4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1488: exchange information

......in the void.

"This is...the greatest project."

A 'sound' is reverberating under the stars. With this 'sound', the stars illuminate their radiance on two huge void objects.

On the one hand, it is a giant pipe with a length of 100,000 kilometers. It has a width of nearly 10,000 kilometers inside, and there are countless creatures and buildings of various shapes.

“Now, they will be integrated.” The ‘sound’ rang again, and the stars sprinkled their light on the side of the pipe... on top of another huge object.

This object, like a huge castle, has a height of tens of thousands of kilometers, almost the same as a huge pipe, but the difference between the two forms is very large, except for the size, there is no similarity.

The two are very close, and both sides are slowly moving, slowly pulling the distance between the two sides.

In the end, the edge of the castle and the pipe collided together, and there was a place in the air where there was any air inside. It was like a blasting sound, numerous buildings collapsed, and a lot of creatures fled. Or die in a collapse.

The castle that collided with the pipeline continued to move forward. It seemed to crush the entire pipe with its own large body. As it moved, the edge of the pipe began to crack.

As the cracks grew, so many pieces of debris broke down, and the pieces covered with countless buildings floated into the void, but they did not drift away, but around the castle.

In the end, they flew to the castle and were attached to the castle, as if they were absorbed by the castle, slowly integrated into the castle...

Even the pipe itself is the same. As the castle gets more and more squeezing, the pipe no longer breaks, but slowly merges into the castle. Part of it is completely connected with the castle, as if the two For the sake of... one.

It is over here.


This is the message of the transpiration, which contains such a picture... Lin can see the scene where the castle and Midgart collide and then merge.

Of course, this is just the scenery in the information. Actually, the scenery has not changed. In the view of Lin, the castle is still more than three hundred kilometers in size, but in the information, it is the passage to Midgart. Almost big.

Lin saw not only the picture, but also mixed with some... explained, the explanation of the transpiration to Lin.

They say that this castle is not a castle, but a part of a great project, a small part.

This seems to be the plan of the vagrants, who want to mold the parts of the great works here, and then use this molded part to connect with Midgart. Simply put, the transpiration wants to combine Midgarth in Above their engineering.

As Lin just saw, the castle will merge with Midgart, and then the vagrants can use the inner abilities of Midgarth to do things for them.

This is what the transpirations have just said.

It feels like a very ‘daring’ idea. Although the simmerers don’t have the daring thing, they dare to form part of the project here, and they intend to merge this with Midgart.

The last transpired person did not seem to have thought about doing this kind of thing. It just used pollutants to slowly contaminate the system inside Midgart.

This seems to be a lot more powerful.

Lynn still doesn't know whether it's directly transferring a part of the 'great project' to it, or just creating the same shape as part of a great project.

However, the tranpers are very clear that they will be integrated with Midgart, so why do they tell Lin?

Because they mean... Lynn has caused a lot of obstacles to them.

It tells Lynn, its plans and practices, and says that it is wanting Lin... to stop everything that hinders them.

The transpirations said that if Midgart was combined, they would no longer have any contact with Lin, they could continue the construction of the entire project, and did not need Lin to participate.

The vagrants will disappear with the entire Midgarth, and they will no longer have any 'disturbing' in Lin, and this war will end.

This seems to be a very cost-effective deal. Lin only needs to do nothing, let them take Midgart away, so... Lin refused the deal.

Lynn didn't want them to take away Midgart.

There are many reasons for this. The most direct reason is... the interesting creature of Midgart. There are still many places in Lin, but I don’t want to give it to the transpiration.

However, Lin did not directly reject it, but sent a response message asking the vagrants more questions, such as whether they could... let Lin go to 'visit' their great engineering sites.

They also said that... unwilling.

The transpires clearly expressed it again, and they said that they would break off all relations with Lin...

This means that you will never come, Lin... no longer have the opportunity to see them, and they will not come to find Lin.

It seems that the transpires believe that as long as they get Midgart, they don't need Lin to “inherit” their work. Lin therefore continues to ask them about the inheritance, and the evaluators did not give a direct answer.

Lin thinks that they still hide a lot of things, but Lin also has a feeling that they say they will not see you again.

but no matter……

Lin said that they should let them take Lin to the project site to visit.

Regarding this matter, the transpirations seemed to be unintentional, so Lin decided to go looking for it and refused to give them Midgart.

"Reject, the action will not stop, the war will continue... there is no end."

In the end, the signal that the transpirations gave Lin was like this. They continued to assemble the castle, and Lin continued to prepare for the attack.

However, this time Lin has to do one more thing, to detect the location of the great project, Lin feels that this is a good opportunity.

Because of these transpiration cubes, there is also the sulphuric castle... Lynn used some of the detectors in the stellar bus to detect them, and Lin found that they were connected somewhere far away.

That place... Will it be the project site?

In addition, Lynn also discovered the evaluator troops hidden outside the interference zone. This unit came earlier than the troops that assembled the castle. It seems that they started from an early age and they ambushed here.

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