are enjoying this leisure time, a small number of residents have different ideas. They think that the city is completely unable to develop in this way. This race will completely abolish this way... they even begin I hate this situation more and more.

Then the wise man took action.

The wise man who has always decided to act according to the thinking data of most residents has experienced an extremely abnormal situation. It decides to kill all the residents according to the thinking of a few residents who hate the current situation and end the current situation of this race.


It seems that there are so many things found here.

Lin is looking at the things in front of her eyes through a few pompoms... it's a bunch of amber objects, and some golden ones like weeds.

Lin explored the passage deep in the underground of the meltdown zone for a long time, and found a lot of this... amber, got a lot of information from it.

From these sources, Lin learned how ‘smart’ or ‘sage’ was born...

These two titles are also different names for creatures of different periods.

Originally from the beginning of the rock, the rock in the rock has undergone a strange change to form this creature.

And this creature is quite strange, according to the description... It collects the biological brain data of the contact, and according to the way of thinking of the creatures in the data, there is knowledge and other things to act, and the actions it does not know. What is the purpose.

For example, suggesting to other creatures, Lynn thinks that this intelligence should be regarded as a part of that kind of creature...so it will help the creatures that have collected the thinking data.

Finally, when a group of more intelligent creatures completely occupy it, it only helps the creature.

The information in these ambers has its initial development and evolution, but the information is not very detailed, and it is only recorded... Around the 'wise man', a group of creatures developed a city, but the residents of this city were finally Killed.

The information after this will be gone.

This is a very strange phenomenon. These resident creatures have lived a safe and leisurely life... But Lin believes that the idea of ​​exploration and development should not be lost, but they decided to live happily, without Continue to develop... All things are thrown to the wise to do.

Lin thinks that this group of creatures may be a bit abnormal. If you say that you have to throw away all the intelligence to the virtual people, the virtual people will not do anything like this, at least they should explore and develop.

In any case, this wise man should go through a lot of things after this, and slowly become the current civilization of the cans.

It may be that Amber has not yet found the whole, or the information itself is not complete, and it is impossible to know the development during this period.

However, Lynn already knows what these ambers are left behind... This creature has been studying the whole history.

Lin is also planning to study them now, and the creatures that leave amber data should still have some living in this place.

But it takes a little time to find them, and Lynn thinks it may not be that much time.

Because... it seems to wake up.

Smart, wise... or it is better to call it meltdown, and Lynn can detect that its spirit is 'convergence'.

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