4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1496: Bizarre things

This is an old legend.

According to legend, there is a weird thing that likes to be hidden in weirdness, which can have a weird effect on some creatures trying to touch it.

And the effect is... It seems that the will is broken.

... This conclusion was reached during Lin's research and testing process.

Now the evapoturizer in this evolutionary stage is a combination of creatures, whose usual 'will' is dispersed, that is, each transpired metal has its own thinking.

And when they are combined, they will put together their own thinking, and should form a 'collective consciousness' by integrating information with each other.

This collective consciousness helps to control the huge body after the combination, and even if some accidents are temporarily dispersed, this consciousness can still maintain the collective mode, and the collective consciousness will be slow only when it is intended to be completely restored to a dispersed state. Slowly disappeared.

But here, this ability has become their problem...

Lin found that the reason why the transpires stopped moving was that their collective consciousness... was interrupted.

The huge castles that the transpirations combine are controlled by a collective will, and after they enter the coagulation gap, this will instantly suffer... heavy damage.

This puts them into a phenomenon of will collapse, so all the activities are stopped.

Cellular organisms Even if the brain does not work, most of the cells in the body will remain active, but vagrants are not. As long as their 'consciousness' disappears, their body structure will cease to function as if they were 'paused'. .

By doing some comparison and testing of the physiology of the transpiration, and by comparing its ‘organs’ with the stars, Lin now knows more about how these clotting creatures are going.

Although they are very different in composition, they can also be understood through the usual way of life activities.

And interrupting the evapotrania's consciousness... is probably a strange creature.

Some of Lin's pompoms are now observing where it is located... In the colorful canyons where metal is crowded, there is an area that is vacated by them.

No transpiration metal is close to this place, so this place is destined to be special... However, this special has not yet been shown.

The consciousness of the tranfer was interrupted, and it was detected by Lin from the metal block of the evaluator. No connection was found with this area.

However, this place must have been weird here...appeared.

Lin's pompom saw a colored rock wall on the right side suddenly started... It squirmed, as if it had come alive, and it became very soft.

Is this... a creature that affects transpiration and brain spirit? Because it will communicate to the brain, it is a creature.

When Lin looked at it, the color on the rock wall slowly gathered like a soft mud. They seemed to want to form a certain shape, and piled up higher and higher in one place.

The same color creep began on the left side of the colored rock wall, which converges in the same position as the rock wall on the right side, and then accumulates.

Lin looked at the creep of these colored mud, and then let a pompon fly over and check it against the creeping rock wall.

It turns out that the composition of the rock wall has not changed much, they simply softened from hard, which is obviously a solidified void creature.

But it's not sure if it affects the tranfers and brains, because Lynn doesn't detect what information it sends out.

It is simply... just piled up.

The walls on both sides are accumulating higher and higher, and they look like two colored soft mud towers, which are getting taller and higher.

In the end, they all piled up towers that were more than 30 meters long, because they were facing each other, so they touched together.

What does this mean?

They now look like bridges that connect the two sides of the rock wall, but there is no movement at all. After the bridge is formed, the mud on both sides will not creep.

However, there is movement in the brain.

"Success! Success!" The brain shouted like this, and it ran excitedly in the room, and Lin's tarant followed it to ensure that the silk thread of the dream was connected to it.

"It suddenly became more and more impossible to guard!" The little nucleus also issued such a 'big scream': "What should I do? Let it become more unguarded? Hurry up and stop, you Things that can't be guarded!"

The brain did not stop until it reached the exit of the room.

"I know that you are here..." The head of the brain suddenly gave a light that illumined the position of the rock spider.

"I have noticed that you sneaked in and sneaked in, then put that odious thing into my body, and then kept watching me here, but... I will get rid of you!"

"What? You are a **** thing that can't be guarded!" The little nucleus immediately yelled, but the brain did not say anything, but opened the door to the entrance to the room.

At the moment when the gate opened, Lynn saw a mechanical brain standing outside.

It is more than a meter high, has a cylindrical body and a transparent, pot-shaped head filled with liquid cells filled with cells.

The brain spirit touched the head of the head and the head of the mechanical brain at a very fast speed. This process lasted for one second, and the mechanical brain violently waved the arms on both sides, and the brain was heavily flung. Go out.

The brain's mechanical body stopped after a few laps on the ground, and the little nucleus also yelled: "It escaped!"

It seems that... At the moment when the brain spirit and the mechanical brain were in contact, the brain spirit transferred himself to the mechanical brain... and immediately took the original body to fly.

Now the body of the brain is left with only the little guardian in it.

This is quite powerful. I did not expect that this brain spirit could escape the original mechanical body so quickly and get rid of the small nucleus.

"Why don't you chase it?" thought, Lin asked the little nucleus.

"How can I chase things that can't be guarded!" The little guards responded immediately.

It seems that the brain is not moving fast, but the little nucleus does not want to chase it. Now, Lin looks at the new body of the brain... It should be said that the host's mechanical brain is standing at the entrance and said: "Now start!"

At the moment when its sound fell, Lin felt that the city began to vibrate violently. In a flash, the scenery outside changed into... the familiar desert of the tomb of Midgart.

Can it really come out? This made Lin a little surprised, this creature like the colored ooze...has a lot of relevance.

Because it also appeared in this desert. (To be continued.)

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