‘Hey! ’

In front of Lynn's eyes, countless crumbs are flying.

These debris, which was once a complete transpiration...base.

I don't know if there are more such bases. Lin just destroyed a total of ... twenty.

They seem to be distributed in the void near this, and everywhere.

Previously, Lynn had let some pompoms surround a 100,000-kilometer-long area, turning that area into an undeliverable area, and these bases were around this area.

Some of them are very close and far away, they all have different shapes, mostly hundreds of meters in size, and will launch a special ... bomb.

These bombs are like the 'fragmented layers' in the tomb of Midgart, which can quickly break down the objects they touch, and they used to kill Lin's several to maintain transmission interference. Pompoms.

And these bases have good concealment capabilities, they can also carry out... a very short distance transmission, because these bases are loaded with a small transmission system.

This kind of system is very interesting, and it is a very different way from Lin's current transmission, but they can only transmit... It seems that the distance is up to ten kilometers.

They hid around this void early in the morning to prepare for a sneak attack.

However, after Lin discovered them, they could easily use high-speed stones to smash them and turn them into pieces.

This is a good way to smash directly with stones. They will only smash the target and will not cause the target to produce more...changes.

Lynn is also able to study these fragments well.

Now it seems that we have entered an odd situation. The battle with Lin is mainly the bases that are scattered everywhere. After being discovered by Lin, they have not successfully attacked.

As for the castle that was surrounded by Lin's pompoms, it was a big one, but it had never been attacked by Lin. It was still there while assembling and moving forward.

But after all, there are 7.7 billion kilometers from Midgart, even if it takes a long time to reach.

Lynn has attacked it many times, but it always keeps improving while moving forward. Lynn thinks this tactic is really... very weird.

So, Lynn decided to blow it up completely and see what happens...

However, just as Lin thought so, Lin suddenly saw a burst of glory.

This ray of light is emitted from the center of the non-transport area surrounded by pompons... that is, the castle, it is like... a huge beam of light, shot in the direction of Midgarth.

This light is... what to do?

Lin hasn't detected anything special at the moment, and even if she let a pompom fly into the light, she doesn't feel anything. Obviously, this light is for Midgart.

But it can't get to Midgart so soon, it still takes a certain amount of time. If this is the case... Suddenly, suddenly Lin found that the castle shot the light column in different directions.

This time the light beam is different from that of Midgart. These beams are...harmful.

It hits those who are surrounded by Lin... In the pompoms that maintain the interference transmission, the pompoms are instantly turned into ashes, and the disturbance disappears at this moment.

It seems that it seems to be starting to fight back?

Lin once again saw a large beam of light shining around the castle, completely smashing all the pompoms that kept the interference, but even then, it only allowed the interference to stop for a second.

The next second, Lin added back to the interference, because there are quite a lot of pompons in this imaginary sky... Lin only uses dozens to maintain interference, these pompoms that maintain interference are especially easy to find, but those do nothing The pompoms are usually not found.

When the interfering pompoms are killed, the other pompons will immediately replenish their position and continue to interfere.

However, even if the disturbance only stopped for a second, the castle did a lot of things.

It has now swelled to a size of nearly five hundred kilometers, and it seems to have even the feel of a small tumbling person, and... its color is no longer like a rusted metal, but it is somewhat shiny like an ice crystal jewel. The brilliance of the stars shimmers on the top.

"Your obstacles... will be crushed."

At the same time, Lynn received such a message, it seems that it really intends to fight back, then Lynn also wants to see ... it is how to fight back.

At the moment when Lynn thought so, countless stones reappeared. They appeared on the edge of the interfering area and slammed into the castle of the disturbing center transpire.

‘Hey! 'Lin simulates the sound of the impact, but... this sound is only a stone.

Because, Lin saw that these stones hit into pieces... and the castle itself did not have any traces of damage, mainly because they did not hit the castle at all.

The castle... is no longer in place.

It seems to have disappeared. In general, the huge object of 500 kilometers disappeared into the void, and Lin's transmission interference remained there, so it would not be transmitted.

After the castle left, the metal blocks that were constantly transported here stopped transmitting. Although there were still many, they stopped the activities in other transfer areas and did not continue to come near Midgart.

Although 7.7 billion kilometers is not considered a 'nearby', at least this location is closer than any other transmission point.

There is another strange place, that is the light that the castle originally illuminated.

It was originally from the top of the castle...like the structure of the tower, but after the castle disappeared...this light is still in place.

Because the castle is gone, it looks like it is coming out of nothing, in the void, and heading towards Midgarth.

This phenomenon... is really interesting.

Obviously, the castle used to escape, and it is closely related to this light... This light has no attacking purpose. This is what Lynn tested before.

Lin has tested it again and found that the result... is still the same.

There is nothing special about the flying ball into the light, and under normal detection, this light is no different from other lights.

Lynn decided to use some unusual testing methods.

It is to use the pieces of the transpiration.

Lin broke a lot of transpiration bases before, and when it hit the castle, it also smashed a lot of debris.

Lin found that the debris was placed in the light column and produced the same reaction as the castle, that is... disappeared.

After it disappears, it will leave any other objects that are not transpiration. That is, if Lin puts a cell in the debris, it will not disappear with the debris, and the cells will be left in place.

After some testing... Lin almost knows what is going on. (To be continued.)

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