4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1486: start up

It is like... a castle.

Among the voids, it is 7.7 billion kilometers away from the pipeline.

Here is the assembly place for the evaluators, a large number of ‘evolutionary middle segments’, like a rusted metal transpiration being assembled here.

Perhaps this is not the evolutionary form of the middle section, but one of the serotoners. Lin also produced this idea.

In any case, they have assembled into a huge ... structure, up to a thousand kilometers, up to three hundred kilometers, the whole is like the castle of the emerald dragon, on the overall disc-shaped structure, there are many protrusions The 'tower', this strange shape, seems to be the final form of their decision.

These metal blocks are no longer dispersed, but the shape is constantly increasing the body...

In the end, they will fly to Midgart in this form and contact the collision, and then take the next move to try to control the system inside Midgart.

This group of transpires did not follow the meaning of the previous transpiration plan, but customized a plan for direct attack.

Lynn was able to know the main reason for their plans, because... or through the meltdown zone.

When Lin used a small pompom to attach to some metal blocks, she could feel some 'sound' inside the metal block, like a continuous tapping sound. These sounds can be resolved by two gray cockroaches. .

As long as the sound is sent to them, they will be sent back to Lin to resolve the meaning, although not very detailed, but the whole is that the tranfer intends to attack the meltdown zone directly.

However, Lin still has some feelings, that is, it is possible that this information is deliberately released by the vagrants, because Lin feels that these transpires are unlikely to find Lin's miniature pompoms.

Although it has been hidden, Lin feels that at least most of them will be solved by them, but now one has not been discovered, and it seems to be abnormal.

But no matter how much, their attack is a sure thing, and it is sure that Lin wants to stop them.

In fact, no matter whether they know the plan of the tranfer, Lin will attack them. After all, the transpiration is officially... and Lin is hostile.

I didn't expect the tranfers to have such an army... If they used this to attack the pompoms, they would have a lot of trouble, but now Lin is fighting here at Midgart.

It feels that the 'battlefield' will become much wider and easier to deploy...

In short, try to destroy the transpiration polymer.

Thinking, Lin began to prepare for the attack. The pompoms were blown up when they flew close to them. The speed of the pompoms is not very fast. If you use the fast speed, you don't know how they will react.

At the moment when Lin made this thought, at the same time, in the void, the transpiration of the edge of the isolation range, a stone appeared.

This stone is thirty meters in size. There is nothing special about structure and style. The only special thing is its speed.

At the moment it appeared, it flew out at an unbeatable speed.

This is the tactic that Lin used before, accelerating a piece of things to the extreme, and then transmitting it to fight.

In this way, Lin can instantly launch a 'cannonball' that is close to the speed of light, and the stone instantly hits the castle of the evaluator group.

If it is hit, Elin checks the hardness of these tranurs' metal blocks, they are irresistible, but...

At the moment when the stone was very close, it instantly turned into a powder, which was almost exactly the same as the last time.

This is really... very strange feeling.

The transpires lead a lot of tiny 'cracks' around the stone, which release a strong attraction, although it lasts for only a short moment, but enough to smash the stone.

They don't use the smashing stone directly, but they are connected to something else that has great appeal.

Then, Lynn decided to continue to attack and try.

It seems that there is no way to hurt the speed, but what if it does?

In the next moment, there was another high-speed flying stone in the void. There was only one before, and this time there were 10,000.

This kind of attack should be named, it is called ‘light stone rain’.

These high-speed stones hit the fortress of the transpirations like raindrops. In less than a second, Lin saw... the brilliant fireworks burst in the void.

The main component of fireworks is the debris of the stone.

They blocked this glacial rain. It seems that this number is not enough. Lin can try to attack with more numbers, but before that, Lynn decided that they could not be transmitted.

The transpiration of crushed stones is mainly dependent on the transport capacity. Although the stones of Lin have transmission shields to avoid being transported away, they create small transfer points around the stones and are therefore unaffected.

Lynn wants the whole space to become untransportable... is it starting to move?

Just as Lin thought about the method, Lin also found that the bigger and bigger castle of this combination moved, and the direction of its movement... was Midgarth.

Does it want to go straight like this?

It seems that this castle is moving faster and faster, and behind it, there are continuous metal blocks to send.

These metal blocks are lined up behind the castle, they are constantly being combined into the castle, and the castle is moving with this long team.

If it is not by passing the past, but by moving the past, it will take a long time to reach Midgart.

After all, it is still far from there, but in any case, it will trigger the trap that has been placed.

However, before it reaches those traps, Lynn will continue to attack it.

This time, it is good to use that.

Thinking, Lin made some... The pompoms floating around began to prepare.

There is a lot of floating around this void, and many of them are equipped with different tools... including tools that make the transfer prohibited.

It seems that the transpirations did not notice that Lin’s pompoms have surrounded them.

At the time of encirclement... the pompons also started to run some special systems, which allowed them to 'block' the entire area.

That is to let the whole place... there is no way to transmit awareness.

Then, Lin prepared more stones... In the absence of transmission, the hardness of the transpires themselves could not withstand the impact of these stones.

Lynn wants to see what new defenses they will use, or to say... they seem to be trying to resist. (To be continued.)

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