4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1499: Colored wishes

For a long time, a long time ago... there is such a wonderful legend.

Legends circulated among many civilizations.

No matter which civilization, which country, which city... In these places, there is no shortage of residents with dreams and wishes.

Many residents are constantly striving to fulfill their aspirations, but many residents do nothing to fulfill their wishes...

Instead of trying to do what, but constantly thinking about the desire to be realized, the number of such residents is always a lot.

After all, it is a wonderful thing to make a dream come true, but in most cases, these imaginary residents will only be despised by the same kind of genius. It is meaningless to imagine and not work hard.

But... this is not an absolute situation. Sometimes, just imagine, you can achieve your wishes.

But this requires some special conditions, that is, 'go to the place where the light shines.'

This is the main content of the ancient legends that have been circulated. It is said that if you go to the place where the light shines, you can realize all your wishes, no matter how humble creatures, if you are sincere and sincere to pray... I can imagine it.

This legend has been circulated among many civilizations. Although it seems to be nonsense, there are still many creatures that have acted to find this ‘the place where the light shines.’

This place is like its name, a place that is illuminated by the brilliant colored light.

This colored ray may appear anywhere, usually in the wilderness, and when it appears, it can be covered with large areas with brilliant colored light.

As long as you stand in this colorful light and try to imagine your wishes, it is possible to achieve it.

Although this legend is widely spread, there are not many creatures who believe it, but... with the support of the idea of ​​getting nothing, some creatures are beginning to go out and look for this colorful light, although it is an effort to find it, but at least It is much simpler to work hard to achieve your wishes.

After all, finding the light is only related to luck, and there is not much difficulty.

Indeed... a lot of creatures have found this light, and there they try to imagine and realize the realization of their wishes.

Soon, these creatures discovered... This legend is indeed true, their desires are under the wonderful power of light... slowly starting to materialize.

Although I won’t receive any hints and the like, the creatures who make a wish in the light will suddenly know that this wish has been fulfilled. Finally, they will leave the color and return to the city to wait for the desire to slowly Realized.

To... slowly.

The desire is not realized immediately, it is a slow process.

If a creature wants to achieve its goal of giving it a top position, it will not reach the top immediately, but slowly raises its position.

The creature that made the wish did find that his status was improving, but it was a very slow process, and there were some problems with this creature during the ascension.

It will... ignore many things around, no matter what, it will ignore it, it will only care about the wish that you have made.

Like an injury, it doesn't care about the wound. Who is jealous, it's not the same thing, even if anyone wants to kill it...

It also doesn't care, it only pays attention to the process of continuous improvement of its status.

Almost all creatures who make wishes in the light will be like this, and they will all be fulfilled by...

It’s just that the realization of this desire is very slow, and on the way to realization, they will ignore everything around them.

As a result, no creature can live until the final wish is fully realized.

Initially, these wishing creatures were only considered to be neurological anomalies, but... at some point, within a civilization, there are quite a lot of creatures that make a wish in the light, because many of the inhabitants here I believe in this legend, and went to find the wish of the color light.

These wishers have reached the point where they can affect the normal operation of a city.

So the ruler of this civilization began to investigate the incident. It quickly traced the legend of the glory, and then found the place where the glory occurred. After understanding the overall incident, it informed the entire civilization about the color. thing.

This time, the color light is no longer called a legend, but is treated as a really positive anomaly.

After knowing the specific situation, most of the residents were afraid of the colored light, and they no longer dared to approach it.

The ruler decided to conduct a detailed study of the color light.

In the preliminary investigation, it learned a lot about the details of the color light.

For example, a creature can only make one wish, and after that, no more wishes can be made.

The wish is not completely impossible. If the wish is to break a stone and then smash the stone immediately after making it, then it is a fulfillment of the wish, and the wisher will not enter a state of neglect.

The more complex the desire, the longer the implementation period, and there is no way to use any method to speed up the process.

There are also some wishes that cannot be achieved, such as the destruction of the whole world, which will not happen from the beginning.

Generally speaking, there is no problem with the wishes of the individual, but it is impossible to make a huge desire.

Thus, the ruler of civilization thought of a method that thought of the desire to use the light... to make the entire civilization prosper.

It has specially nurtured a group of ... wishers to make a lot of special wishes.

For example, if a certain science and technology cannot be completed, it allows the wisher to make a desire to complete the technology. In addition, there is a desire to eliminate crime and so on.

Because each of the wishes has a small scope of influence, it has nurtured a large number of wishers... so that a large number of wishes affect the entire civilization.

And these venders will be strictly protected, and the rulers will ensure that they can live to the moment of fulfilling their wishes. With this method, it makes the development of the entire civilization soar, and the crime rate almost disappears. It has become the most successful in history. Ruler.

But... there is something wrong with it.

Just as the ruler looked at the peaceful and perfect civilization, and looked forward to the future development... The radiance of color disappeared.

This meant that it could not make more wishes, so the ruler gave orders and had to find the color.

It sent out a huge army and went to the wilderness to look for colored light.

However, this unit... is completely missing. (To be continued.)

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