
In the dark space, a little sound appeared.

A white light suddenly flashed, illuminating the entire space.

Although the light is not bright, it is enough to see the whole space. This is a movie theater.

Under the flashing screen, the rows of red seats are not empty, but the seats that are full of these seats are strange things. They are wrapped around the gray silk thread, staring at the screen in front, like It is a statue in general.

The light on the screen quickly darkened, and it all went back to the darkness.

But after a few seconds, the light from the screen lit up again, illuminating the space again.

The ‘the statue’ on the red seat, all at this moment... stood up and looked all the way to the exit of the movie hall.

"...What are they doing?"

“It seems to be imitating a scene called ‘Terrorist Cinema’s Shocking Record.’”

"Yes? Why are they doing this kind of thing? But it was really...wonderful when it was lit up."

At the exit of the movie room, there is a machine standing, exactly, a mechanical virtual person called a scholar.

Recently, because of the investigation of the film, the scholar immediately put forward the request that it is coming to investigate here... In fact, it is thought of here to look at it.

This virtual world occupied by fungi.

Scholars did not fly from the void, but were sent directly to a more famous ‘film city’.

The fungus did not change the original structure of the virtual world, many buildings of the virtual people, and all kinds of things remained intact under the cover of the dust.

These include these things related to movies, and scholars feel that these movie cities may find some answers.

Why is the starry sky in the movie exactly the same as the starry sky in the dust world?

But now the scholar has not found the answer, but has seen some strange sights, such as the one that it sees now.

This movie theater is full of...the virtual people, but not the normal virtual people, but the infected virtual people. The whole body of these virtual people are surrounded by hyphae, and they do not know what they are inside.

However, as far as the scholars are aware, these infected people can perform normal movements, but the activities they are currently doing... seem to be not normal.

They seem to be imitating the content of a horror movie.

The ‘啪’ scholars found that the light was dark again. This situation lasted only a few seconds. When the light was on again, the infected people in the seat sat down again and turned back to look at the screen.

This feeling... is really weird. It is even more terrifying than watching a horror movie. Especially the scholars know that this group of imaginary people is not an actor, but a group of fungi-infected creatures. This seems to add more scholars' fear.

However, even if he was afraid, the scholar still had to act, thinking about it, he quietly acted and walked behind the last row of seats.

Looking at the virtual people sitting in the seats and wraping the whole body, the scholars feel that the fear in the emotions is constantly rising... If they suddenly turn around, it is simply...

But fortunately, these fungus imaginary people do not have any movements, they are indeed like statues.

"Hey! Why don't you move!"

Suddenly a loud voice sounded and scared the scholar a big jump. The source of this sound was the one on the shoulder... a small mechanical robber.

"What are you suddenly calling!" The scholar looked at the fungus, and they were still a little relieved.

"Of course it is a test." The robbers said: "Look at them will not come over and bite you."

"...I don't think this kind of test is needed." The scholars continued to move forward. Although they were shocked, the fungus was really not responding at all. They still maintained their original posture.

This allows scholars to walk safely behind them and come to the other end of the auditorium.

After walking out of the exit, scholars can see the dark and silent corridors, with sparse hyphae attached to the ground, posters of various movies on the walls on both sides, fungus does not destroy them, everything seems to be kept intact. .

Scholars continue to move forward in the channel.

"Look at them, is this their interest?"

Every time a theater is passed, the scholars will stop and look at the situation with the robbers. The scholars have discovered a very strange thing.

In each of the auditoriums, they are filled with infected people, and they are doing some strange movements. Some of them are surrounded by people, their mouths are filled with words, others are made of various postures, some like It is... wildlife, crawling around in the seat.

They are all imitating the scenes in a horror movie, but the movie screens here are not playing, and they are constantly flashing.

“Probably a recent hobby.” The robbers are so appreciative of this behavior of fungi.

"That interest is really weird..." The scholar said: "Forget it, anyway, just look for it while exploring it."

“What exactly are we looking for?” The robber said: “Do you know where to find the clues like the stars?”

"About this..." The scholar said: "I don't know how to find it. It is reasonable to find the relevant members of the film, but obviously it is unlikely to find them now."

"And here is the auditorium not the studio, we are here... yes, why are we here?"

Scholars suddenly discovered that it seemed to have entered the auditorium unconsciously after coming to the movie city of the virtual world, and did not go to the places where they might find clues.

"Forget it, go out first, then go to the place of photography." The scholar said: "The movie should be... I used to shoot in this movie city."

"What do you say? You dare to shoot a movie here? You don't know there is a problem with this place!"

A voice suddenly rang, and the scholar was shocked again. It noticed that it was from an adjacent auditorium.

I walked into the auditorium and saw that rows of fungus imaginary people sat neatly, while the movie screen was playing a movie.

They seem to suddenly decide to play the movie, not just the flashing screen. This movie is a horror movie, it seems nothing special, but it is suitable for the current environment.

The robbers said to the scholars: "They may feel that they are not good enough to imitate, so I want to take a look at it and learn."

"I think this may not be the reason..." The scholar said: "There are sounds in other auditoriums, it seems to have started playing... this is..."

When the scholars spoke, it found that... the fungus people who sat there suddenly suddenly moved. (To be continued.)

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