4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1506: Tail end

They are ... regarded as 'escapers'.

It seems that because of this reason.


Now, Lin is paying attention to the melting of the earth in front of her eyes.

Many of the pompons floated in the void, detecting... there are transpiration metal blocks everywhere.

The tranfer's attack can now be suspended, and of course they may move after a while... But before that, Lynn can do a lot of things.

The meltdown zone has not yet recovered from the erosion, and the color mud sent by Lin continues to input information about the desire to achieve it in the meltdown zone.

Lin is testing the metal blocks of these tranpers.

The bits of the transpirations have broken and collapsed on the surface of the meltdown zone, and they are scattered all over the ground.

As for those transpirations that were originally connected to the two drill bits and located at other transfer points, they are still in a state of motion. It seems that the effect of color mud on them is quite huge. It stops all tranfers in a flash. activity.

This is mainly because... the evaluator was listed as a 'escaper' by Midgarth.

Although Midgarth did not catch the evapotrania, there was an idea that if the vagrant came back, it would capture and maintain it, and Midgart created a special weapon for the vagrant. .

Color mud is one of the 'arms' made by Midgarth.

Accurately speaking, it has the function of this weapon, but the main role of color mud is not to catch the transpiration... Anyway, Lin is able to use it.

The weapons used to deal with the tranfers, and some in Midgart, are also because of the reasons for these weapons... so they want to control the meltdown zone.

Mainly, the transpirations want to use the meltdown to bring themselves to a 'variation'.

Just like the usual biological mutating, the species that condense the void will also mutate, and they will change because of various influences.

The internal function of the meltdown zone allows the tranfer to produce a ... new variety, as to how it is produced, it is not clear, it may be eating these organs.

This new breed will not be restrained by Midgart's weapons, which is above the most evolved species of transpiration, and the newer varieties seem to have a very special strength.

Therefore, they must obtain a meltdown zone to create a new category, and of course their ultimate goal is to acquire the entire Midgart.

In fact, if there is not Lin, they do not need to get melted, because Midgart is asleep, and the weapons actually do not cause fundamental damage to the tranfer.

This series of plans was created to deal with Lin... They used to make castles and sneak into the coagulation gap to get close to the meltdown.

It was just... I didn't expect a color mud to be in the meltdown zone, which led Lin to use the color mud to deal with them.

Lin can know that the main reason for this is to seize the transpiration metal that escaped from the coagulation gap. From it... there are many things that can be learned. This transpire carries many related plans.

In any case, Lin has only one thing to do now.

The transpirations have all been suspended, and Lin is not going to destroy them now, but intends to test their origins.

The tranpers that collapsed on the meltdown zone, and the tranpers of nearby transfer points, can detect where they came from by detecting them.

Before, when Lin tried to track the origins of the tranfers, they would be disturbed by them, but now... Lin is no longer subject to such interference.

Lynn only needs to go to the location where they were originally sent to investigate.

Lin has now begun to act. Lin asked a 100-meter-diameter pompom to land on the meltdown zone, taking away a small portion of the colored ooze sticking to the ground and then starting the transfer.

The tranfer is close to Midgart through multiple transfer points, and the distance between each transfer point is quite far, and Lin is now planning to go to the farthest.

After the first delivery of the pompoms, Lin came to the nearest transfer point, where the tranfers were lined up like metal rivers, thousands of kilometers long, and the front end of the team was connected to Midgarth. Position, and the end is connected to a further transfer point.

Now that they are still in a state of immobility, Lynn can observe them well, although it seems that there is nothing to look at.

The pompon is transferred again, reaches the next transfer point, and then transmits...

Each transfer point has a team of tranpers, which together can circle the meltdown zone or even Midgart.

Such a huge army did not come in all at once, but only a small part of it was close to Midgart, and it only appeared in the distance of tens of billions of kilometers.

Lin feels that there must be some problems in this.

Even the long queue will have a tail. After many transmissions, Lin quickly reached the last place.

Here, the evaluator's team is still very long, but its tail is not connected to any transfer point, which means that the team has reached the end.

The transpirations are first delivered here, and then arranged into teams to transfer one by one to the next transfer point...

And at the end of the test...

The pompons flew to the position of the last piece of metal of the tranfer team, and even though they extended so long, they all stopped working.

The effect of the color mud is really a little surprised, but the color mud does not have this ability... It uses some systems inside Midgarth.

If you investigate the transmission of energy here... Lynn can find something special.

The transpiration metal block... seems to be from that place.

This place...very far away...it doesn't seem to be better described, but in the end it is farther than most places that Lynn traveled. I don't know if this place will be their engineering location, although Lin feels that they are not It will be easy to expose this location.

All in all, look at it and see what you can find.


It seems that the stop is over?

Lin suddenly noticed that the vagrant team began to move.

The first thing they move is to launch countless attacks on the pompoms.

These attacks are a lot of spiked **** that instantly surround the pompoms, but the pompons transfer themselves to another position at a faster rate...

Before they launched a second attack, the pompoms were first thrown out... colored slime. (To be continued.)

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