4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1518: Engineering debris

It seems that scholars have discovered something interesting, and it is said that the fungus in the virtual world is a strange move.

However, just looking at the movie doesn't seem like a strange move, let them slowly investigate.

Now, Lin is mainly concerned about this place.

This... is a continuous city.

It is built under the stars, built in front of Lynn, its width may be tens of thousands of kilometers, and its length... it seems that it still does not see the head.

Lin's pom-pom is floating in front of this huge and incomparable structure.

It looks like a land made of metal. This land extends all the way to the depths of the void, longer than any object that Lynd has ever seen, and on this land there are countless Buildings.

There are common buildings like buildings, and there are many architectural styles that Linde has never seen before, which are mixed together and covered in all locations on land.

Is this what the seroders have shaped... great works? Lin thinks this is really spectacular, but unfortunately... this is not a real sight.

This is just a record of the scene.

When Lin’s thoughts moved, the sight in front of her disappeared, and the floating dust powder was filled with Lin’s vision again.

It has returned to the world of dust and dust, but here is a special place in the world of dust and dust. If you look carefully at the dust powder here, you will find that they are all amber.

In fact, they are the recorders of Per Rock. These recorders are like this in life. They live in the form of tiny particles of the same size as dust particles.

But no matter what form they are, they can make a record of amber, and Lin just saw a piece of amber.

This amber contains the group... the scenery that the indigenous creatures have seen, as Lin knew before, indeed next to the dust world, there is a huge, carrying countless buildings. object.

This should be the site of the transpiration project. It is much bigger than the Midgart when it is said to be the size.

Although it is said that its shape is not the same as Lin’s thought before.

Buildings that don't know how many creatures are built, not only buildings, but also other things that creatures make, but there is no way to see them in the recorded images.

And this place... Lin thought before that it might have been moved to another void by the transpiration, and no longer stay here.

But it doesn't seem to be the case. It has not been removed by the vagrants, but... it has been removed by something else.

Amber here also records this content.

However, the recorder itself has not experienced this, but they have known the incident through a historical investigation of the creatures in the dust world, and then recorded it in amber.

This is... Lin can be called 'the disappearance of the project site'.

Thinking, Lin let the pompom touch a piece of amber around him, and put it into a small nucleus to analyze the content inside, and then turn this into a dreamlike scene, so Lin can observe them quite clearly.

In the vision of Lin, the previous one...the huge project appeared again.

Its concrete appearance is like a continent in the void, carrying countless buildings on it, it seems that the vagrants like it, this irregular land-shaped thing, rather than creating a spherical shape like a normal tumbling.

And this huge and incomparable land began to fall under Lin's gaze...disintegration.

Just as there is something tearing it, it falls off from the edge of the block and falls off a large piece of land with numerous buildings.

But after falling off for a few seconds, it began to shatter and become more and smaller pieces. Finally, it was constantly splitting, and together with the building on its body dissipated into invisible dust.

It seems that this great engineering site has encountered something... disaster.

Its fragmentation continues, and fragments of several hundred meters to several kilometers are continuously falling off at the edges, and then the pieces are further split and finally turned into powder.

This caused the entire land to fall apart little by little, and at this time, the transpirations were also seen.

A large number of tranpers appear around the land, and their species are composed of small pieces of combined metal and large rusted metals, which seem to want to remedy the cracked land.

The remedy they used was to fly to the cracked pieces. The pieces seemed to recombine under the control of the tranfers and returned to their original appearance. On the pieces, the buildings that have been turned into powders are also numerous. The accumulation of tiny debris...restores as ever.

Then, the transpirations push the reconstituted pieces to the edge of the land and reconnect them. Under the constant efforts of these transpires... this continent is equipped with great architectural engineering...

Still continually cracking.

When the transpiration pushes back a piece of debris, more pieces will break down from the mainland. Although the tranfer can fix it, it can't stop the root cause of the crack.

This is obviously not a crack caused by structural instability, but something is cracking them.

The transpires have no choice but to repair them, and then watch the continent continue to crack.

The first transpiration was repaired faster than the cracking rate, but the slower cracking rate increased faster and faster, and the transpiration was quickly repaired.

When the speed of the crack is completely above the repair speed... the transpiration seems to have given up the repair.

They chose to push those relatively intact pieces to the distance, and a large number of tranpers were attached to the pieces, just as if they were propellers, pushing the pieces to fly far away.

The pieces that were pushed away by them did not continue to crack, but the entire continent itself became more and more serious, and the buildings collapsed and shattered one after another.

In the end, this huge land has disappeared, and only a handful of debris has floated in the void.

At this time, the tranpers appeared again, and they pushed the pieces one by one away from the position until there was no one left.

At this point, there is no obstruction in the distant starry sky.

Some of the creatures in the world of dust and dust saw this strange... engineering cracking scene, and recorded it, circulating in the population.

Has the transpiration project been ruined? Lynn thinks it might be better to ask them the answer to this question. (To be continued.)

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