'boom! ’

The emptiness of the burst was illuminated in the void.

In the bright light, a huge metal with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers was also torn into two halves in an instant.

This metal... is synthesized by the transpiration.

After the meltdown zone was transferred to their encirclement, the transpires of the metal blocks began to synthesize, and they quickly synthesize huge...metal plates around the meltdown zone, as if to melt the meltdown Wrapped up, the metal sheet is made around the meltdown zone.

Although the transpirations around the meltdown zone are not enough to completely enclose the entire meltdown zone, there are many transpirations coming from other transmission points.

All the vagrants who came here made the metal plate bigger, and the melting zone seemed to have not responded to what was going on here.

It may be more concerned with your emotional stability than the surrounding environment... It is true that the mood of the melting zone is not angry.

Because the piece of color mud was not sent to this place with it, the color mud remained in the tomb of Midgarth.

The impact on the meltdown zone... has also failed. The meltdown zone is now in a state of good mental state. The most important thing is that it has been transmitted with light, so there is no way to continue.

Therefore, Lin intends to act first, first the high-speed stone, the two pieces of synthetic metal plate, and then...

The transpiration seems to have a new movement.

Lin noticed that the two-part metal sheets began to deform rapidly, and they seemed to cancel the plan to wrap the melt-break zone before and change to a plan to drill the melt-break zone.

Because the metal plate was deformed into two... long and huge drill bits, and rushed toward the surface of the meltdown zone.

On the surface of the meltdown zone, you can hear the incomparable whistling sound, two huge metal drill bits easily tear the hot air away, getting closer and closer to the surface.

Lin looked at the situation and once again let some of the high-speed stones appear in the void.

They flew toward the metal bit, but at the moment they approached, the stones were all powdered.

It turned out to be... they are now starting to defend.

Lin continued to let more stones hit the two drill bits, but each stone was shattered at the moment of approaching them, so the drill bit approached the surface of the meltdown without any hindrance.

'boom! ! The drill bit with a diameter of several hundred meters instantly disappeared into the melted earth. At this moment, Lynn felt that the nerves in the meltdown zone suddenly "shake" it. It should be like the feeling of being suddenly stabbed.

But this is actually irrelevant to the surface being drilled, mainly because at the moment of drilling, the vagrant's drill bit released a strong signal to the depths of the ground.

This signal directly 'hits' the nerves of the meltdown zone, which puts the nerves of the meltdown zone in a 'shocked' state.

They really want to control the meltdown zone. In fact, Lin is not quite sure why the tranfer wants to melt the zone, maybe it has something special.

The tranpers did not drill too deep, their drill bits only penetrated less than a hundred meters underground, but they were able to continue to send information about ... erosion thoughts to the meltdown zone.

The erosion of the meltdown zone was stronger than before, perhaps because the transpiration was bigger than the last one.

Although it is composed of many small pieces, the combined transpirations are much larger than before. The two drill bits are followed by columns of countless tranpers, which extend all the way to the void, on the ground. It seems that they have now become two... 'Tongtian Tower'.

Moreover, the end of this 'Tongtian Tower' has been connected to the transfer point in the void, and the other side is a large number of tranpers.

These tranpers are all combined and should form a ball larger than the meltdown zone.

But they didn't all come here, in this position, that is, 10 billion kilometers from Midgart... Only these two drill bits, other tranpers are at the farther transmission point.

However, they have all been connected to the drill bit, so the 'energy' they release is quite large, and it can quickly erode the thoughts of the meltdown zone. This erosion is similar to color mud, which is to input a lot of meltdown zones. Insignificant information that will make the thinking processing power of the meltdown zone closer to the 'limit'.

Finally, the nerves in the meltdown zone may be paralyzed, and then the transpiration will replace them and begin to control other organs of the transpiration.

The last transpiration may be too small, the amount of information sent is not enough, so the erosion rate is very slow, and this time is very different... this time it may take dozens of seconds to completely erode.

And they are protected to prevent them from interfering with them.

This... is exactly what Lynn expects.

It touched the meltdown zone, which means... it has entered a trap.

Before Lin used stone to stop it, it didn't really want to stop it, it just pretended to be like it.

Lin’s real idea is to get it into contact with the meltdown zone. In this case, Lynn also uses some methods... to ‘scapture’ to the transpiration.

At the same time as Lin thought, a piece of colored mud would also appear on the surface of the meltdown zone.

At the moment it appeared, the spirit of the meltdown zone was again subjected to a 'shock,' which would speed up its erosion, but it would also...

Let the tranfer stop working.

As Lin thought, the tranders stopped at the moment when the color mud appeared, whether it was the two drill bits or the transpirations behind them.

It is exactly the same as in the solidification gap.

The color mud does have a method of restraining the transpiration, which allows the tranfer to instantly enter the state of being stopped. The reason why the soft mud appears here is because Lin transmitted it.

After being transported in the meltdown zone, the tomb of Midgart entered a state that can be transmitted freely, so it is very simple to send the mud.

Under the stopped state, the drill bit that extends into the surface of the sky in the void also begins... shaking.

The material structure of the tranfers is not enough to support the 'buildings' they make... but after using the control of gravity, they stabilize the drills that extend from the void to the ground.

But stopping the operation also means that they have lost control. In the sound of the bang, this tower is also collapsed with the gravitational pull of the meltdown. (To be continued.)

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