4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1500: The end of the legend

When the ruler returned to God, its civilization had fallen into flames.

The screams, the explosions, are constantly ringing, and all the inhabitants are struggling in the flames.

The cause of all this was started by a soldier who fled back.

Not long ago, the ruler dispatched troops to find the disappearing light, because in the legend, the light will appear anywhere, so it is sure to find it.

But the troops disappeared after they left, and they seemed to have evaporated, and all the contacts disappeared.

However, it did not completely disappear. After a period of missing troops, a soldier returned.

The soldier was in a state of extreme fear, and he couldn't say anything, and it had a lot of colored things on his body, like something like mud.

Initially, the mud was not taken care of. The mud was unloaded and cleaned along with the armor worn by the soldiers. The soldiers were placed in a safe place and the ruler intended to ask him about the details of the disappearance.

But the soldiers still can't say anything, and its spirit seems to have been in an abnormal state.

In the absence of a way, the ruler decided to dispatch another force to investigate the disappearance, but at this time... it found some anomalies.

Wish... is invalid.

The rulers once formed a large team of volunteers, allowing them to make a lot of wishes to maintain the peace and development of the entire civilization.

These aspirations have been going on for a long time, and the security of the wishers have been realized one by one.

However, the desire to realize now suddenly fails.

There are many desires for them to have unfinished or unfinished technologies, including new energy systems and weapons.

In the entire civilization, many cities are using the products they wish to obtain, and these products suddenly collapsed one after another.

It suddenly became a fragment, some were unable to start, and some... such as the energy system exploded directly.

Moreover, all technicians have lost... memories, they completely forget how these products are made...so there is no way to repair them.

There are still many things that are ‘automatic’ under the influence of desires. They don’t know how to make them from the beginning.

All in all, this civilization completely lost the technology they acquired through their desires, and in a very short time they changed back to the era of development in the past.

At the same time, this civilization is no longer peaceful.

The crime rate, which was almost completely disappeared in the aspirations, suddenly began to soar. There were even large and small bandit groups in the city. These groups began to attack everywhere, and with the decline of technology, many cities lost their energy supply in an instant... Let the whole civilization fall into a panic.

The ruler has no way to do this.

It can only look at the inhabitants who are panicked and fighting each other, and finally the entire civilization is caught in the sea of ​​fire.

One by one, the inhabitants of civilization fell in fear and collapse on soft ground, allowing the ground to engulf their bodies.

... devour?

Yes, at the last moment, the ruler saw... The ground in the city is not the original color, but the beautiful... color.

It's like... the color that used to make a wish, just now that the color is not light, but like a soft mud, spread across the ground of the city.

It devours the wreckage of the entire civilization.


This is the legend about the desire for color.

There is such a civilization that excessively pays attention to and uses the color desire, so it is destroyed.

However, this legend is only an interesting thing to talk about in other civilizations. There is no second civilization that pays too much attention to this matter.

It is hard to say whether this civilization, which was destroyed by excessive willingness, is true or not.

However, there are still some researchers who are studying this event. They have confirmed that there is such a creature. It is exactly the same as described in the legend. It is not only colored, but also fulfills the wishes of other creatures.

It hides in the coagulation gap and rarely shows it in the true face.

It has an unfixed form and is quite large. Usually it is colored, mixed with the color of everything, but not gorgeous.

It will fulfill the desire of those who have a desire, but the implementation process is extremely slow and usually takes a long time.

Some researchers who conducted research on it came to this conclusion.

It is not a desire to realize a creature, it is just learning...


Just in front of Lynn’s eyes.

In the sky, countless colored objects are flying. They look like mud, and they are like liquid substances. Now they have covered the sky of the city of cans like a swarm.

These colored...sludges come from colorful waterfalls outside the city, and now the huge waterfall has become smaller and smaller, perhaps because the holes that flow out of it and the solidification gaps are getting smaller and smaller. It is.

Because the hole is getting smaller, the flow of colored waterfalls has become smaller and smaller. Now it can't be said to be a waterfall. It can be said that it is... a small stream.

However, it has already flowed a lot before. If you look at the ground below, you can see that the colored ooze has covered several kilometers of desert areas, and it completely dyes the dust.

In addition to this, there are many small mud pieces that are sputtered.

These muds flew out of the stream of colored water. Why didn't they know when they flew out? Many of them bounced into the city.

Like a slime, Lynn found that the soft mud would crawl on the ground... they would slowly gather and use it to get bigger and bigger.

While looking at these situations, Lynn was also investigating information about these colored substances, and the results were investigated... the legend of the colored desire, and the civilization destroyed by the wish.

There are indications that this seems to be a very dangerous creature, its temperament is elusive, and its structure is difficult to understand.

Even the researchers know little about it, but they raise an interesting topic, that is, this colored muddy creature does not seem to help other creatures realize their wishes.

It's just using those who wish to come...learning.

...they seem to be coming here?

Lin suddenly found that all the soft mud that flew into the city was heading towards Lin's rock spider, and where the brain spirit was located - the tallest building in the city.

They seem to be going to gather together to do what they are doing here.

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