4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1529: Hidden place

"here is……"

Here is a bustling street...

On the streets, countless imaginary people come and go, and they are busy under the flash of advertising between the buildings.

Occasionally, several people turn around and look at a person who is standing on the street and has not moved.

This people's body reflected the luster of the metal, it did not join the busy ranks around, but looked at the surrounding environment with surprise.

"What is here...where?"

Scholar... It was not long before the '52 District' of the virtual space station, but it has now come to a special place, that is, this place.

Here, it looks like a bustling city of virtual people... a virtual city in the past.

Although the virtual people have built cities in the New World, it is not the case. At least there are not so many advertisements on the building. This place is like a city that once had a virtual world.

The people here still have a respirator on their faces, and everything is like...the scenery of the city that scholars have seen in the drifts.

"Where is this? I mean... here is" holding a lot of doubts, the scholar asked a passing person next to him.

"..." This citizen did not answer, but after seeing the scholar, he hurried past, as if he did not want to contact scholars.

"What the **** is going on? Right, is it going to be here?" The scholar thought of the disappearance of the previous robber, and the robbers may have come to this place like it.

“Are you here?” The scholar tried to talk to the buzzer with the communicator, and also opened the detector inside the head.

It found that the robbers were somewhere ten kilometers away, but the robbers did not answer it.

"It’s weird, forget it, look at it in the past."

The scholar looked at the position of the probe and acted quickly. Under the strange eyes of the surrounding people, it quickly approached the position of the robber.

"What is it? Machine people? I don't know, maybe wearing armor..."

Scholars have walked all the way, and its auditory system can receive whispers from some people next to it. Most of these people are... doubt whether the scholar is a robot, or whether it is a soldier wearing armor or something. Too big a problem.

On the contrary, the more the scholars listen to the more doubts, what is the place here? The sky here looks black, and the street is completely illuminated by the light of advertising.

The gravity here is also the same as the virtual world. The air...the air is a bit strange.

This air is not as dusty as the virtual world, but it is mixed with a toxic substance. It seems that for this reason, they only have a respirator.

As for the environment here, it is indeed like the original virtual city... all kinds of advertisements include food to transportation, but the more normal here, the more strange the scholars think.

Soon, the scholars reached the location of the location of the robbers, a restaurant called ‘flare restaurant’.

When the scholar just walked to the restaurant, he saw the situation inside the window and saw the goal it was looking for...

"You don't have a fissile omelet here? So few foods dare to open a restaurant? Call your boss! Why don't you stay there? Hurry up and move idiots!"

In the restaurant, the robbers are standing on a table, its squeaking makes the whole restaurant slightly vibrate, and other guests in the restaurant are far away from it, there are several people. It seems that because I can't stand it, I have to pay off before I finish eating it.

As for the waiters in the restaurant, they all hid under the tables and chairs, and they looked at them with a very painful look.

"What the **** is this..." The scholar was lying outside and didn't know how to be good.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the scholar heard a sound from the side, and saw a vehicle with the ‘Wildlife Control’ stopped at the restaurant. Two black-clad people ran down the car.

"We have arrived at the restaurant and are now preparing to arrest..."

They held a large pair of pliers, and one took a large net and quickly walked over to the restaurant door.

"You! Is it for the omelette?"

In the moment when the restaurant door was opened, an explosion of screams made the two people almost shocked on the ground, and even all the people on the street looked at it.

However, the two arresters seemed to be very dedicated. They climbed against the explosive sound and quickly picked up the net and covered it against the robbers.

However, it covers an empty space.

The robbers jumped from the vertical, jumped on the head of the virtual people who caught it, and then jumped to the ground again and ran outside the restaurant.

"Ah, you have come to this place too." The robbers quickly climbed down the scholar's foot to the shoulder of the scholar: "How come you come here?"

"I want to ask you, I..." The scholar stopped before he finished, because it saw the two people who captured ‘wild animals’ looking at it with amazement in front of it.

“Who are you...” asked a citizen to the scholar, and then he pointed to the roaring worm: “What animal is this?”

"Forget it, let's leave and talk about it first." The scholar said that he turned and ran. The two people shouted ‘wait! ‘, but it was quickly disappeared by scholars.

"It seems quite simple." The scholar ran into a dark alley, and then asked the robbers: "Can you explain, what is going on here?"

"Because your omelet is delicious, it's hard to come to this place, I want to have a look." The robbers said.

"You can eat this way... No, I mean..." The scholar said: "Where is this here? Why is this past city?"

The robbers said: "This is a hidden place."

The scholar questioned: "Hidden place? What does that mean? Can you make it clear?"

"That's a little clearer, you have to be honored." The robbers then told the scholar... there was something about this ‘hidden’.


"You...there is a lot of engineering sites for tranfers, and there is one in the virtual world. Is this place one of the engineering sites?" The scholar said with surprise: "But I never knew..."

"This project site has never been shown, and it has not caused any impact on the virtual people... but it is not totally unaffected. The big prophet should be a people who have been affected." The robbers said: "The people here It was also affected." (To be continued.)

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