4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1485: Assembly

... in the void.

... 7.7 billion kilometers from the Midgart pipeline.

Here is an ethereal void, almost no dust and debris in this position, but this is a thing before a second.

The next second, this cold space flashed, and a rusty metal object appeared here.

This is followed by the second, third, and more and more metal blocks appearing in the void.

They didn't move forward, but stayed in place, and as the metal blocks appeared more and more, they all piled up together.

Soon, they formed a metal mountain floating in the void, and growing more and more.

A hundred seconds after the appearance of the first metal, this 'mountain' has grown to nearly ten kilometers and continues to grow.

However, they did not maintain this state of being piled up for a long time. After a thousand seconds, the piled metal mountains were scattered.

All the scattered metal blocks move quickly and are combined with other metal blocks around them.

All the metal blocks are different in shape, so they can be assembled with other metal blocks to form a larger metal, and then continue to combine.

In the end, all of these metals were brought together to form a circular... huge metal platform.

At the edge of the metal platform, there are countless metal blocks that appear to be added to it, which makes the circular platform bigger and bigger, and then...

It spreads out.

The rusted metals that originally formed the platform were all separated from each other at this moment, and they returned to the floating state and floated in the void... After a few tens of seconds, they began to combine with each other. This time, the combination is not a platform. It is a cylindrical object.

"...what are they doing?"

A 3,000-kilometer-long rusted metal from these groups, a fluffy ball is watching this.

In fact, at the moment when these metals appeared, the pompoms were watching here, and it can be said that they are now closest to Midgart.

They seem to have no plans to go any further, but they are here to take action and start this strange combination.

To be precise, they are combined and scattered, and they are constantly repeating this process...

Now, Lynn has seen that they form a very large cylindrical shape, and then they begin to spread out, and then begin to continue to combine into something else.

Because of the increasing number of metal blocks, each combination will be larger than before.

I don't know if they will have a 'final form', or if they will continue to combine, Lin does not confirm whether to take action on these metal blocks.

They are tranpers, but they are not as sturdy as the vagrants that Lynn encountered before... ‘advanced’.

Simply put, the degree of evolution is not that high.

Most of these metal blocks are more than ten meters, but the gap between them is not only the size, but also the degree of evolution.

Among the institutes, Maya...have found evolutionary clues about tranpers, these more than ten meters of metal blocks, belonging to the 'intermediate stage' species in the evolution of tranpers.

The type of vagrants that are now huge to tens of kilometers in size is the latest transpiration species, and this small intermediate species is very different from the latest ones.

At this stage, they are kind of 'combination creatures'.

Although they can act independently, they can also combine to form a huge structure to accomplish things that cannot be done alone.

Although they are each small, the combination of such quantities can make a much larger form than the latest transpiration.

It is unclear why trantrators have such a peculiar evolutionary stage. There is not much understanding of their evolutionary research. These materials are all found in the research institute, and the records are not detailed.

However, it seems that every evolutionary phase has a capability that is always there, and that is decomposition and reorganization. This ability... seems to have never been forgotten.

So... what should I do now?

Lin looked at the metal that was combined and decomposed. Lynn decided to investigate them first, thinking that the pompoms would move in the direction of the metal block.

In the process of moving, the pompons accelerated faster and faster, and the distance of 30,000 kilometers became shorter and shorter... The pompoms approached the reorganized metal blocks.

This pom-pom is quite large and has a diameter of more than 50 meters...but it is now facing a pile of huge objects that are combined into a square shape and have a shape of hundreds of kilometers.

Just those metal combinations have become this shape, as Lin thought, and it took a long time to start dispersing again.

And at this time... they seem to notice the pompon.

The pompons have also been noticed, and they have been noticed for a long time... These metal blocks are constantly emitting some 'interference energy'.

They turn a large area around them into untransmissible areas, to be precise, only those areas that they can transmit.

The metal block is still being transmitted continuously, and the pompons cannot be transmitted after entering the area. Although Lin did not want to use the transmission at first, he just wanted to hit it directly.

When the pompom flies to a distance of only ten kilometers from the nearest metal block, the pompom is instantly blown into powder with the sound of ‘啪’.

Of course, there is actually no sound.

At the time of the explosion, Lynn could feel that this was a very old-fashioned trick. The squid's metal blocks instantly created countless tactics to pull the pompom around the pompoms, breaking the pompoms.

But there is no way to completely tear the pompoms. When the pompoms are blown up, there will always be more small pompons scattered. Lin has almost all the arms.

These little pompons didn't seem to be noticed, they quickly approached those squares.

The squares are still continually moving, they are almost completely dispersed, and they begin to combine into new shapes.

Lynn let these cell-like pompons stick to some squares, and they are tested and combined with them.

In the process, Lynn found something.

Their combination really has some purpose, and it should be doing some 'testing'.

They are constantly testing the form of 'fit', and if they become suitable, they will not change and decide to start...attack.

This ... or the group of transpires, did not intend to use the previous method of hiding, but ‘light and right’ to encroach on Midgart. (To be continued.)

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