4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1484: Metal river in the void

"When will it come over..."

Here is the middle of the pipe of Midgarth...

The scholar is in a research institute located in the pipeline. It has been staring at the image of the image in front of it. The picture shows a lot of things like metal blocks.

However, scholars know that they are not metal blocks, but a creature called ... transpiration.

It is actually the ergonomic history of the transpirations, which is the evolution of the vagrants sorted out by Maya, which explains in detail the evolutionary stages of the tranfers.

This evolutionary stage seems to be very simple. From the initial small individuals, it has become larger and larger. Except for the first few stages, the latter stages are all in the form of metal blocks, but the shapes are different and the shapes are somewhat different. Different, but almost the same, and at the end... became a polymer that looked like a pile of rusty metal.

The details of its evolution are still unclear. Scholars are now mainly concerned that it is said that a transpiration will come here.

When will the transpire arrive?

Thinking of this, the scholar poked the screen in front of him, and suddenly the picture was divided into many pieces, but each picture was a starry sky.

This picture comes from some of the ... in the void, monitors, these monitors are deployed in some places in the void, these locations are said to be the transfer point that the vagrants are likely to pass.

Scholars often look at these pictures, and they always feel that they can find out, although the tranpers have always been very secretive, but...

"what is this?"

Suddenly, in a picture, scholars saw strange things... There are a lot of things floating.

The scholar looked at the picture and looked at it carefully. It found that it was a lot of pieces, exactly rusted metal blocks, at least... it looked like it.

This immediately made the scholar think of the transpiration. After all, it just saw the picture of evolution, and...

"This... how so much?" Scholars saw that in the picture, countless things like rusty metal fragments drifted slowly in the void, like... a river.

This rust-metal river stretches far into the void, possibly thousands of kilometers, containing countless rust metals like transpirations, all moving slowly in the other direction.

The scholar quickly poked a few screens, and some more detailed...detection data popped up on the screen. The size of these metal blocks is mostly between ten meters and tens of meters, and not as big as the transpiration.

But their number is quite...horror.

"What is this? A pile of debris that cannot be rolled?" The scholar rang a voice around him and turned to look at it. Only a metal spider was standing next to the scholar.

"This is what we just discovered... the phenomenon may be related to the transpiration." The scholar said: "There are a lot of these things, and..."

"And some of them will roll!" Metal spiders lifted their forelegs and pointed at some of the metal in the picture. There are indeed some metals that are constantly rolling and moving forward, but most of them are stable. Gone forward.

"This is not important!"

When the scholar wanted to say something, another different voice sounded in the metal spider: "This is indeed possible to be related to the transpiration, you see them..."

During the talk of the metal spider, scholars also noticed that the 'head' of the metal river was different.

The metal that floated at the forefront suddenly disappeared one by one, as if it were queued for something, as was the metal that followed.

When they fly to a certain position, they will disappear instantly.

"They went to somewhere else!" The metal spider quickly poked on the screen, and the picture was suddenly divided into many parts...

It can be seen that another picture that originally displayed a starry sky suddenly flashed, and then a large number of metal blocks appeared from that place.

They are constantly appearing and reconstituting... the river is moving.

"It is the army of the evaluator. It is approaching here through the transfer points that we are monitoring." The metal spider said: "I thought they would come in a secret way. I didn't expect it to be so arrogant. army!"

"That means they have to fight really, not to hide!" Another voice of the Metal Spider said: "But there are too few strong among them, so they will fail!"

"The transpirations actually have such an army..." The scholar said: "What are we going to do?"

"We are responsible for the defense inside." The metal spider said: "This thing has already told... Lin, it will let the troops defend outside, and we will defend it inside, not letting it approach the tomb of Midgarth."

"It is said that they are useless because they go in, because the 'fragmentation' in the cemetery has been controlled. They were all over there, but they can't roll now!" Another voice of the metal spider said: "We just need to wait for this steamer to come and destroy it all!"

"In short, you need to be prepared..." Metal Spider said to the scholar: "As for what you don't have to do, it's like staring at the information research here as usual."

"I..." What the scholar wants to say, but it has stopped, and indeed it can't fight anything, but...

"They have come to a recent transfer point!" Suddenly, the metal spider shouted at the picture: "They are coming over! Now the whole army is ready! Roll in!"

"If you don't yell like this, the whole army will be ready."

The metal spider climbed away as he said these words, and the scholar looked at the screen.

I saw each picture... filled with countless metal blocks that are fluttering. These pictures are different transmission points and are from far to near.

Scholars can see that the original metal rivers appear at the farthest transfer point, they disappear when they fly to a certain position, and then appear at the closer transmission points.

This huge army of rust-like objects moved quickly between the transfer points without any hiding.

In the end, they reached the nearest point of transmission... The scholars saw that they appeared in large numbers here and then fluttered away.

After this transfer point, you can reach the outer edge of Midgart, that is... they are near the pipeline.

The scholar immediately poked a few pictures, and the picture suddenly showed the situation outside the pipe.

"this is……"

What scholars see is... nothing. (~^~)

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