"Let it... leave!"

The melted world is roaring.

Along with its roar, the blackened earth began to crack, and when the crack began to spread, the mountain peaks also erupted.

Numerous volcanic bombs descended from the sky with the sound of whistling, and they smashed into the ground to create a huge pit.

A ball of fluff is floating in the scorching air, looking at the scene of the end of the day, but the pompon is ... there is no need to escape.

Because, whether it is a splash of fireball or a crack on the ground, it will not touch this position.

The ground in this position is covered with a large piece of colored ooze, and it seems that it will not be harmed by this colored slime.

This is mainly because the color mud affects the nervous system of the melting zone.

Although the surface of the meltdown zone was not affected by the color mud, it was also very angry, but the color mud still had some influence on its ‘subconsciousness’.

This makes the meltdown zone do nothing to inadvertently avoid damage to the color mud, so even if the meltdown zone makes its surface burst and tremble, it will not hurt the color mud.

"Let it go out! Let it disappear forever!" Now, the arms that roam the nerves of the meltdown zone can "listen" to the meltdown zone to show clear anger.

The reason for its anger is because the color mud continues to input a lot of information, so it begins to shatter the surface and the volcano erupts.

The location of the shock is mainly concentrated near the location where the color mud is located, but it can't grasp the exact position of the color mud, so the color mud has been lying here for nothing, but it is also to avoid ... in case of , thus narrowing the previous coverage.

Although the color mud looks conspicuous on the surface, it is as invisible to the meltdown zone and does not suffer any harm at all.

"I don't need your help... leave here..."

The mood in the meltdown zone is getting more and more angry, and the roar of destruction is constantly heard here, but it is very strange that there is nothing in the location of the mud.

Those cracks will always stop growing within a range of 100 meters from the soft mud, and those...the volcanoes can only fall far away.

And in the nerves of the meltdown zone, Lin couldn't find any news about the location of the slime, which caused the surface to shatter, and the mental impact seemed to be really strong.

However, even such a soft mud may not be able to help the meltdown zone to achieve its wishes.

Because Lynn noticed another point... its legendary energy in the transmitting organs.

Before the soft mud flew to the surface of the meltdown zone, the energy of the meltdown zone was still very small, and now its energy is rapidly expanding.

Lynn feels that it will be able to transfer itself soon.

Moreover, the energy obtained by the meltdown zone... is not related to the soft mud. In fact, the source of energy is the opening of the solidified gap.

When the city of Canned Brain and colored ooze came out of the coagulation gap, there appeared a lot of energy in the desert of the tomb of Midgarth... and the energy was collected by the meltdown.

The colored ooze does not want to melt the belt. It is in the information that is continuously sent to the meltdown zone. There is a meltdown zone...waiting here, waiting for the dream to come true.

However, the more it says, the more the meltdown zone wants to go.

The meltdown zone is now less concerned... There is something about Midgart that is just quite irritated by the mud, so the idea of ​​trying to get out of it is getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that although the color mud can make the ... normal creature feel at ease, the giant creature in the meltdown zone is similar to the small protector.


Lin felt the vibration again, this time from the transmitting organ. With the convergence of energy, the transmitting organs are also running fast... all the energy is transmitted everywhere, ready to send the whole meltdown zone.

As for the colored substances that appear in the transport organs... they are currently of no use and there is no way to stop this transmission.

After all, the process of fulfilling the desire is a long process. Although the color mud is continuously affecting the meltdown zone, it has no effect for a while.

The meltdown zone is fully rid of it, in this case... it is likely to succeed, but there will be some problems...

It is now likely to reach the outside of the Midgart pipeline... dangerous places.

However, now Lin does not have a way to effectively stop it. Although it can put a small guardian in its nervous system to interfere with the 'sound' of the color mud, the nervous system in the meltdown zone is too large, and the small guardian... ...too small.

If it is to help a small biological interference, it is very easy, to help such a large nerve interference, a large number of small nucleators are needed.

So, in the case of being unable to stop, it will eventually lead to this result...

'Snapped! ’

A strong flash of light appeared above the tomb of Midgarth.

After the flash has passed, it has been in the meltdown of the sky... The disappearance disappears without a trace, and the only thing left is the dust.

On the surface of the meltdown zone, you can also see that the scenery of the sky is changing rapidly. When the changing scenery is fixed, you can see the beautiful starry sky, and...

There are countless rust metals that float between the stars.

Sure enough to transfer to this location.

This is a place about 10 billion kilometers from the Midgart Pipeline.

Before the meltdown zone was transmitted, Lynn detected the possible transfer location of the meltdown zone. Lin found that many of its possible locations were surrounded by vagrants.

The plan for the transpiration to invade from the solidification gap failed because of the color mud, but they did not give up.

There are still a lot of metal blocks outside, they are still in action, planning some tricks, and now this is probably their plan, a large number of metal blocks surrounded by many places in many circles.

Previously, Lynn had observed these actions of the tranfers, but when it was transmitted in the meltdown zone, Lynn discovered that most of the locations they surrounded were the locations where the meltdown zone could be transported.

It was like they expected that the meltdown zone would be sent out, so a trap was designed.

This may be related to the fact that the transpiration is well understood.

Lynn noticed that this group of metal blocks all over the sky began the next move... they are quickly combining.

Lin also decided to take some action... to make the trap against the meltdown zone a trap for the transpiration. (To be continued.)

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