4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1519: Small indigenous

"This great project... has been seriously hurt."

"But the ruins of it still remain here."

A ball of fluff is floating in a place surrounded by countless dust and debris.

Most of the dust particles exude a faint glow, they surround the pom-pom, like a large firefly.

This pom-pom is now communicating with this group of creatures. These creatures look like small particles of light. Therefore, Lin calls them ‘lights.’

They seem to be the only indigenous creatures living in the dust world, with relatively high intelligence. They have lived here for a long time.

Although light ray is good at illuminating, they usually do not use light communication, but use some more complicated methods.

Now, the pompons are stretching their own fluff, and these tiny light flickers are attached to the fluff, and Lin can feel... Light flicker is putting many tiny substances on the fluff of Lin.

This is their specific way of communicating, communicating information through the transmission of particles of the same size as viruses.

This method is very complicated, and each particle has a different meaning. However, Lin has already learned about the specific communication methods of these light fires through the Persian recorders, and has been able to communicate with them.

Lin will let the cells on the pompon fluff put the particles they pass in the other direction and pass it back, in this way to 'talk'.

Lin actually went to the vagrants to communicate, but they did not respond to the information that Lynn sent them, so Lin still asked these indigenous creatures here.

Although the information transmitted by these light and fire is mixed and complicated, they are all expressed in the same meaning...

They are saying that they are also vagrants... admirers.

The transpirations used to be here...promoting their great works. At that time, the light and firefly here also ‘faithful’ to the transpiration.

However, they are not used by vagrants like the creatures of the Order, but they still live here, and record the great miracle project of the transpirations, and they have been circulating.

Even if they witnessed the destruction of this great miracle, they have never stopped faith in the vagrants until now...

Now, they told Lin that there are some great engineering buildings left in this dusty world. They can indicate that they can give directions to Lin, let Lin look at it.

Light and fire show very... passion, it seems that they want to show their faith in the vagrants, they think this is a very "proud" thing.

There have been some other creatures with higher intelligence here. Light and Firefly also promoted the belief of the transpiration people, but those creatures seem to be slowly extinct or disappeared, leaving only the light firefly still living in this dust powder. .

However, Lin is still not very clear about what kind of creatures are in the light, they seem to be a kind of 'unfixed personality.'

A single light firefly is incomprehensible, but when they are reunited to a certain size, they have intelligence and personality... But when the group is dispersed into two groups, they will each have two personalities.

Simply put, they can be grouped together to form a collective mindset, or they can be dispersed into multiple small groups to form a variety of different personalities.

This kind of creature is very interesting. Now the pompoms are carrying a light and firefly, which is like a glowing scorpion that slowly flies in the direction they are pointing.

I saw in the records that after the vagrants destroyed the whole land of the carrying project, they pushed the remaining pieces to the distance, and the light fire told Lin that the tranpers pushed some pieces to the dust. Powder world, so I can still see it now.

"It’s here, it’s here."

The light fluorescing attached to the pompon gave a large number of fine particles of pompon to express their thoughts. Lin's pompom also saw the front... a huge wall.

This wall is made of metal. It suddenly appears in front of the pom-poms after passing through a dust powder. Because there are dust particles around, there is no way to see how big it is.

But... Lin can see that it should be part of the project, a piece of debris, which should be a few hundred meters or a few kilometers.

Lin first examined its surface composition... This seems quite interesting. It is a mixed component. Although the surface is very similar to metal, this structure is very...good, no matter what it is.

Lin felt that the next time he made a warship, he could refer to the way the wall was constructed.

Speaking of it, it should be a large, island-like shape, thinking that the pompoms will fly up the wall.

Flying a distance of almost one kilometer, the pompoms flew to the top of the wall...

Sure enough, this is an island, at least shaped like an island. Now there is a vast expanse of land in the view of Lin, and there are all kinds of buildings on the ground.

I don't know why, this dust powder is particularly sparse, so I can see the general appearance of this island.

The buildings... look ordinary. They are all like square buildings. Each one is hundreds of meters high. It looks like metal. But they don't have windows and structures. They don't see the internal situation. .

“Have you studied here?” Lin asked about the light flicker on the pompoms, and they were also represented by small particles... In the long time, they have not entered the building here, just protection Good.

Their belief in the transpirations is really profound, but they also said that they did not mind entering the buildings with Lin.

However, they also show that they can't harm these buildings, because this is a great vagrant's... engineering relics, and sometime later, the tranpers need to take them back.

Therefore, this must be protected.

While communicating with them, the pompoms flew to the island and flew to a building...before the building.

Now, Lynn is wondering if this is a building, because it has no windows and no entrance. It seems that it is not the same thing as the common buildings in the individual creatures.

It's some strange metal creations, but it's better to call them the building.

The pompom flew to the foot of the front building, and knocked on the outer shell of the building... Lin felt that it was hollow, and...

'boom! ’

A big sound sounded up.

The thing that was called the building by Lin suddenly became like a missile. With a huge roar, it flew upwards and quickly disappeared into a large dust powder.

It seems that I just knocked it... Did it trigger the launcher? (To be continued.)

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