4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1495: That thing

"It's here... talk to me..."

"Can it guard?"

"It tells me... I can get out of here, just in this position..."

"Can it guard?"

"It also tells me... it will allow me to go back to the distant sky and see my companion..."

"I asked if you can guard it! You can't guard this fool!"


Among the solidified gaps, between the colored rock walls, the city called the city of the can brain is slowly floating, and there are a lot of metal blocks floating around the city.

These metal blocks are all motionless, just like the city, because they are all affected by some kind of...

Lynn is investigating this impact, because Lynn can be sure that this effect has caused the transpiration of the metal to move.

The original transpires came in here with some kind of plan, but this plan was disturbed by this wonderful influence... This made them unable to follow the original plan.

Although I don't know what the original plans of the tranfers are, they are now planning to implement another plan, which is to break down the city of the can brain.

The city... can leave the coagulation gap in some way. This should be the reason why it is called the target of the transpiration. However, the tranfers are now affected again, and they are all motionless.

And this effect...

Also affected the brain spirit.

It makes the brain think that it can help the brain to get out of here, and it can help the brain to find its companion.

Brain Spirit seems to be convinced of this, so it began to control the city to fly back to this position, and then waited for ... the opportunity to leave.

But before it waited for the opportunity, Lynn acted first.

Now, in the position where the brain spirit is located... The two arms are together with the brain spirit. These two arms are the arms that are called ‘rock spider’ by Lin.

Although the brain has killed most of the pompoms in the city, Lin has many troops in the underground of the city, where there is enough space and many resources.

Rock spiders are spiders that climb into the brain where they are not found, and then they are injected into the brain... some things that are not fatal but fascinating.

"Let me tell you quickly! Can that kind of thing be guarded? And can you guard it? If you don't say it, I will make you unable to guard! Do you understand?"

The little nucleus is now in the same ‘can’ with the brain, and constantly asks the brain for some... problems.

In the face of the successive attacks of the small nucleus, the brain spirit tried... completely ignoring it. After all, the small nucleus can only talk to it, and can not control the mechanical body of the brain.

But the brain is unable to completely ignore it. Now Lin has noticed that the brain has begun to become somewhat...the spirit is abnormal.

It keeps repeating those words there, saying that something is talking to it, saying that it says it will let it go out.

This is a very interesting phenomenon. It is usually a brain whispering to other creatures in other biological brains... I have encountered the same situation.

But what exactly is this thing?

Lin did not receive any information here... but Lin now knows that if the meltdown zone is passed, the city can be taken away from the solidification gap.

The meltdown zone and the intelligence of the city have some kind of 'resonance', and Lin is studying this...can move the city out.

But before that, Linde had to find out what was affecting the transpiration and brain spirit.

Thinking, Lin asked the little nucleus: "Have you found that thing?"

"What? You said something that can't be guarded?"

Lin's tarantula is now squatting on the wall above the brain, and is hidden. It connects the brain with a 'wire' that can transmit the energy of dreams.

Lin can also use this line to communicate with the small nucleus who has already penetrated into the brain. In fact, the brain can also leave through this line. In this case... it will come to Lin's rock spider.

However, the brain does not do this, it may be that it did not notice, because this line is difficult to see in both the dream and the real, even if the small guardian got in, it will not know the small guard From which position the nucleus was drilled.

Lin didn't know if the little nucleator could hear the ‘sound’ of that thing like the brain spirit, so I have to ask.

"How can I find something that can't be guarded!" The little nucleus quickly responded: "It's in that place!"

"What kind of place?"

"It's the kind of place! It's a position that can't be guarded! It's constantly insulting me with words that can't be guarded!"

At the same time as the little Guardian finished, Lin also got some new information...

The little nucleus sent an image-like message to Lin, who noticed the image...the environment, the canyon where the transpirations were stacked.

There is something there that constantly affects the transpiration and brain spirit, but this effect is very targeted, and Lin can only feel some strange, brain-like feelings when the impact is released, and then completely disappeared. .

But it can make the transpiration of the metal block stop for a long time, but also let the brain hear some words, the most important thing is that the brain is still very confident.

Lin did not receive any information, only the small nucleus who was also put into the brain of the brain can receive it.

Lynn decided to go to the position it said to see what it was, then... let's go now.

Around the city, there are many pompoms being explored, and Lin let them gather and move in the direction of the canyon.

These pompons flew between the dead metal blocks, and they quickly entered the gorge that was only a few tens of meters wide. It was also full of transpiration metal blocks, as before.

Before Lin’s pompom came to a certain position, she found that the canyon was blocked by metal blocks, but now... there are not as many metal blocks in this position, at least they are not completely blocked.

Lin's pompom flew over here and soon arrived... the position of the little guardian.

There is nothing here.

There is nothing... There is a smelter metal block all the way, and after entering this position, the metal blocks seem to suddenly disappear, and there is no piece at all.

This phenomenon has been extended for nearly a hundred meters, and then Lin found the metal block of the transpiration.

To put it simply, the intensive metal blocks vacate a space of 100 meters in diameter, as if something is here...to make them inaccessible. (To be continued.)

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